119 – Big Mistakes, Laziness, Positive Energy, and Much More

This is the show where I help you live stronger, longer, thinner, healthier, and happier. I have an action packed and information packed show for you today. I am back from Japan still trying to recover from jet lag. It is about a 12 hour trip from Tokyo to Dulles which is outside of DC. On the way back it usually takes me several weeks for my body to adjust. I am not sure why it affects me so much more in this direction than going to Japan. It’s really weird. I go through spells where I am really tired and I get to the point where I almost fall asleep at the wheel so I have to be very careful. But I am back here on U.S. soil. and Yoko is coming back tomorrow. Which by the way, any of you have been asking where she is and how she’s doing so we are going to get her on an episode really soon. I promise you we’ll do that for sure.

I have a great topic for you today. I am going to share with you the best mistake you are most likely making in your life. There is a very very good chance that you are making this mistake right now. I am going to share with you and tell you how to overcome this.

But first, I want to discuss with you a few tiny subjects. Some of you have asked me how I decide what I discuss on an episode. Is it scripted? And the short answer to that is that when I first started doing my podcast a little over two years ago, it was highly scripted and I knew exactly what I was going to say. As we morphed into different things here, I kinda know what I am going to talk about during the episode but what you’re hearing me say is totally not scripted. It’s pretty much as if I was sitting on a sofa somewhere and we were just talking as friends. My message comes from my heart. I am sharing intimate things with you that are part of my life.

Positive Energy

What I would like to share with you now is the power of a tribe. What I mean by that is that I have developed this really cool following. Over the past several weeks I have shared a lot about my Dad being in the hospital and now he’s in rehab. I was leaving for Japan and he was upset that I wouldn’t be able to visit him for about 2 1/2 weeks. I share a lot of things from my personal life with you and from that I have been getting a tremendous amount of positive energy back. One of my friends, Linda, heard my message that I was I was going to be away for over two weeks and she actually reached out to me over Facebook private message and asked me if I thought my Dad would like a visitor.When I heard that I was in a ball. I couldn’t believe that one of my friends and listener of the podcast would offer to visit my Dad while I was in Japan. That was just incredible. If you are listening, Linda Thank You so much for not only going one time but going twice and having a really cool meaningful conversation with him. You will never know how much that meant to me. Thank you for being a part of this thing. You are in my tribe 🙂

We are growing every day. Last week for the episode we did, we just had the largest number of listens and downloads we have had in a really long time so this thing is really getting huge. My visibility on Periscope is really helping people connect with me even better.


One more quick thing before I get into today’s topic. I have felt really lazy over the past few days. A lot of it has to do with jet lag. You know, I get a lot of these questions from you and other people; do I need to exercise every day? Do I need to go to the gym everyday? Let me tell you something. I am human just like you are and I go through periods where I just feel that my body is trying to tell me something. Maybe my body is trying to say slow down Dave, relax, you don’t have to workout every single day. I go through these periods that, for lack of a better term, I just feel lazy. Maybe is has something to do with the jet lag but maybe not. The answer I am going to give to you is to listen to your body. If you wake up and you just feel like your body is sending you the message that you don’t feel like doing anything that day, then listen to your body. Now, if your body tells you this every day, you might have a problem 🙂 I give you permission to be lazy sometimes. I am! Just don’t make it into a habit.

Big Mistakes

Now, let’s get back to our main topics. The #1 biggest mistake that you may be making in your life is not living your life exactly the way you want to live it. Even though you think you are, to some degree you are conforming to what others want you to do. Maybe you are conforming to some type of job or work that you think is the right thing to do even though but you don’t like it. Or maybe you are in a relationship that, in your heart is just not going to be working out forever and for some reason you just keep it going. They are afraid to get out because they are afraid of what may be on the other side.

Don’t care what other people think. I have found that living my life the way that I want to live it works the best for me. Not the way other people think I should do it. Maybe it doesn’t work for you. Maybe you’re the type that just wants to live your life and not create any waves and just go along and have everybody like you and everybody think that everything is right with you. But inside maybe it’s not. I hope you have enough confidence in yourself. I do not want to see you make this mistake. I don’t want you to be in this situation. Does it take guts sometimes to change? Absolutely! It takes a lot of confidence and reflection. I meditate every single day even if time permits only five minutes of meditation. I’ll sit down, clear my mind, and breathe in and out. I have shown that it really works. I don’t know how exactly. There were times in my life that I was not a confident person. I really cared about what others thought of me. That was not the way to live. The difference between my life now and then is amazing. I don’t think I am ever in a bad mood. Do I ever get sad about something or have a feeling that something is not right? Sure I do! Sometimes it’s complex and you don’t even know where those feelings come from. But on a daily basis, I feel really good about my life and where I am in my life and what I am doing every day. I feel great about it and it’s because I put a lot of hard work into this. I have soul searched and I have learned to love myself. No I am not a narcissist, but I do love myself and I think you should love yourself as well. I truly hope you are listening to this very carefully. I want you to live your life to its absolute fullest. Be totally happy from within about who you are. The most important thing is the life you live on a daily basis and who you surround yourself with. Think about this. If you are making the biggest mistake of your life, what good is everything else? I think I have given you a lot to think about today.

Have a great week! Talk to you soon!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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118 – Injuries, Family, Speaking and Much More

Welcome back to the David Madow Lifestyle Show. This is episode #118. And just in case you did not know this there was never an episode 115. It just did not exist. It’s kind of a long story, so I won’t get into it but if you are looking for episode #115 it was never recorded. And it will never be recorded so we’ll just leave it at that.


I am here in Japan finishing up a 2 1/2 week trip. It’s been awesome! I spent a lot of time with my wife, Yoko, my son, Evan and his brand new wife, Keria. Oh my god, it has been wonderful. We just finished five straight days in skiing in Niseko, Japan. It’s the same latitude as North Korea and parts of Russia. What happens is that the cold air comes in from Russia and goes over the water and picks up a lot of moisture. It blows snow basically 24/7 over the island of Hokkaido, Japan. Particularly in the mountain where we are, it is some of the best skiing I’ve ever done. It’s just amazing! If you’re a skier and you ever get the chance to come here, I would highly recommend it. My son is 30 and his wife is just a few years younger than he is. You know, to have your 30 year old child come with you and say they are going to take 2 1/2 weeks out of their life and come on a trip with their Dad and Stepmom is an amazing thing. I was able to spend good quality time with my son doing the things we like to do. Relax, eat good food, skii, talk about anything we want to talk about, it’s just an amazing thing. I am so appreciative that I am able to do this sort of thing. If you have children or loved ones, spend time with them. Make sure you mark time off of your calendar and spend good quality time with loved ones. I think it’s more important than anything in life. You can have all the money in the world but if you’re not spending quality time with the people who are really important to you in your life, what good is the money? What good are material things?

So this is my little pointer for today: Spend quality time with the people that you love!


I’ve got some great news I want to run by you. It just came through by email yesterday actually. And it’s really exciting for me. I was offered a speaking gig at the Vegetarian Summerfest this coming summer in Pennsylvania. The Vegetarian Summerfest, in case you’re not familiar with that, is perhaps the largest VegFest in North America, I believe. It’s possible that it might be the largest in the world, I’m not sure of that. It’s July 6th-10th and runs for five days. It’s five full days of speakers, exhibitors, entertainment, learning, camaraderie with other vegetarians and vegans. It’s just an amazing event. And I am so humbled to have been invited to speak there. Not only am I speaking there but it looks like there is a very good chance that I am going to be performing my song Vegan on A Jet Plane too. As well as maybe leading a group people in a three mile run. An inspirational and motivational slow run just to kind of talk and teach people how I do things. I am so so excited about this! If you are anywhere in the area, or maybe even not in the area, and you want to take a break this summer, I am going to suggest that you find out a little bit more about the Vegetarian Summerfest. I don’t think the information is out yet on their website but I am sure it will be updated and I can get you more information when I have it. I am really excited to be a part of this. It’s the first time there speaking for me. And I’ll tell you something else about this. It’s kind of a lesson for you. I applied to speak there last year and honestly I was turned down. They told me they just didn’t have room for me. And I took that as kind of, well, I was disappointed to say the least. I thought maybe I wasn’t good enough for them, maybe my topic wasn’t interesting enough. I’m not sure what it was. In any event, it would have been very easy for me to quit and say “well you know, I tried it and it didn’t really work out. I’m not going to be speaking there ever.” But instead I tried it again. I didn’t give up. I persisted and I got the email yesterday not only saying that they want me to speak but they want me to do all these other things there. My point is, don’t quit if there’s something that you really want to do. Never give up goals! They really work. They’ve worked for me for years. I write things down. I read them every single day. If I have a goal or a dream that I really want to do, I read it every single day. And guess what? Almost all of them come true. It’s the beginning of 2016 and I am still a firm believer that I want to see you have the best 2016 ever! Your best year ever! I believe you can do it.

I think I told you this before but I started playing guitar was I was in high school. I kind sucked and people told me I wasn’t good. I just didn’t have the confidence. And so the easiest thing to do was to give it up and so I gave it up. I didn’t play it for a long time. If I would have just kept playing for 40-50 years, I’d be pretty darn good right now. But I gave it up. But hey it picked it back up a few months ago. I played a song at my son’s wedding and now I am writing a vegan parody song. It’s good now but I would rather have not quit when I was a teenager.

If there is anything that you’re doing that you want to do and it just seems like it’s not working out for you, I’m telling you, don’t quit! Don’t let anybody get you down. Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t do something. I have total confidence in YOU. I know you can do it. Don’t listen to the naysayers.

Pick one or two things that you want to do this year. Write them down. Read them every single day. I am telling you that you will be able to do them.


I want to share something with you; it has to do with skiing. But even if you are not a skier, just hang in there.  I think you are going to like this story. So we are out here skiing on the first day. I had rented my skis because it was too much to carry from the states. So I put on the skis and boots and went out and started skiing. My son is a very good skier, he is very advanced. Yoko is definitely a very good skier. And sometimes I feel like I can keep up with them. I’d say they are better than I am, but I am pretty darn good. Sometimes I feel like I need to warm up a little bit but they just get out on the slopes and head right to the most difficult things. I think that was a big mistake my first day skiing here. We got off the first lift and instead of warming up and getting the feel of the skis and the feel of the powder and the mountain here, they just started skiing through trees and deep powder. That is fine if I am warmed up but I wasn’t warmed up. And in the first 15 minutes of skiing, I took a fall. It wasn’t just a little fall. It was a fall that really really hurt. I was screaming. I was just screaming my guts out. And luckily Yoko was still fairly close to me so that she came back and could help me out. My skiis stayed on which turned out to be not a good thing because had the bindings released and the skis come off, it would have been much better but my skis stayed on which means that they were not really adjusted properly, they were a little too tight. So my knee had nowhere to go but twist. Ouch! Oh my god, it hurt so bad I was screaming. It was horrible. I was in a tremendous amount of pain buried in deep powder. It was crazy. So Yoko came and helped me up. I was in agony. Luckily there was a place I could ski to very gently. It was a small lodge up on the mountain that had food and chairs so I could sit down. I was in so much pain that I knew I was not going to be able to ski the rest of the time we were there. It was disheartening to say the least. I paid for five days worth of lift tickets and ski rentals. Not only that but I was in excruciating pain.  So I am thinking to myself, how am I going to get down this mountain? I am about midway and didn’t know how I was going to get down. We sat there and had some lunch. So I am thinking to myself, that I am going to take the easiest way down and see what happens. Luckily, it was ok. I was able to ski down without a whole lot of pain. I made it down to the bottom. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to ski the rest of the time I was there. I normally hate to take pain meds and I began taking pain medicine but I just felt like I had to take some advil. I felt better with that. I went into a Japanese hot bath and that seemed to help a bit. But I was prepared not to ski the rest of the time I was here. The next morning when I woke up I decided I was going to give it a try. I was pain but not a lot. Yoko suggested that we stop at a pharmacy and get a knee brace which is basically an elastic that goes around the knee to help hold my knee together 🙂 So I put it on and started skiing the second day. And let me tell you, I didn’t feel horrible. I was able to ski some fairly easy slopes and the easy slopes turned into intermediate. And I even got to some advanced slopes later in the day. The point is this thing that I thought was a really serious injury started healing up fairly quickly. The third day we were out the skiing and skiing some Black Diamond courses as well. Same thing with day four, we are up on some mountains skiing in deep powder. And on day five, which is today, we were skiing some tough stuff. They took me on probably the toughest area of the mountain. I didn’t realize it at first but when I finished I looked at the trail map and realized that it was a really tough area. And I finished the five days injury free. As it turns out my injury went from excruciating pain to something that was not that bad at all within 24-48 hours. I could be totally wrong but I attribute this fast healing to eating plant based foods. They said food is medicine. When you eat really healthy stuff it goes right to the cells and it gives them all the nutrients they need to heal and be strong. I believe it’s the lack of animal meat in my diet that keeps me strong. I don’t know how much slower the healing would have been had I been a meat eater.

I have another example for you. There is a guy I know that comes to our plant based meetups. He is an elderly man but seems to be in great shape. He’s a bike rider. About six years ago, he was out riding his bike on the road and he gets hit by a truck. He was basically run over by the truck. He was injured so badly that he was sent to shock trauma. Who knows if I could have endured what he did. He ended up losing a leg from this injury. But the docs in the hospital said that they were amazed at how fast this elderly man healed. They said they had never seen anything like it. Again, he attributes it to his incredible plant based diet. When you are putting the proper nutrients into the body great things happen.

Just do it!

I am going to leave you with this today, if you have ever thought about going plant based. I urge you to seriously give it a try. What do you have to lose? Try it for one month – just thirty days. Eliminate animal products from your diet. That’s all you have to do. Eliminate processed foods, sugars, and only eat things that grow from the ground. Try it out. I am telling you, you are going to look and feel better than you have before. I have been doing this for going on two years and there is no turning back.

I am going to be coming out with a book some time this summer. I am working on it with a very good friend of mine, Lynda. This book will help people that aren’t exactly sure how to do this vegan thing. It will tell you how to do it, what to eat, and how to live their lives. Our goal is to help people. That’s the bottom line. Look out for more information sometime early summer.

You are not alone. We are doing it together. I am here to help you and teach you!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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117 – Thoughts

This is the show where I help YOU live longer, stronger, happier, healthier, and thinner. Let’s do it! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.

I have been traveling and so I wanted to take some time and reflect on a few of my thoughts today in this episode. I am outside actually, like I have been in the past few episodes. I am going to Japan in a few days and so I dropped of my car to be fixed while I am away. It is a fairly long walk home. People ask me if they can pick me up and drive me home. But I always say no even though it’s winter. I just like to be outside and do my thing.

On this walk, I passed by a Royal Farms store. And for some reason, I really wanted a coffee although I rarely drink coffee. I just really wanted a plain cup of coffee. So I went in. I was about third in line and the cashier was having problems ringing up the lady in front of me. So I am waiting there patiently, but was wondering what was going on?! I was thinking it was really getting ridiculous. The guy in front of me was really nice. He was buying a bunch of stuff and was pretty much like “Hey, you know, it’s Christmas (I recorded this on Christmas day) and we should have some patience for her.” And he was totally right. So anyway, she finally finished ringing up the lady, and it got to me. And so she asked me if all that was it for me. So I replied, yes that was all for today and she said the coffee was on her. She said that I had waited in line so patiently and since it was Christmas she wanted me to take the coffee. I told her that was really kind of her. It reminded me that there are some really good people in the world. You never know what someone is going through. She was under pressure because there was some kind of transaction that she did not know how to do. And she just remained calm and apologized to everybody for taking so long. And you know there are some really kind people in the world. Instead of us getting anxious and upset and yelling, let’s just calm down and give people a break. Whoever it may be. Let’s just give them a break because you just never know what they’re feeling and most people are kind.

I am leaving for Japan in less than 24 hours from now. When you are listening to this, I will be on a plane or in Japan depending on when you listen to this. I am looking forward to a little more than two weeks spending time in Japan with my wife, Yoko, and my son, Evan and his new wife, Keria. It’s been on the calendar for almost two years now. It’s a combination of sightseeing, skiing, and having fun. In northern Japan, the island is Okido, you can’t even imagine how good the skiing is. And I am so excited to have my son Evan experience this. I just can’t wait to see the look on his face.

A little bit of a dilemma though. If you have been watching or listening to me, you know that my Dad has been ill. He is in a rehab facility now. He is still not out of the woods. He’s still not doing great at all and it could go bad at any time. I am just not surprise. I am praying and hoping for the best. And by the way, I really appreciate all of the messages and prayers and thoughts. It was so great. But yesterday when I was there visiting him, he was doing ok but as I was leaving he said to me, “Dave, Are you still going to Japan?”. I said yes dad, I will be leaving for Japan in a few days. I could tell that he was not really happy about that. He said, “You’re really going to Japan when I’m here?” I felt really bad. But on the other hand as much as I don’t want to leave him, this trip has been booked for four people, paid for, put on the calendar, and this was a very special post wedding gift that Yoko and I gave to Evan and Keria. So I am not planning to change that. I do feel bad that he wants me there but he will have my two brothers with him as well. But it’s a very difficult decision. Do you cancel everything you are doing so you can sit and visit with them? Life also has to go on. It’s a little bit of a tough situation.

I never put myself out there as the person who has the  perfect life but some people perceive it that way. I would never imply that because I am a human being just like you and things happen to me too. Of course I motivate, I inspire, and I love teaching and helping but I go through things myself in my life. And this is one right now. My Dad is getting older, he is in a rehab facility, and no one knows how long he’s going to be around. No one knows how long anyone is going to be around. Life is definitely unpredictable. And life does have to go on.

I am super excited to be going. I am going to be leaving tomorrow. Everyday I will be doing a live “scope” so if you are not following me on Periscope please make sure you download that app. Follow me and make sure notifications are on. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

How about you? Did you have a good year? Did you accomplish what you wanted to this year or did another year just go by? I hope it’s not the latter. I hope you made some good progress with goals. I hope you have goals because time goes by whether you have goals or not. There are probably things you want to see happen in your life no matter how old you may be. The only way to make these happen is to really know what you want. I hope 2015 has been a year you have been listening to me, and coming up with ideas, and setting some goals. We can see them through together. I really do believe that you can do anything you want in life.

I’m getting there too! I have got some really cool things coming up that I am very excited about. I am teaming up with Lynda Layng to write a book. We met a couple years ago at a Veg Fest in New York. She is extremely knowledgeable about plant based eating. She is a writer, a food photographer, and she designs vegan recipes. I feel it’s a great team. We’re both going to be doing some of the writing and Lynda will be doing the photography. The working title is currently “Vegan in Seven Days”. It is basically seven steps to going Vegan. The title might change to “Vegan in Ten Days” just because we have so much to talk about. It will be a very simple handbook that anyone can pick up and it has all the information right there at your fingertips. This will be everything you need to know in a simple concise format. We are planning on a summer 2016 launch. This is probably one of the most exciting projects I’ve had in years. I know there is a need out there. I don’t care if it’s a money maker or not. Lynda and I both want to educate and really help change the world. It’s to help people all over the planet.

I just want to say that I truly value you as a listener and as a friend. And if you are a listener, you are a friend. We have some great things planner for 2016. Stick with me please! You are not alone anymore!

Any suggestions for topics for 2016, send me an email or a private message. You know how to reach me 🙂

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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116 – Let’s Start the New Year Right

This is episode 116. And its coincidence because this is the first episode of the year 2016. It’s weird how things work out like that sometimes isn’t it? I want to wish you a Happy New Year if I haven’t wished you one yet. May 2016 be the best year of your life EVER!  And we are going to help you do it! 

Let’s get back to some basics and let’s talk about some things that hopefully you’re in line with and hopefully you are doing. I talked a little bit last episode about goals and I want to make sure since the year has already started that you have thought about what you want to accomplish this year and beyond, you have written them down, and you are reading them every single day. This is perhaps the most powerful thing you can do to live the life you want to live. If you don’t do this, you will still live, but time will slip by and there is a very good chance you will not be accomplishing exactly what you want to accomplish.

As I am recording this right now, I am ready to leave for Japan. And I am thinking about my father who has been in the hospital and rehab facility. And as of yesterday he is doing much better. But when I think back to my father’s life, for as long as I can remember he has just been one that said he was going to change or do this and that. Bottom line is he just never got around to doing a lot of the things he wanted to do in his life. He is still living and hopefully has got some good years left. Hopefully he can make some changes. But I don’t want this to be you. I want you to really sit down and just think about what you want to accomplish. And not only that but what do you want to see happen in your life this year? Do you want to travel somewhere? Do you want to spend more time with somebody that you love? Do you want to start a side business venture that you have been thinking about? I urge you! If you have something that you want to do right now, I urge you to please try to do it. I want to see you live your best life.

Why wouldn’t you do it? Is it some type of fear? Like inherent fear that is just causing you to stay where you are because it’s a known entity and you have a fear of the unknown. I don’t know but I feel that this is the year! This is your year! I am going to bug you! I am going to make you do this because I have taken many steps like this.

I sold my dental practice because I started another business that I absolutely just loved and I wanted to see it get really big. And I knew the only way that I could see this thing get really big was to concentrate all of my efforts on it. If I did it half way, I felt nothing would ever happen. So I just sold my dental practice and I concentrated 100% of my time and energy and effort on this business. And oh my God, it grew like crazy! I took a leap of faith. I can’t tell you how many people told me it was a bad idea. I had 13 good years practicing dentistry but I moved on because I did not feel that was what I wanted to be doing with the rest of my life. I needed to let go out that to move on to something bigger and better.

How about you? What is it that you really want to do? I know there is something in there. I can just feel it. I know there is something that you have been thinking about that you really want to do.

I think in our parent’s situation, everybody just kind of stayed put and it was safe or maybe it was looked down upon if you made a drastic move, if it was a marriage or job or relocating. These days the same is not true. You can work virtually now from anywhere. If you have a computer, phone, and internet connection you can work virtually from anywhere. There is nothing stopping us!

I feel there is something different you want to be doing. I am just feeling this energy that there is something that you want to differently. Let’s make 2016 the year that you start fresh and do what you want to do. I’m doing it!

I try to start fresh every year really every day. I had a lot of things that came down in 2015. Most of them good actually. If you know me personally, you know that I had a crazy financial commitment that was out of my hands totally. It has been a goal for years to work this thing out. Well in 2015, a lot of things came together both good and bad to allow me to take care of this thing and it’s behind me now. And it’s just one of those things where it’s made my life so much better putting this behind me. It opened my life up and I see life in a different way. And the reason is it’s been a goal and I didn’t give up. It worked out and I feel fantastic!

I can help you! There is something that you want to do. I feel it and I want this to be the year that you do it. If there is anything I can do for you, I’d be happy to do that. Even if it’s just supporting you through my positive energy. I can help you through this podcast and through Periscope, where I do a motivational broadcast every single morning.

I am thinking about you right now as I record this. I know that I am resonating with you. Let’s make this our best year ever! I am going to be helping people with my new book that is coming out with my friend Linda Lang. It’s coming out in the middle of 2016.

There are a lot of great things going on. I know the world seems crazy and tough but if you take a step back (and turn off the news), there is a lot of good out there as well.

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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114 – The Reason I Went Vegan – A New Book – Vaping

This is the show where we help you live stronger, thinner, healthier, and happier. If you haven’t noticed there is some background noise. And that’s because I am in the coolest city in the world…New York City! I am in Manhattan walking down the street. And I have a lot to share with you today!…

Very quickly, I would like to touch on a topic. I passed by a few people on the street that are vaping. Maybe it’s not you but then pass this along to someone it may possibly help. As much as they would like you to believe it is, vaping is not healthy. There is nothing healthy about it. In some vape stores, they have things like juice bars which  make it look like a health center. They want to make it look like vaping is a healthy thing. I want to make sure you understand that it is very unhealthy. It can cause cancer. You have a much higher chance of getting certain types of severe lung cancer from vaping. If you, or someone you know, vapes please share this with them. Ask them to do the research. I have known a few people that died from lung cancer, and it is a very painful and terrible way to go. If you can prevent it in some way but not smoking, vaping, or being around toxic chemicals, I urge you to do that.

And I wanted to give everyone a little update on my Dad. I really appreciate that so many of you have been reaching out on Facebook asking how my Dad is doing. He did definitely have a stroke. He did not lose any cognitive function but he will need to go through some physical therapy to help to get him walking again. They are pretty positive he will be ok but let’s pray and hope for the best. My Dad is 86 and none of us are getting any younger and I pray that he has some good years left and more love to share. So please keep up the positive energy!

I also wanted to talk to you about something really exciting. I had an idea a short time ago to come up with a book. I am not going to go into too much detail right now but it is a book that will help many people. One of my meetings in New York was with a friend and follower of mine. She and I are going to collaborate on this project. Let’s just say that this will be a book, that I am pretty sure you will want to get your hands on. It’s too early to say anything else just because it’s in it’s early stages and we are still conceptualizing the whole thing. Our plan is to have this ready by mid 2016, late spring or early summer. You’ll be hearing more and more about it as we start developing this and the writing takes place. This is not a money making venture necessarily. I am not wealthy although I am comfortable but I don’t need that much to live on. I don’t wear expensive jewelry or spend a fortune on clothes. I am intrinsically happy. I am happy walking the streets of New York City. I don’t even need a cab. This is the stuff that makes me happy. It could be backpacking the Grand Canyon or skiing down a mountain. These are the kind of things that make me happy. So with that said, of course we would like some income from this project but that is not why I am doing it. It is more important for both of us to teach, to help, to inspire, and to honestly change the world. A long time ago in my previous marriage, it was all about more material things, and making more money, and looking good to everybody else and wearing the right clothes and jewelry. That phase of my life is gone. I am much more spiritual now and enjoying health and happiness, teaching and helping other people. That is so much more valuable.

One of the most common questions I get asked is “Dave, why did you become vegan?” I will give everyone the concise answer today. I like to think that for a long time, I have been eating “healthy”.  My wife, Yoko, and I have a very good friend who is vegan and so I knew for sure that based on my readings that it was healthier to eliminate animal products from my diet. But that wasn’t enough to say I am never going to eat an egg or a steak again. Because honestly I really did like it and I thought it was healthy. Of course like everyone else, I thought I needed it. Then Yoko and I happened to watch a really compelling video. It was a speech given by Gary Yourofsky and the title of his speech is something like “The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear”. After watching this speech, he opened my eyes up to so many things about the animals. How they are bred and brought into this world. They suffer horribly on these factory farms. And even on the free range farms that people think are great. My eyes were opened to the total horrible life of an animal that is bred just so we can eat it. And the best day of its life is when it goes on the truck to the slaughterhouse. That’s the best day although no one would say that’s a good day if you are on a truck waiting to be slaughtered. So after watching this, reading, and listening to a few podcasts, Yoko and I decided that we were never going to be responsible for another animal dying on our watch. Because if we switch to plant based eating, not only we will be much healthier but we will not be participating in the horrible animal suffering that is out there. If you are eating animals and animal products (including eggs and dairy), you don’t need it. Try it for 30 days and go have your physical. You will see how much better your health is once you take the animal products out of your life. Trust me, it will work! I don’t want to see you on any medication. I want to see you live a good long vibrant life. So that is the main reason. It was for the animals. I have also learned a third reason (I suggest you watch the movie Cowspiracy). And that is that the animal agriculture industry is killing the planet. There is not enough land on this planet to grow all the crops to feed all of the animals that we are eating. And so we are cutting down rainforests to grow crops. It is not sustainable. I am not sure how long the planet Earth is going to be around as we know it if we keep this up. It may not be in my lifetime or your lifetime but its going to be a disaster. If YOU decides to go plant based just from this podcast, then I have done my job 🙂 I am changing the world one person at a time.

When I first started this, people would tell me that I can’t change the world. And how dare I post things on Facebook and think that people are going to read it and listen to it. Well guess what? I know I can estimate roughly how many people have gone plant based because of my (and other’s) teachings. And I know how many animals have been saved – both land animals and marine animals. And it feels pretty darn good! I don’t get paid to do this. It is something I do and I am passionate about it. I am changing the world one person at a time – and it is YOU!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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113 – Surprising Words From a Hospital Bed

Welcome to the David Madow Lifestyle Show. This is the show where I teach you how to live stronger, thinner, healthier, happier, and more. I am a little out of breath and the reason I am a little bit out of breath is that I am hiking at Oregon Ridge Park, which is a really cool park about 15-20 minutes from my home. They have a pretty extensive trail system that is very nice and I am on the red trail. I am feeling great out here and I am going to explain exactly why I am recording the show live today at the park on the red trail.

By the way, this is the same park where I took a fall on Thanksgiving Day. I was out here and I think I started my run just a little bit too early. I didn’t get used to the surface and the leaves were wet. There were a lot of obstacles and things underneath the leaves. I caught my foot on a branch or stump and went down on my face. I hurt my knee, my leg, and my wrist. But there was nothing else to do, than to get up, recover from the fall, and finish my hike. And that is what I did. It hurt for another day or so, but guess what? I got over it. Thank goodness I am fine and I am here doing it all over again.

If you are a regular listener of my show, The David Madow Lifestyle Show, two episodes ago on episode #111, I interviewed my Dad for the first time since I started the podcast. I had my Dad as a guest and we talked about life, we talked about health, we talked about regrets, and things that maybe he thought he should do but he didn’t do yet. And I told him there’s still time. There’s no guarantees that anything works but there is always time to change your ways. He admitted on the show that he hasn’t been living the healthiest lifestyle in the world. And, well, none of us live the healthiest lifestyle in the world. There’s only one person on the planet that is living the  healthiest lifestyle. We do the best we can but some are better than others.

So the reason I am talking about this today, is that I just came from the hospital at Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC). I was visiting my Dad who unfortunately had a pretty bad fall the other day at home. And Mom had to call 911 and get the ambulance out there. They got him to the hospital, and after being transferred to GBMC, he was admitted. After tests, the doctors believe he may have had a mini stroke. We don’t know for sure as of this recording but there is a possibility that he had a mini stroke.

Anyhow, I was visiting my Dad today a short time before I came to the trail today. And I knew I would be recording today’s show on the trail. Dad is laying in bed but is totally able to talk and is completely with it. He just is numb in some areas and can’t really stand up or walk too well. I was the only one in there visiting at the time and he keeps saying to me something like, “Dave, I just can’t believe this. I just can’t believe this!” And so I say to him “Dad, what do you mean? You can’t believe what?” He then says “I just can’t believe I have done this to myself.” So I asked him to explain. His response was “The way that I have lived my life, up until now, I haven’t done a lot of things right.” He explained that a friend of his was in the other day. This friend is a little bit younger than him but still an elderly man. And this friend was actually giving him a hard time because my Dad doesn’t live his life right. He doesn’t exercise and he doesn’t eat well. And so his friend, Marty, was giving him a hard time. Now I wasn’t there at the time but my Dad said that Marty kept telling him that he can’t believe this and he was very upset with my Dad. So I said,“Dad, when Marty was telling you this, how did it make you feel? Did it upset you?” He said, “No, he’s right. He’s totally right.” So I said “Wow that’s interesting.”And I asked him to expand a little bit. I said,“Dad, what do you think you have been doing wrong? What would you change? If you could go back forty years, what would you change?” I did not prompt him or give him clues or anything but the first thing to come out of his mouth was, “I’d be vegan!” I said, “Really, you would be vegan?” He said “Yeah”. So I said, “Why? Why would you be vegan?” His response was “Because I know it’s healthy.” When I heard my Dad say that I thought to myself. Wow! My lifestyle has not gone unnoticed by many, including my Dad. Now, my Dad has not chosen to do it. As a matter of fact, I have spoken on the show many time about it. So I am thinking to myself, I’ve been leading by example. I don’t put any pressure on anybody. I don’t say to anyone, you have to be vegan and you have to eat plant based. I don’t say that. But I do practice an incredible lifestyle. And I hope people notice! Damn if people aren’t noticing!

And he didn’t only say that, he also said that he would be out walking and exercising. And this is something that I have talked about on my show since episode #1! I don’t put any pressure on anyone but I do say that if you want to be in decent health and a decent physical condition, then you have to do these things. This does not mean that you have to be in the gym all the time. It means you got to get out and do something like walking. You don’t have to run. I like to get in my ” Magic 4″ which is walking four miles at a moderate pace.

So I am sitting there talking to my Dad and he is upset. Not at me. But he thinks that he has basically screwed up his life because here he is laying in a hospital bed now; not able to move and not able to walk. And he feels that there is a pretty darn good chance that it has to do with the fact that he has eaten crap his entire life and has not moved his body in the right way.

Now let’s back up for a second. I would say, most people in the U.S. are eating crap. Because it’s so easy. It’s so easy to go to the bar and hang out with your buddies, down some drinks, and eat the chips, chicken wings, and pizza that they have. That’s ok if you want to do that. I don’t look down on you. I still love you. But I don’t think that’s necessarily a good choice for you.

I have had plenty of people on Facebook that have unfriended me or given me a hard time because I am against eating meat. I had someone just the other day that told me that I don’t know what I am talking about. And that what I talk about is not evidence based. He said that I can’t cite any true studies that prove that being vegan is any healthier. And as it turns out he is on medication. He is on statins. Why wouldn’t someone who is so intelligent try a vegan diet for 30 days and see if your cholesterol levels don’t go down on their own? I know many people, many friends, that have reversed their cholesterol problems, reversed their obesity, reversed all kinds of problems. Is that a scientific study? No it’s not. Is it anecdotal? Absolutely! But I believe it works 100% and the reason is because I am also living proof of this. I went plant based a little less than two years ago. And I have noticed such incredible changes in my own body. Maybe the fact that my skin got clearer, and that I lost weight, and that I look ten years younger is coincidental. Maybe it is!

The point of this is that my Dad is laying in a hospital bed right now upset with himself thinking that he totally screwed up his lifestyle. The reason I am telling you this now is that I know most of you are much younger than my Dad’s age of 86. You still have the time! Our bodies are pretty strong and pretty resilient. Which means that they can take a lot of abuse and be ok for awhile. But there’s only so much it can take. Are you ok with living a party life now but then being on medication or in a hospital bed at 65? I wouldn’t be. My Dad is not saying that at all! He is 86 years old and he is saying that I really screwed this up. I could have lived much healthier. I could have eaten healthier, I could have been thinner, I could have been off of medication, and I could have moved my body more. That’s what he is saying! If you don’t want to take it from me, take it from my Dad!

I hope he makes a full recovery and gets out really soon! Thank you all for you well wishes and prayers. But still there’s a big lesson to be learned here! Our bodies are not forever. I like to eat the healthiest foods I possibly can which for me means plant based. I also like to move the heck out of my body. I like to run, walk, ski, climb, backpack, yoga. I love to move my body. God gave it to me and you better believe I am going to take the best care of it I possibly can. And I just try to give advice and hope that you follow it. I am not perfect but I am pretty darn good at it. The things I do have allowed me to be a 60 who feels better than when I was 30.

You are no longer alone! You’ve got me!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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112 – Seven Deadly Lifetime Mistakes

On today’s show, I am going to share 7 mistakes with you that you could be making. I am going to guarantee that you are making at least 3 of these mistakes. If you are making any of these, then it may be time for a change…

In case you missed it, I finally posted the video of my vegan parody song titled, “Vegan on A Jet Plane”. I performed the song live a few weeks ago at a vegan meetup. I received a lot of positive feedback and a lot of applause. It went better than I could have ever thought. See it here.

Also, if you have not been checking out my Periscope broadcasts, these things are growing and getting better than I ever thought. Download the Periscope app here. I just recorded a “scope” this morning and I had over 400 viewers! Follow me on Periscope @DavidMadow.

7 Deadly Lifetime Mistakes

1. Don’t hold a grudge

Are you holding a grudge against somebody? If you are, I beg you to please let it go. This is not new, I have said this before. Holding a grudge is negative energy and will only make you sick. It won’t help anything or anybody. Forgive if you can and stop hating. You can remove them from your life but don’t hate or be angry. When you hold it in you have negativity, hatred, stress, and anger. Your cells change and they change for the worse. I am convinced of this. So let it go!! Do it for yourself.

2. Being in the wrong job

This is so important. If you are in a job that you don’t like, try to figure out a way to change it. Find out if you can be transferred or maybe change your job duties. Do whatever you can to enjoy your job. Even if that means taking some college or continuing education courses and redirecting what you are doing. Going into a job everyday that you don’t love, can be a very negative experience. If you really don’t like your job and there’s no way to make it better, go out and try to find another job. I know a lot of you are afraid of the unknown but if you don’t like your job make it better or find another job.

3. Being in the wrong relationship

I have talked to many of you personally and have heard that I have opened your eyes. You know you are not in a good place in your relationship and need to get out. But I wonder how many of you have taken that step. Have you done it? I am not a proponent for just leaving someone or divorcing them but I am a proponent of happiness. So if you are in a relationship that is toxic, do whatever you can to try to make it better if you really love this person and want them in your life. But, staying in a relationship that is toxic and that you know is not working out is not right! If you have tried everything you can to make it better, than it is probably time to move on. Sure it’s difficult. It is not easy. I moved on after 23 years of marriage. It was horrible. But I got through it and I am in such a good place now. I truly love every day.

4) Don’t live beyond your means

It makes no difference how much money you earn. If you make $40,000 a year and you are spending much less than that. You are able to save some and put money away. Guess what? You are doing a better than most people in the country. On the other hand, if you are making a $1,000,000 a year and are living a lavish, extravagant lifestyle and are spending $1,200,000 a year. You are in much worse shape than the person that’s making $40,000 a year. There is nothing wrong with making $20,000 or $30,000 a year as long as you are doing it honestly. There may come a time when you need to earn more to put food on the table or to pay bills. But do whatever you can to live below your means. Financial issues are one of the two primary reasons for divorce. The other is a lack of communication. Money is not the root of all evil. We need money to do the things that we do. But if you don’t use it properly than it can become the root of all evil.

5. Not preparing for retirement

You will wake up one day and you may be 50,60, or 70 and have not gotten nearly enough money saved for retirement. When you look back on your life you will say WOW I bought all these things. I had to have the best style, or look good, or have the best jewelry or fastest car. I had to live a lifestyle that was maybe a little fake. And now here I am and guess what I don’t have anything to show for it or have very little in retirement savings. Please do not be in this situation. If you are following #4, that means that you are able to put money aside for retirement. I am not a financial planner, but I have lived long enough and have enough experience to know what to do. I have made mistakes but I was able to recover from them. At this point, I have no debt and I have a good amount of money saved in my retirement plans. I feel very comfortable just because I have done the right things over the years. I am not a genius, was not born into a wealthy family, and have never had an inheritance (with the exception of about $600 that I received from a great grandparent when I was about 20). You can do it too! I am not smarter and no luckier.

6. Not loving yourself

Until I loved myself, I could not do what I wanted to do in my life. I certainly couldn’t help others. If you look in the mirror every day and are not happy with who/what you see, re-evaluate and ask yourself why not? Why don’t you love yourself? There is nothing wrong with loving yourself.  It does not mean that you are a narcissist. It does not mean that you love yourself so much that you do it at the detriment of other people. I am talking about being really happy with what you see in your heart and in your soul. You’ve got to be confident. So please if you have a problem with that, send me an email or private message and I can steer you in the right direction. I have been through it and I believe I can help. You have to love yourself in order to be able to help others.

7. Not living a life that is the true YOU

What that means is that you are kinda faking it. You are doing things that are not truly you. Maybe you are holding back. For example, maybe you are a real comedian and you like to laugh and crack jokes. But for some reason you feel that you are held back and can’t do that. You feel that if you let your true personality come out then people are going to think you are crazy and weird or that they will make fun of you. Please, please, please live a live a life that is true to you. Pleasing other people is good but don’t live your life to only please other people. Live your life the way that you want to live it and if you do that, it will free up your energy and you soul so that you can help other people. If you feel confined or restricted and you are living your life the way that you think other people want you to live your life than that is a problem.

I really hope this helped. I try to come up with the best possible information and topics every week. If there is anything you ever want to hear me talk about or if you have questions please message me.

Thank you so much for being a listener. We are coming to the end of 2015 and I have got some really exciting things to help you make 2016, your absolute best year ever!

Time goes so fast so be sure to make the best of every day!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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Website: https://davidmadow.com 
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111 – Words With Dad

This is the show where I help you live stronger, thinner, healthier, happier, and so much more. Today’s show is a very special episode. I love to inspire you and motivate you to live your absolute best lifestyle ever! Today, for the first time ever, I have a very special guest on the show, my dad! His name is Selvin Madow.

Dr. Dave: “Say hello to everybody.”

Mr. Madow: “Hello everybody! I have to tell you it is a great pleasure to be here on my son’s iPod (podcast) because I really love what he does and what he is. So hopefully it will be very interesting and you will come away with something from this iPod (podcast).”

Dr. Dave: “Ok thank you very much! It’s not actually an iPod, it’s a podcast but that’s ok. He’s not a real tech guy but that’s ok. He tries.”

Mr. Madow: “I try. I meant to say podcast.”

Dr. Dave: “So here’s the story. I have been doing this podcast for about two years now but I have been living this lifestyle for a lot longer, probably the last forty years. Over the past forty years, I think my mom and dad have looked at me thinking that I’m a little bit weird, a little bit out there. Dave lives this lifestyle that really nobody else lives. He tries to make everyone think they need to live the same lifestyle. And I will tell you this. Since I became plant based, I am catching a little more flack. People look at me like Dave, what are you doing with your life and why are you trying to get everybody else to do what you do? I could be totally wrong but I think my dad thinks the same thing. So this is a one on one interview, down and dirty, unrehearsed. Dad, you can say whatever you want about me, I don’t care if it’s good, bad, ugly, sweet, great. Do you like what I’m doing? Or do you think it’s just too much and I should lay back and not try to get other people to live this incredible lifestyle?”

Mr. Madow: “Ok. We have heard what David had to say. David, my oldest son, who obviously I love very very much. He does things that I don’t do. He has different beliefs than I do or my wife does, however I give David so much credit for living his life the way he wants. And believing in the things that he believes in so strongly, which I think is wonderful even if it’s not my belief. I give him credit for doing that. I have seen him get into this situation with the vegan {lifestyle}. He loves it. He does push it, there’s no doubt about that. He doesn’t try to push it in a way that would make you uncomfortable but you know how he feels and you know what he does. We have to accept him for that. I went to a vegan meal with a couple of months ago and it was actually very interesting to see people eating vegan food. And the food happened to be very good. However it’s not for me. I like too many other things to give them up at this stage of my life. And I know David understands that. I greatly admire what he is doing because his is not the mainstream. Most people don’t do what he does. They don’t! So I give him credit for doing that. That’s my take on his vegan food that he eats. And believe me when we go out to dinner, and we usually go to a vegan restaurant because David likes that and I don’t mind doing that. But I have told him before that I get this strange feeling that he is staring at me when I am eating lamb chops and he is eating his vegan food 🙂 He tells me that’s not true and that I can eat whatever I want. He is not trying to influence me but you know you get influenced by being in the presence of someone doing it. Even it you don’t want it, even if you don’t like it, it still does have a certain influence on you. So believe it or not I really do try to stay away from things he doesn’t like. Because in the whole scheme of things, believe it or not, I know it’s healthier for me and being healthier could be a good thing at my age. I am 86 years old and I really should start being healthy for once in my life. So yeah I admire David for what he is doing. He is a great guy!”

Dr. Dave: “So as my dad just said, he is 86 years old. It’s interesting what you said because you never really told me this part but when you’re in my presence, even though I don’t say to you hey you have to eat what I’m eating, you feel this energy that you should be doing what I’m doing. But you’re right I don’t give anybody dirty looks. I always say that if I tried to disassociate myself from friends or family that do not eat the way I do, then I wouldn’t have any friends or family. So I’d be crazy to do that. I totally respect everybody. I try to teach by example and lead by example. The message is out there and the message has been received very positively over the past couple years. Dad, let me asked you a question. You said something very interesting, like you almost feel that you know it’s the right thing to do at this stage of your life but you don’t do it anyway. Have you ever heard the term cognitive dissonance? If you haven’t, that’s ok.”

Mr. Madow:  “I think I’ve heard of it but I am not quite sure what it means to be honest with you.”

Dr. Dave: “Cognitive dissonance is when somebody understands on some level that something is right, but they choose to bury that because they are doing things a different way. I swear I am not trying to talk you into anything today. But maybe on some level you know that eating animal products isn’t very good for you or you know that it causes suffering, but you choose not to change. On some level you have this struggle going on inside of you, and I think a lot of people do. Do you think there is any kind of cognitive dissonance going on in your body on some level that you think plant based might be better for your health or for the environment or whatever it may be?”

Mr. Madow: “Well as I said before, I definitely know that plant based is healthier for me and possibly I would be much better off doing that. Not just because David does it but because it’s a known fact that vegetables and healthy foods are much better for you than eating red meat. However I have a very difficult situation for me because I really enjoy some of the stuff that I eat and I don’t enjoy eating some of this plant based vegan food. David does and I guess a lot of the people following him do. So it really is a meeting of the minds and what you feel is really important in your life at that stage. And everybody has different stages. The older you get, you have a different stage. You don’t worry about your health so much. You think well I like this and I am going to eat it. I don’t care what goes on. I think that possibly may be one of the stages I am in right now. I really enjoy eating the stuff that I eat, meat, ribs, all that kind of bad stuff for you. But don’t think that while I am eating this stuff, that I don’t realize that it’s not the best thing for me because I do. However I guess that’s the stage I am in and my feeling for what I want overcomes the other part of it which is not good for me. I wholeheartedly endorse what David’s doing for him and his followers but not particularly for me.

Dr. Dave: “So let me ask you a totally hypothetical question. Your 86 and we both feel that although you’re in good health it probably could be better right?”

Mr. Madow: “It could be better. But I’m still here”

Dr. Dave: “And God bless you! But let’s just say that someone came down and said Mr. Selvin Madow if you ate a lot healthier, mostly plant based and took out processed foods from your diet, I am going to tell you there is a very good chance you could live at least 10 more years to 96. And not just 10 more years but you’d feel better, you’d lose some weight, you’d be more vibrant. If someone told you that but they said the only way to really do that is to change your diet totally and start eating some more plant based and whole food. Would you do it if someone could guarantee that?”

Mr. Madow: “Probably if someone came up and they could guarantee that. I would possibly do it. But obviously it can’t be done that way. They can’t guarantee it. I like to live as healthy as possible.”

Dr. Dave: “No one is going to guarantee that because of course we are all humans. There’s no guarantee. I could go out tomorrow and God forbid have some kind of horrible accident. You just never know. So they can’t guarantee it, but if someone said the odds are stacked way in your favor living 10 more years out, being healthy, being thinner, being more vibrant; would you consider it at that point?”

Mr. Madow: “Thinking about that, what person with any kind of common sense could say no to that? If someone came up to me, which David has in his own way, and said if you eat this way you’ll live a lot longer you have to think about it. Could I do it? Sure I could. Do I do it? No. Why don’t I do it? I guess because I am stubborn. I’m too ingrown with this stuff that I am doing and the stuff that I like. But you could talk to me and say you know what Selvin if you had any sense you would change. You would go with this plant based with the opportunity to be around with your family for 10 more years. I would have to say that I would need to give it some more serious thought. Of course I want to be around. Of course I enjoy my life. So I might switch over. I might do what David says because I know it’s good for me. So anyhow that’s a good question. I really don’t have a definite answer but I would seriously think about it.”

Dr. Dave: “Well this show is all about being honest and being respectful. I appreciate that honest answer. I really do. I won’t coerce you or give you dirty looks. You did say at one point that when we were at the Indian restaurant and you were having lamb chops that I shot you dirty looks. But maybe I wasn’t shooting you dirty looks but maybe in the back of my mind subliminally I was thinking wow if my dad keeps eating food like that he is not going to have many more years to spend. But if he starts eating healthier he’ll be able to spend a lot more years. Maybe you could look at it like that instead of me trying to diss you or make fun of you for eating lamb chops.”

Mr. Madow: There could also be another aspect to that. Maybe that was my own thinking. That I was eating lamb chops and it was so far away from what David preaches.”

Dr. Dave: “Cognitive dissonance right?”

Mr. Madow: “Right. That’s exactly right. So maybe that was me. Maybe in my own mind I was thinking I shouldn’t be doing this. I think it was more me thinking that way than David trying to make me feel that way.”

Dr. Dave: “You don’t have to kiss my butt just because we’re on this podcast. You can be totally honest. If you think I was giving you dirty looks you can say it.”

Mr. Madow: “I just explained it. And I was very honest about that. I think it was my own thought process and maybe even a guilty thought process.”

Dr. Dave: “Cognitive dissonance that’s what they call it. It catches up with everybody.”

Mr. Madow: “Anyhow it’s been very interesting doing this with David. And again as I said before, I really admire him for carrying out his feelings the way he feels he wants to do things. And the biggest thing of all is it’s paying off for him very well. He looks terrific. He feels terrific. So maybe I am the one that’s wrong.”

Dr. Dave: “Well it’s not a question of being right or wrong. It’s not right or wrong. It’s just what type of life do you want to live? Do you want to be healthier? Not only that but do you want to NOT contribute to animals suffering. I’ve got this passion as you know Dad. I live this lifestyle and it’s not just eating. But it’s exercise, it’s moving my body, it’s being happy, it’s having goals in my life and things that I want to do. A lot of people probably think I am a nutcase and that’s totally fine because I can wake up and look at myself every day in the mirror and say hey dave you are absolutely living the life that you want to live. You are having fun every day. You are doing what you want to do. You are healthy. You are contributing and helping other people. I don’t get paid a penny for this podcast but I do it because I love helping other people. I LOVE it with a passion. As I always say, if I got through to one person today and helped them even think about their life, then I did my job. And today, having you on here. I think we got through to more than one. I think we helped a lot of people. Stay with me. You are not alone. This is what The David Madow Lifestyle Show is all about.  Please give us your last minute parting comments dad.”

Mr. Madow: “I really like what David is doing. He looks great, he feels great, and he has a wonderful attitude. He’s doing what he loves to do. And what could be better than that. So David I give you all the compliments in the world and I think you’re doing great. I love you! Keep on doing it! Thank you for having me on your show.”

Dr. Dave: “Dad you’re very welcome. And I will tell you in front of many people all over the plant, I love you. I’m proud to have you as my dad!”

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

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110 – The Las Vegas Rock and Roll Half Marathon

I’m recording again live in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is the show where I help you live stronger, thinner, healthier, and happier.

Today, I want to tell you about something I recently did. I participated in the Las Vegas Rock N Roll Half Marathon. It was amazing! I want to share with you the reason I did it, or rather the reason I believe in doing things like this. I believe that when you sign up for an event and train for it, that keeps you very healthy. I have been doing this for a very long time. I have been running races for about 30 years and have been planning backpack trips. I do it because not only do I love doing these things, but I know when I put something on the calendar I am going to be forced to make sure I am in good enough shape to complete it. If I didn’t do this and didn’t have anything on the calendar, it’s easy to get lazy. Days can go by where you aren’t walking or running. And those days turn into weeks. And then the weeks turn into months and before you know it you have lost all of your training.

So several months ago, I saw some information online that there was going to be a Rock N Roll Half Marathon & Full Marathon the same week that I had a conference. It was perfect timing. My conference ended on Saturday and the run took place on Sunday. The race is in the evening and the route is along the strip in Las Vegas. There were about 40,000+ runners. And I signed up not knowing anything about the race. My training was fair. At least good enough to complete the race or so I thought.

The race started at 4:30pm and somewhere around 2pm, I made my way from the hotel room in West Gate and had to take the monorail to MGM. Then walk across the street. This whole trip took about an hour. I got to the start line. It was very crowded but very well organized. Shortly after they announced that there was going to be a free concert given by a surprise musical artist. And who was it other than Kid Rock?! So at about 3pm, Kid Rock started. It was phenomenal and the energy from all the people around the stage was unbelievable.

At about 4pm, everyone began to make their way to the start line. I had packed up a lot of my gear and checked it at the registration desk and I was not be able to pick it up until the end of the race. Since it was pretty warm during the day, I was only wearing my t-shirt and running shorts. At about 4:30pm it began to get a little colder and a little darker. And the wind started to pick up around that time as well. I began to look around and noticed that other runners were in the same situation that I was.

So I get to the start line, and it begins to get really really windy. I look up and notice that there are dark clouds swirling around overhead. Now remember, I am in the desert and in the desert there are all kinds of extremes. Deserts are not always hot as you know. Deserts can be very very cold. So I was a little worried. Here I am in a t-shirt and shorts, no gloves or anything. Its getting colder and the skies look like they are about to open up. The race began in waves and there were groups of runners in corrals. My corral was #21 and even though the race started at 4:30pm it was almost 5pm before my group crossed the start line. So I begin running. I am running against the wind and it is getting colder and colder. At this point, I am thinking this is crazy. I was really worried that it was going to start raining. So within the first mile or two, I look down on the road and happened to notice what looked like a discarded sweatshirt. It is very common for runners to start a race with a lot of heavy gear and shed it during the race as they get warmer. Typically what happens is that crews come by and pick them up and donate them to the homeless. It’s a pretty good thing actually. So I picked up the sweatshirt and sure enough it was the right size so I put it on. And all of a sudden my body warmed up. I wore the sweatshirt on and off for the next several miles, as my body warmed up I would take it off and wrap it around my waist. I really think this sweatshirt could have saved my life.

During the run it did actually start raining. The weather was a complete mess with the wind and the rain. We then got to the point where we were running towards downtown Las Vegas. If you have never been to Las Vegas, it’s a trip! Anyhow, my body had begun to warm up and so I decided to shed my newly acquired sweatshirt. I threw it on the side of the road thinking that I would try to remember where it was since I would be coming back the same way and if I needed it I would pick it up. We head through downtown and then begin running back towards the finish line. There was about 4 mile to go in the race. As I was running south on the strip, the last 4 miles, it is just horrible. The wind was picking up, it was getting cold, my shirt was a little bit wet from sweat so it was really uncomfortable. I totally missed where I put the sweatshirt down so I didn’t see it and forgot about it. So here I am 4 miles back; shivering, cold, really uncomfortable but knowing that there were only 4 miles left and I was going to make it to the finish line. It was crazy!

So I did finish the race. I finished in a pretty slow time which was ok because I just wanted to finish. I wasn’t really highly trained for this race. I knew I hadn’t been running as much as I wanted to. I got to finish line and they were handing out the thin mylar blankets. I wrapped it around myself and began feeling a little warmer there. In order to get to where the checked bags were it was at least a half mile walk. I finally made it to the area and got my bag. I changed right then and there and put on some of my long sleeve stuff and began to feel warmer while I was there. Before that I was shivering and cold. Hypothermia can be very serious. Even in 50 to 60 degree temperatures with a cold wind and your wet, it can be very dangerous. People can die from that. It is not taken seriously enough, I think.

So I changed my clothes and had a few snacks (bananas) and began making my way back to the monorail. As I am doing that, I was feeling ok but when I got to the monorail and was getting my ticket, I felt like I was going to faint. Like I was going to drop right there. So I held on to the ticket machine and was doing everything I could not to blackout. I was able to regain my composure but it was an incredible experience.

We can’t predict the weather but we have to be prepared. And I must say, last night I was unprepared. I packed all my stuff and gave it to the bag check people with no way to get it. So here I am with nothing on in the desert. It was cold, rainy, and windy as hell and here was Dave Madow trying to run a half marathon. It was crazy. But in the end, I crossed the finish line, I got my medal, and it felt great. I went out a got a nice Chinese dinner. It was funny because at the restaurant, the Joyful House (one of my favorite places in Las Vegas), there were at least two other tables of people next to me that had done the race as well. We started talking about how bad the weather was. And even at the point, I still had a chill. I had on a couple layers, and my jacket, and I was still chilled. And then I got real hot so I took everything off. And then I got cold again. So it was very weird.

Now, the day after I am totally recovered and fine. I think one of the reasons for that is because I am trained. As I said before I wasn’t 100% trained for this race but I am still an athlete who always tries his best to stay in good shape. I am always at least half marathon ready. A marathon is a different story. A marathon requires some training.

So if you are thinking about listening to me and scheduling some type of event, look for a local 5K race and you can even walk it. Keep your calendar fairly full of these events and you’ll find your life will change because as I said you will be forced to stay in shape. Hopefully you won’t have the experience I had last night. It wasn’t horrible and I still enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun.

Today, I am having fun, relaxing, getting my work done, doing some yoga, and meditating. This is my life! I don’t take time off when I am on vacation. In other words, I don’t say to myself, “I don’t have to do my yoga” or “I don’t have to eat right”. I don’t make exceptions. I live this lifestyle every single day. Whether it is eating plant based, whether it is meditating, whether it is doing yoga, whether it is being kind to other people, whether it is being kind to other people, whether it is smiling, whether it is getting out there and running. Whatever it may be. This is the lifestyle that I live. It has helped me in enormous ways. I am not forced to do this. It is not hard to do. This is what I do all the time and it’s become a habit. When you get into these habits, they become your lifestyle. And I hope you can do it. You don’t have to do it exactly how I do. But I hope you have helped you in some small way. I hope I lead by example.

I love what I do. I love helping you! I always say if I helped just one person with the information I have today, then I am a happy guy 🙂

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

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109 – Eight Magnetic Ways to Attract People!

On today’s show, I will teach you 8 magnetic ways to attract people and get them to really, really like you. I am recording today’s show in Las Vegas, Nevada. My conference was here this past weekend. So I arrived a few days early since there was a lot of preparation. I am also running the Rock N’ Roll Half Marathon on the Vegas strip later this afternoon. I haven’t been training very seriously for this race primarily due to my schedule but I think I will get through the 13.1 miles pretty easily. After that I will have a few days free. I really believe in relaxing after a hard week’s worth of work.

I am pumped up today to give you some great information. I did a similar broadcast on Periscope a few days ago and it got a lot of attention so I expanded it a bit. I originally gave 5 tips but I am giving 8 today. I think it’s going to be really good. It will help you and help your life!

These are not brand new suggestions. I did not invent these but I have been using a lot of these principles for many years and they have worked for me. So I wanted to share them with you…


When you are in a situation where you are with another human being, the best thing to do is to smile. You can never go wrong doing this (at least I don’t think so). Regardless of whether you want to attract that person into your life or not. Sometimes it seems as if we as humans have almost lost our human characteristics. So when you come across someone else 🙂 at them. It will go such as long way it’s unbelievable. When you smile at people, it may sound cliche, but your life really changes. If you get nothing else out of the show today, just try smiling at people. It’s going to make a big difference in your life. I promise.

Say Hello

Again, when you are in a situation where you encounter someone, say hello. Wherever you are, just smile and say hello. When you do that, I think good things will come into your life.

Make Eye Contact

Make eye contact with the person you are talking to. It makes a world of difference. Body language is so important. When you are having a conversation with somebody, and you are not making eye contact with them, but have the same conversation with the same person and are making eye contact with them, it will be night and day. Totally different.


Pay a compliment to someone or ask them a question. It’s not all about you, but about the other person. If they have a nice smile, or you like their shirt, or dress, or what they’re wearing, pay them a compliment. If you don’t want to necessarily pay them a compliment, you can also ask them about themselves. When the conversation is not just about you, the entire situation changes. It’s a different game. This goes for whether you are trying to find a boyfriend, girlfriend, going on a job interview, if you are at a meeting, a potluck dinner, whatever you may be doing. These skills work in any situation.


This is a skill that is not very easy and it does not come naturally. Listen to someone and let them talk. Don’t be so quick to speak. Not only should you let them say what they need to say but also listen carefully. If all you are doing is thinking about what you are going to say next then you will not be in a fully engaged conversation. That’s not good. Be interested, smile, and make eye contact when someone is talking. Don’t worry about what to say next, let them finish. Don’t worry! What you say next will come to you. Have a natural flowing conversation and don’t cut someone off. Again, it’s not an easy skill and it’s something that most of us have to work on.

Speak Slowly

I think I have been very good at this and the public speaking and podcasting definitely helps. Speak slowly and in language that everyone can understand. I am a doctor and can speak in very technical scientific words if I wanted to but very few would understand what I am saying. And that’s just not how to engage in good conversation. I have always heard that when you write or speak it should be at a sixth to seventh grade level so just about anybody can understand what you are saying. For example, like how I am speaking to you. I am not speaking on a really high level but it doesn’t sound like I am speaking to a first grader but it’s somewhere in the middle there. And not only that but I am speaking slowly. I have gotten good at this because as many of you know my wife Yoko is Japanese. English is not her first language so I have been accustomed to speaking slowly and using words everyone can understand. If you are speaking to someone whose first language is not English, be very careful about using colloquialisms and sayings that only people who grew up English would understand. The better you are at engaging, communicating, your body language, these skills will get you a lot of places in life.

Be Nice

We all think we do this but we don’t. Just be nice. Don’t be a jerk to people. Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. Otherwise known as the “Golden Rule”. When you treat others the way you want to be treated and when you do this incredible things will happen. It’s incredible the way you will be treated, it’s incredible the way relationships will blossom, you’ll have new friends, people will like you and be attracted to you. Did I make that up? Is that deep? No it’s not! But it works. I am not trying to invent all these new crazy things that no one has ever heard of. Just be nice! It’s not difficult. If you think you might say something that isn’t very nice, just take a deep breath, re-evaluate, and ask yourself “do I really need to say that?” And often time the answer is no.

Love Yourself

There was a long time in my life that I did not love myself. Once I figured out how to love myself, my entire life changed. That doesn’t mean that I want you to be a narcissist and the only thing you care about is yourself. I am talking about being happy, content and confident with who you are. And not worrying about what other people think of you. Not being so concerned with how you look and what you are wearing. Or how much money you make and how you present yourself. Be very comfortable with who you are. When you are able to truly do that, again everything will change.

When you incorporate these 8 principles into your life, it will change your life as far as the way you meet people, the way you attract people, the way other people see you, and look at you, and like you as well. I would recommend writing the principles down and reading them regularly. Never forget any of them. If you are someone that is practicing the principles every single day, that is great! I will tell you, you are better off than most people. I meet a lot of people every single day with my work. Most people are not doing all 8. I can tell you that.

If you want to get really good at communicating and learning how to speak, try doing a podcast, or public speaking, or even some Periscope broadcast. I started my podcast over two years ago and when I look back to see how I spoke then versus how I speak now, it really helps you. Practice and watch them. Evaluate how you speak and try to get better.

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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108 – The Beginning

This is the show where I help you live stronger, thinner, healthier, and happier! Today I want to start from the beginning…

When I say beginning, I mean that I want to go way back to before I started podcasting. Close to 40 years ago! I remember sitting in physiology class. I knew nothing about exercise and health. So my professor is up in front of the room and he starts to tell the class about a “different” type of exercise called aerobic exercise. Now remember this is back in the mid-70s or so and none of us knew what aerobic exercise was yet. But this guy looked to be in thin and he told the class that he rose his bike to school every day. He said that when you get your heart rate up to a certain level for only 20 minutes a day for 3 to 4 days a week studies are starting to show that you are much less likely to have any type of heart disease in the future and you will be healthier. As a young kid, I started listening to this guy because I didn’t want to grow old, and sick, and unhealthy. Most of the kids in the class weren’t listening. They were doodling and doing other things. But I was watching and listening to this professor very seriously.

The very next day I went out for a little run around my block. I was in such bad shape, I was huffing and puffing. I was out of breath after just a few minutes of running. The next day I ran a little bit longer and I was still huffing and puffing. As I continued to exercise my heart and lungs every day, I was able to run around my block pretty easily after a short amount of time. I slowly increased that distance and ran a few blocks. Within a few months, I entered a 10K race (6.2 miles). I finished the race in a pretty good time. That was the beginning of my adventure in running. So I have been a runner now for 38 years!! And it’s probably one of the best things I have ever done.

These days I run marathons and ultra events. I am going to tell you now. I have found over many years that you don’t have to be fast. I am proud to be a very slow runner. Being a slow runner is advantageous. You don’t get injured often and you don’t get burnt out. I’m slow and I’m very proud of it. I just reached my 60th birthday this year. And I am in better shape now at 60 then I was at 30!

But it’s not only running. My feeling is when I hear someone say something and I think that person knows something that I don’t know, I listen very carefully. Another example is that someone told me that yoga was good. So I started looking into yoga, and reading up on it, and practicing it. Now I do it often and it has absolutely helped my body, my health, and my well-being. Back when I was in my 30’s and 40’s, I would get back aches all the time and neck pain. And ever since I started doing yoga on a regular basis, I don’t have pain anymore. If I over do it, I may have a little pain for a short amount of time but my pain is pretty much gone. So many people have lower back pain, it is so common.

I used to belong to a gym and paid $50-$60 per month. But I started doing things at home. I don’t have a big home gym. I utilize a lot of things like my floor. For example, I do push ups. I bought a $10 pull up bar that I put in my door way. Pull-ups are a phenomenal exercise for strengthening your arms and back muscles. I also use weights to do things like curls and shoulder presses. I do crunches to work out my abs. But again, this is all in my home gym. I am able to do the things I want to do. And one of my biggest things is walking and running outside. I backpack with weight as well. I try to cross train a lot.

Over the years I have learned that when there is something out there that could possibly help me or help my health, I listen very carefully. I don’t just say, one day I am going to get out there instead I just got out there and did it! When I found out that eating a plant based diet was the healthiest way to go for my life, I didn’t sit back and think maybe one day or start making excuses for why it’s not right.

If you go online I am sure you can find a million reasons why eating a plant based diet isn’t good for you. But guess what? I have been doing it for close to 2 years now. I was a meat eater for 58 years. I have been on both sides and I can say unequivocally that eating a plant based diet is so much  better for our health, for the animals, and for the planet. For example, so many people around the world are constipated because they do not get enough fiber from plants. When you eat a plant based diet you are healthier, your cholesterol levels are normal, your blood pressure is good, your skin looks good, you feel better, you have more energy, should I go on?

The point is, let’s do things! Let’s not sit back and make excuses or find reasons why something is not good for you or why were too lazy to do something. When we hear something that is potentially good, let’s look into it. Do a little bit of research if you like and give it a try! If you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it again.

Another good example is meditation. I heard speakers at conferences say how great meditation was. So I didn’t just sit on the sideline and say maybe one day I will meditate, instead I tried it and I didn’t just try it one time. I tried it a lot. You can’t just do it once and expect immediate benefits. It will make a tremendous difference in your life. You’ll be calmer, happier, and a ton more – there are over 200 benefits to meditation. When I hear something is potentially good for me, I try it. That is how I have formed this lifestyle.

This doesn’t just go for diet, it can go for anything such as financial matters. I listen to Dave Ramsey’s financial podcast. I have been listening to it for several years now. He has taught me things and has convinced that being debt free, spending much less money than you earn, investing the rest, and giving to charity is the best thing you can possibly do. When I paid off my debt, it changed my life. No matter what happens to the economy or what happens to my income, no one can come take my house away or cars away. Nobody can take anything I own because I own it. I don’t owe money to a bank, I own it. It is such a peaceful feeling. When you know nothing can be taken away because you own it all.

This all fits into the lifestyle because I consider myself someone who does things. I am not somebody that sits on the sidelines says one day I’ll do it. No, I do them! Please don’t just sit there and contemplate doing it. Get in there and do it. Chances are it’s going to change your life! Change your life now, don’t wait!

I hope I got through to you today. This is how I did it. I am no smarter than you, I am just one that gets out and does things. I know for sure it will make you life better.

I am your coach and your teacher. You are not alone because you have me. My goal is to change the entire planet even if it takes one person at a time 🙂 Don’t give up! Ultimately if you keep doing it, you will succeed.

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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Website: https://davidmadow.com 
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107 – Unhappiness, Anger and Illness

Today’s show is about unhappiness, anger, and illness. I will show you exactly how to take care of this. You don’t want to miss this show!

For the second week in a row, we are recording live on Periscope! So jump on and make sure you are following me @DavidMadow. Also be sure to follow to friends of the show @LisaIllman and @HeavyLover. They both have different styles but also have great positive energy.

As you know, I do this podcast weekly each Monday. For the last two years, I have talked about a lot of stuff. Specifically, I have talked about how important it is to forgive. When you hold in anger, resentment, it’s going to make you unhappy and even worse, ill. If you are holding something inside you have a couple choices. The choices are you can hold it in and be mad at someone or you can let it go. If you hold it in, it will make you sick.

Part of the reason I am talking about this today, is that I encountered a family at my son’s wedding at few weeks ago who for some reason absolutely hate me. They are pissed off at me. This goes back 15 years. At least I think it does, I don’t have any other information. When my ex-wife and I first split 15 years ago, this family took an incredible disliking to me. I have let go of the bitterness, but for some reason this family continues to hate. I can already see signs of illness in this family. It is very very sad. I have tried to make peace with them but for some reason they don’t want to let it go. But it is affecting them in a really bad way. I have tried my best and have tried to persuade them to put it in the past. I have done everything I can to try to make amends with this family. So I realized that I have to release it.

I want to help you! If you have any anger, any hatred, any bad feelings towards anybody, you’ve got to let it go. Again the choices are, to hold in the anger. This doesn’t hurt the other person, it only hurts you. You are holding things inside and there is a decent chance that the stress is going to cause you to get ill. I don’t want to see that happen to ANY of you.

We’re all human beings and we’ve all had problems. We have all had issues in our lives. We’ve all had family members who were tough on us, or friends who crossed us in a bad way, or maybe a business person has taken advantage or done something really bad to us, maybe even really bad things in our lives. We’ve got to forgive and forget. Once you release the negativity and bad energy, you are at peace. I am hoping that everyone listening today and watching on Periscope has released everything. Again, you really only have two choices. Let it go or keep it in!

I have been through some really tough times in my life with business and with a really tough divorce that was very difficult. I went through some really tough times trying to find myself and figure out what I wanted in life. But once you find it, life is incredible. I am 60 years old so I have been through a lot! I don’t want to tell you that my life has been horrible, my life has been pretty good. But I have had tough times.

Periscope Question: Does this family acknowledge their misery, them versus the world?

Dr. Dave: I don’t want to say anything bad about them. I don’t hold any grudges. I don’t have any anger inside of me, I really don’t. What I will say is, I observe them very carefully. I am very perceptive. In this family, I see sadness. I see that they feel like they have to conform and be like everybody else. I see them on the dance floor going through the motions and not really wanting to be there. I see them acting for other people. I don’t see true happiness and so I can understand how people like this can hold in anger, frustration, and hate. There is not a cell in my body that hates anybody. I have learned to let it go. I meditate, I do yoga, I move my body, and I eat a plant based diet. I stopped owning their issues. There was a time when I tried to be nice and do what I could to make this family like me. Those days are gone. They can continue to hate. I will go on record as saying this right now. I am happy. I am living the life I want to live every single day. They can choose to change but I think they are stuck, they don’t know what to do, and they are confused.

I talked to someone this past weekend, whose father does not talk to his own mother. It has been like 30 to 40 years! I told my friend, can you talk to your father? Is there any way at all to just have him let it go? No matter what was done, no matter what kind of wrong was done upon him. Can you just forgive or even just let it go? And his response was that he doesn’t think he can. I felt so bad hearing that. Because there is going to come a time when it takes a toll on his body. It’s not worth it! It’s really not!

People do crazy things in life. People are going to do bad things to you, they are going to say bad things, they are going to lie, they are going to cross you the wrong way, you are going to have bad business deals, you are going to have lovers or spouses do things to you that aren’t right. We only have a certain amount of control over others. If their lives are horrible, if they are stuck in their lives and can’t forgive, if they are sad, if they are unhappy, there is only so much you can do.

Don’t be angry but if for some reason someone can’t let go of their angry feelings towards you “photoshop” them out of your life. You don’t want their negative feelings being reflected on you. Don’t worry about them, don’t be angry at them, don’t hold a grudge. Just “photoshop” them out of your life.

We are living great lives. I am living my best life ever! I deal with great people all day long. I make decent money. My life is good. And trust me it’s not all about money. If you can make decent money doing what you love then that’s fantastic.

There is nothing in life that I feel stronger about than happiness!

If I helped one person today, it made my day! Based on the interaction on today’s show, I have a feeling I have helped more than one 🙂

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>My website:
Website: https://davidmadow.com 
Check out the podcasts, recipes, blog posts, and more!

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106 – Where Do You Get Your Protein and Much More!

Welcome to episode #106! This is the place where we help you live stronger, thinner, healthier, and happier!

Today is a special episode. We are recording live on Periscope. If you are not on Periscope yet. I am urging you and pleading with you to get the app. I have been on it for a few months now. It is owned by Twitter. It is an app where you can broadcast video. Your followers receive notifications that you are live and they can interact with you on the broadcast. They can send you hearts which is equivalent to a Facebook like. Periscope keep tracks of the number of hearts. And it sort of becomes a competition as to who can get the most hearts. I have so many Periscope friends here with me today. Hi everyone!

I am starting off the show by sharing something that I got in the mail while I was away in San Diego last week. For those of you that don’t know, my son got married in San Diego last weekend and my wife Yoko and I were there for about 8 days. A couple of weird things happened. We actually had a heckler in the audience while my wife was delivering a heartfelt speech. A woman said something completely inappropriate but all in all it was a great 8 days. Anyhow, when I got back I received this wonderful bar of soap from my friend Phyllis. Phyllis makes them and sells them. This soap is so good! This stuff smells incredible and she threw in all kinds of free samples for me. I am going to try to get her to scale her operation up so that she can begin selling to my listeners as well. I do not buy the soaps that they sell in stores because they are mostly filled with junk, chemicals, bad oils, and animal fats. Phyllis uses only all natural ingredients. Unfortunately, Phyllis is going through a rough time. She has had a few deaths in the family over the past couple months. So please join me in sending Phyllis love and hearts (if you are on Periscope).

I want to talk today about the most commonly question that vegans are asked. Which is… where do you get your protein? I used to go through a whole long speech about “You don’t need animals to get protein. I get my protein from nuts, beans, leafy greens, legumes, and fruit.” But today I have a better answer. The answer I now give is this “I get my protein from plants.” That’s all I say. Because here’s the deal, when you make things complicated people get confused. And then if someone questions me further, I say “If you eat plant based all day, you don’t have to worry about where the protein is coming from. Because if you are getting all of your nutrition from plants, you are getting enough protein.”

I have been plant based for about a year and a half now and it is by far the best thing I have ever done in my life! I have talked about it so much here on my show. Many of you listening to my show are plant based and many are not. And I still love you if you are not. I am here to lead by example and educate and then you are the one that makes the decision.

Our Periscope friend Lisa says that, “I just focus on what I can eat and not what I can’t eat.” That statement is so accurate because so many people say that it is difficult to go vegan because they are not sure what they can eat.

Periscope Question: Give 5 examples of your favorite plant based proteins.

Dr Dave: That’s a great questions! But it’s kind of like saying give 5 example of where I get my magnesium. But I will answer it in a few different ways. I get really good protein from fruit and green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, seeds. But you don’t have to worry about that. If all you are eating is a whole food plant based diet, you don’t have to worry about where you are getting your protein. If you are eating healthy, you are getting everything you need. The exception is that I take a B12 supplement between 500 mcg and 1000 mcg per day. And a D3 supplement. You may also want to consider a fatty acid supplement but that is optional as well.

Periscope Question: What can I eat?

Dr Dave: It is really easy. You eat things that come from the ground. For example, this morning I ate a ton of fruit. Nothing processed. A lot of watermelon, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, apple, and bananas. In addition to some oatmeal and green tea. For lunch I would have a nice big salad with greens like kale and other vegetables. I also like to add things like sunflower seeds, nuts, nutritional yeast, and avocado. If possible, use a dressing that is not oil based. I have learned that the oils that were all thought were so healthy, are not. They are empty calories. Even things like olive oil and coconut oil are processed. They are great for the skin but it is best to get your oils naturally from plants.

Periscope Questions: What about leather?

Dr Dave: As a plant based vegan, I do not use leather. I do not use anything that comes from an animal ever. I do not use silk for clothing. I do not use wool. The only exception is that I do have a car that has leather seats. I have had the car for a long time and I recently got a used car that had leather seats. I would never again buy a new car with leather seats. I would request no leather. But since my car is older and since it will not do me any good by getting rid of it, I am driving it. I do the best I can. It is very hard to be 100% all the time. For example, car tires are made with some type of animal product so if you want the ability to drive and get to your job or see your family, then you have to have tires.

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>My website:
Website: https://davidmadow.com 
Check out the podcasts, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
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105 – Why I Run

I have been running for about 35 years or so and today I am sharing a few tips on how to help make you a better runner or even walker.

My son, Evan, and I went out for a run this morning. My son is getting married today roughly 5 hours from now. So it was the last father and single son run that we will ever do together. It was really nice and memorable and we had beautiful weather here in San Diego, CA. I will never forget it for as long as I live.

If you have not gotten on Periscope yet, please make sure you download it. It is available for iPhone and Android and is free. Each morning I record an inspirational show. You are able to interact with me and ask questions and make comments. And you can replay any missed episodes. Search for @davidmadow and follow me.

Why I Love to Run

  • Exercise – First, I do it for cardiovascular exercise. It is aerobic and helps to get and keep your heart in the best shape possible. Doesn’t matter if you are a slow runner. And walking is probably one of the best exercises possible.
  • It’s meditative – I have talked many times in the past about how important meditation is. Every day, I sit down in a quiet room, no noise, no sound. Just breathing in and out and trying to clear my mind. During your run, try clearing your mind and enjoying the scenery. With a clear mind focus on the road ahead. Try not to think about your work day or a fight that you just got in or a relationship. Focus on the road and look straight ahead and it can be extremely meditative. So if you don’t really have time to do both, you can use your run as your meditation.
  • Tone muscles – Runners, and even walkers, have toned muscles. Their calves look pretty good 🙂 When you are a runner, you can be very proud of your calves because they are strong and in shape.
  • Listen to a podcast – There are so many good podcasts out there. I hope and pray, of course, that you are listening to mine but there are a ton of them out there. One of my favorites that I like to listen to when I am running is the Dave Ramsey Show. It’s a financial podcast. A lot of time it is pretty simple and he says the same thing over and over again but by listening to this year after year it gives you a great sense of responsibility with your money. Never stop learning!
  • Love the outdoors – I also run because I love the outdoors. I have a treadmill in my home and I use it in very inclement weather but I love to get outside any time I can. I live in Maryland most of the year and the four seasons are just incredible. We have hot summers, a nice spring, a fall where the leaves are turning colors; and then winter of course can be unpredictable of course, it can be really icy and cold or snowy. And those are the times when I really use the treadmill. Enjoying the outdoors is a great benefit of running.
  • It’s FUN – It really is fun! If it weren’t fun, I wouldn’t be doing it for 35 years. You get into things and know that you have to do them because they will do your body good. But if it’s not something that’s fun, it’s hard to really keep the habit. Maybe all these reasons combined are what make it fun. Nice calves, meditative, exercise, enjoying the outdoors; it’s really a lot of fun. So again I urge to get outside and run. If you are not a runner, walking is fantastic exercise just make sure you do the Magic 4. Which is what I call four miles per day (if you can). You will see tremendous changes to your health and your body if you can get out there and do four miles at a time (at a decent pace).
  • No equipment needed – One of the other reasons why I love to run is that you really don’t need a lot of equipment. Besides a nice comfortable pair of shoes, there is not much else that you need.I recommend going to a running store so that they can test you and “prescribe” the best pair of running shoes for you. A good pair of shoes is really important. You will also need some comfortable seasonally appropriate clothing. That’s really all you need. You don’t need expensive equipment or a gym membership. You can walk out your front door, hit the road, and start going. That’s one of the reasons why I run. I love it and it’s easy! You can go fast or slow. I have told you many times and I am very proud to say this but I am a slow runner. I used to run faster but I was never a fast runner even when I first started running in my twenties. Go at your own pace.
  • It’s not competitive – You can compete if you like. But in running I am only competing against myself. I am only concerned about myself. Unless you are an athlete running a race and you are doing it to place in your category and win awards. Otherwise you are only competing with yourself.
  • Hills – Hills are good and bad. Hills going up and going down are great ways to train different parts of your body. Hill work can be tough depending on how steep it is. If you are a regular listener of the show, you probably know that Yoko and I recently completed the Breck Crest Half Marathon. Hills keep you in great shape. When you get to the top and look down at the hill you just conquered it’s a great feeling. Not only that but knowing that your next segment is going to be downhill, it’s truly a great feeling. As you do more and more hills, you feel like you are getting stronger, in better shape, your breathing is better, so hills, hills, hills. You have to do them. If you live in a flat area such as in Florida or in the Midwest, try a set of steps in a really tall building. They are a great substitute.
  • That feeling – The feeling I get at the end of a run is just phenomenal. No matter how short or long the run is, when you finish a run and are cooling down, it is an incredible feeling knowing that you have had another successful run under your belt. You just have to keep it going. I have been doing it for 35 years but I have never taken a long period of time off. Other than maybe an illness or an injury, I have been very consistent.
  • Longevity – If you are keep healthy and doing some of the other things I recommend, you can run practically almost until the end of your life. If you are doing everything you can to stay healthy, I truly believe you can run until you die!

It is a lifestyle! Let’s live this life together!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 280,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>My website:
Website: https://davidmadow.com 
Check out the podcasts, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow

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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life? Share this show with them and send them to https://www.davidmadow.com



104 – You Become Them

This is the show where I help you live stronger, thinner, healthier, happier, and so much more! Welcome to episode #104!

Before I get into today’s show, I have really been getting into Periscope lately. It is an app on iPhone or Droid. It is basically a live video broadcast. I have been sending out live inspiration every single morning. Sometimes I will do my walk or run on Periscope. And then roughly around the 9pm (EST) hour, as I am winding down I will turn on my iPhone and do a short Periscope broadcast for YOU. To get you motivated for the upcoming day. And the cool things about Periscope is that it is totally interactive. I can talk to you and you can ask questions. It’s a cool little app. Make sure that when download and install it, you follow me @davidmadow. If you follow me, you will receive notifications when I am “live”. It’s growing and I think in a year or two it will be tremendous. It’s owned by Twitter so it’s gonna be big. I believe it will be around for a while and gain popularity.

The important message I have for you today is…

“You become the people you hang around with.”

In order words, whomever you hang around with is the type of person you evolve into. It doesn’t happen overnight but it does happen. You are the average of the five closest people you hang around with. If you hang around with people who like to go to the bar and drink, chances are you are going to the bar and drinking too. If your friends are all smoking, you will probably be smoking. If they’re doing drugs, guess what? You are probably going to be doing drugs. Likewise, if you are hanging around people who are vegan, then you are more likely to be vegan. If you hang with people who like to read books, then you you’re going to be reading books. If you are with people who are very responsible with their money, then chances are you will be responsible with you money. If you are hanging around people that live just for the weekend and blow their money on the weekend, then you’ll probably be doing the same thing.

Yesterday, I pick up some dry cleaning from the local dry cleaners. Next the the dry cleaners, a few doors down, is a tremendous sports bar. So it’s a Saturday afternoon and outside by the sports bar I see a group of guys hanging out there smoking cigarettes. They were talking really loudly and cussing. Every other word is “f” this and “f” that and they were talking about the game that was on today. But here’s the deal, those people all became the same person. They all sound the same, they use the same dirty language, and all they care about is the game. And they are kinda living in the moment. I am not knocking that necessarily. But people that hang around those types of people become those types of people. As opposed to maybe if you are hanging around someone who is a runner, you’re going to probably become a runner. If you are hanging around a skier, you are probably going to become a skier. Hanging around someone who is goal oriented and is focused and writes goals down everyday and reads them. Then you’re probably going to become that type of person.

We can sort of design our lives based on the people we hang around. For example, about a year and a half ago I got involved with a group. My friend, Sharon McRae, organizes this great potluck plant based meetup dinner that she hosts once a month. When I go to these dinners, I am with very like minded people. Everyone there is personable. They are really nice, generous, and caring people. And they are plant based. It’s this large caring community of people who think the same way and feel the same way about life. You start to become friendly with the people that go to the dinner. And you start living your life the same way. There are people who attend that no nothing about the vegan community and before they know it they are immersed in it. I know it sounds a little weird, somewhat like a cult. But it’s not. It’s a very healthy way of living and eating. If you choose to hang around with people who are drinking beers, eating chicken wings and nachos, then you’re probably going to be doing that. Be very careful about who you hang around with!

This morning I did a Periscope broadcast and talked about this very topic. I received a lot of questions. One of the questions I received was “can you really control who you hang around with? Can you really control who your friends are?” The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY! You have total control over who your friends are or who you hang around with. I have actually released some friends that I really didn’t align with. I did not feel that having a relationship with these people was really doing my life any good. I don’t want to hang around someone who is only focused on money and has no other purpose in their life. To me that’s crazy and that’s not the way my life is going.

I choose to hang around a lot of people who eat really healthy plant based diets. Not all but a lot of my friends are. I have some friends who are not but I hang around people who like to get out and move their body not people who like to sit on the sofa watching college football all day. I don’t choose to hang around people who hang around bars or wineries. Going to a bar or winery is fine, but some people make that their whole life. And I just choose not to live my life that way. You can pick the people you hang around with. And also the people that are hanging around you. If you are leading by example, they’re going to become more like you. It’s kinda like a husband and wife, hopefully some of the best qualities of each of them meld together to become one really cool individual. Someone asked me “well, what about your family members? You can’t pick your family.” That’s very true and that sometimes becomes a dilemma. I have some family members, and I truly love them all, but in my opinion they are not living a healthy life. It’s very frustrating. Seeing them at family dinners and holidays, it really makes me cringe on the inside knowing that they live an unhealthy lifestyle. And then they complain about their health issues and things going on. They are overweight and I want to scream and say “if you just follow my lifestyle, you probably wouldn’t be having the medical issues you are having. But I try to keep cool and stay calm. I try to lead by example.

I went out to dinner with my dad last night and he had a helper with him since my mom was not around. She was a very nice lady named Alice who was probably in her mid-70s. She began telling me about her health problems. She has type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure among some other issues. I spoke to her about my lifestyle. I said to her, “Alice, if you would follow the same plant based diet that I do, I am almost certain, although I can’t promise, but I am almost certain that many of your health issues would go away within a few months.” She even agreed that she knew she should do that but I doubt she will make the change. It is difficult for people to change their lifestyle. If Alice spent more time with people like me, I would say there is a very good chance that she would be more prone to living a plant based lifestyle.

In the United States, where I am from and live, most people live off of the SAD diet otherwise known as the standard American diet which is full of animals products, lots of meat and cheese. It why we are all so sick. But we are all doing it. If you went to another country who did not eat like that, you would be more likely to eat differently.

You are who you hang around with. Choose those people very very carefully because you will become them. I guarantee it!

My son is getting married in San Diego, CA next weekend! I am going to try to record episode #105 from there. So stay tuned for next week’s podcast and if for some reason I can’t record it, it will be up as soon as possible so please be sure to check back. I will also try to continue my daily “scopes” on Periscope.

We can change the world, even if it’s one person at a time!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 275,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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103 – What Wings Are For

I have an extremely powerful message today! Please listen to this from start to finish!

I have a very special guest with me today. Her name is Karen Davis and she was speaking ahead of me at the Charlottesville Vegetarian Fest. I thought her message was so incredibly powerful that I asked her to record a podcast with me right there on the spot. It was awesome and I think it will be one of the most powerful messages that I have ever had on my show in the past two years and 103 episodes!

I hope today’s message will be life changing for you. Please feel free to share it with family, friends, people you love, or everyone you know.

Interview with Karen Davis

I just met an amazing woman. Her name is Karen Davis and she is with United Poultry Concerns. She just spoke before me at the Charlottesville Vegetarian Festival in Charlottesville, VA and gave one of the best talks I have ever seen!

Dr. Dave: “Tell me a little bit about what you do at United Poultry Concerns.”

Karen: “I started United Poultry Concerns in 1990, about 25 years ago. After learning about that fact that chickens are the largest number of land animals slaughtered for human consumption every single year, exceeded only by a number of fish. I happened to have a life long affinity for birds but I didn’t know chickens growing up. As I was learning about chickens and turkeys and how badly they were treated in the 1980’s, I decided I wanted to start an organization that would advocate for these birds that would focus on their plight and, as I have learned, their delight. So in 1990 I started United Poultry Concerns at a time when people were saying to me “you’re gonna have a hard time keeping an organization like that going because it’s hard enough to advocate for whales. How are we ever going to have enough people that support and care about an organization who is focusing on the plight and all of the terrible things that are done to chickens and turkeys in the name of food production?” Of course, I did not listen to those negative voices.

I started United Poultry Concerns and I can explain some of the things that we do. First of all, we are located on the Eastern Shore of Virginia which is one of the highest chicken production areas in the country. The Delmarva peninsula comprises all of Delaware and the Eastern Shores of Maryland and Virginia. At any given time in the Delmarva peninsula, which is a very small strip of land 150 miles long and 50 miles across, over a half a billion chickens are locked up in factory farms which are basically concentration camps on the Eastern Shore. These are the chickens that are raised by companies like Purdue, Tyson, and Mountaire. These chickens are slaughtered as six week old babies for the chicken industry. The kinds of chickens where you see three breasts in a cellophane package at the supermarket or you see this great big chicken on a rotisserie spit at a Boston Market. The story behind these images is a horrific story of extreme cruelty involving genetics and the terrible way that these birds are forced to live. Genetically, the chickens that are raised for the chicken meat industry, have been bred, inbred, and cross bred over and over and continue to be bred in these horrible artificial ways so that they will turn into basically a huge mass of breast muscle tissue. Because the birds are forced to grow so large in such a short amount of time, a baby bird at six weeks would weigh typically weigh less than a pound but chickens bred for the chicken meat industry are huge even though they are still babies. What’s happening inside the body of these abnormally bred birds are many things. All of them terrible for the bird. First of all, because they are bred to grow so quickly, their organs are not properly “organized” in their bodies. In other words, their bodies are disproportioned. These birds have very weak hearts and very weak lungs. Their heart and lung system cannot provide the amount of oxygenated blood that their abnormally large bodies is demanding. Consequently, these types of birds have heart attacks in their infancy. For every bird that you see in the supermarket in the form of a breast or chicken legs or wings or whatever, many millions of birds at the age of one or two or three days old. Because these birds grow so fast and so large in such a short amount of time, their skeletal systems cannot support their body weight. Consequently they are in extreme orthopedic pain. Just like people who are overweight and suffer from diabetes and other conditions and people who are extremely overweight can suffer from a condition known as osteo-arthritis. People with this condition suffer from terrible hip joint pain because the bones and the joint can’t support their body. These baby birds are suffering from basically the same disease. By the time they go to slaughter at about five and a half to six weeks of age, they are basically crippled. They are also very crowded in the chicken houses. The chicken houses contain anywhere from twenty or thirty thousand baby birds living basically on top of each other for the six weeks of life that they are in these houses. The houses are about five hundred to six hundred feet long. For as far as the eye can see stretches this haze of toxic pollution in which these birds live and breath through the entire lives. People who are under the impression that chicken is a health food could not be more poorly informed. None of that is true. These chickens go to slaughter sick. Many of them go to slaughter blind or partially blind with a burning eye disease called keratoconjunctivitis. Their eyes have been burned from the toxic ammonia fumes that they are forced to breathe for their entire life. Where do these ammonia fumes come from? Chicken droppings have a nitrogen component. The droppings are very small and when they are dropped on the forest floor, as in nature, the nitrogen is actually beneficial to the soil and to the health of the plant life of the forest. But when chickens are grown to that huge size, their droppings consequently very large. The chickens are fed a horrible diet which also affects their droppings. And then they are completely confined in these polluted houses. As all of this excrement is being decomposed by bacteria the result is a release of toxic fumes known as ammonia.

If you peak into a chicken house that has been empty for a few days, before the next flock is installed there, if you open the door just a crack as I have, immediately your eyes and throat are going to be assaulted by burning ammonia. When you breathe it, you are going to feel it in your respiratory system and in your throat. You’re gonna feel the burning in your eyes. And people that they are eating a piece of flash, even though they have been conditioned to believe they are eating a healthy food. They are eating a piece of flesh or an egg into which these ammonia fumes have penetrated. They are eating the flesh or an egg of a bird whose eyes burned for her entire life and who went to slaughter with what’s called chronic respiratory infection. The birds are almost always wheezing with the respiratory crud that is in their throats.

So this is the poultry industry. In the case of birds that are bred for meat, they have a series of processes that are used to disguise the condition of the bird. They have bleaches, chlorine dips, they will cut of all the diseased parts (which are then fed to your pets in pet food). The lowest and the worst of all of it is that they will gather it up and they will put back into the poultry and livestock feed. What that means is that when you eat these birds you are eating all of this terrible refuse.

They have had this horrible diet forced upon them. One of the things they do to the birds to force them to keep eating unnaturally and turn them into a big mass of meat is to give them something in their diet that causes them to feel empty even though they are full. The cruelty of the poultry industry could not be exaggerated. There is every kind of manipulation of the bird’s genes, their genitals, they are living in filth and in darkness. They want them to be immobilized. When you look back into traditional farming practices, the idea of immobilizing animals who were being raised for meat came during slaughter time. They forced the animals to be sedentary because when you are sedentary the muscle tissues does not develop normally. Muscles that are used are tough from activity. They want their muscles to not develop and remain soft and kinda mushy.

A reporter with the Guardian in the UK was investigating the chicken industry and described a chicken house as “a sea of stationary grey objects”. Anyone who follows the news will know that we are constantly hearing of salmonella outbreaks. This is because when you force any animal to live in overcrowded filthy buildings without air or sunshine it causes stresses. These birds immune systems cannot cope with the load. They cannot cope with billions and billions of pathogens assaulting their body all the time. It is a fact of life. Millions of people around the world come down with what most commonly called stomach flu – cramps, diarrhea, and other abdominal stress. This is almost always a result of eating a poultry product, either chickens, turkeys, or eggs. These diseases are ubiquitous throughout the world are are known to be considered “diseases of production” otherwise known as man made diseases. These disease are related are known in the poultry industry because you cannot raise animals under these conditions and not have diseases. And the industry will concede. These chickens are sitting in their own excrement, breathing toxic gases, on crippled legs. They are assaulted by every type of micro-organism that is making them sick. Many of these organisms get passed on to the handlers or to the people consuming the chicken who then become sick. And now we are finding that bacteria are becoming immune to these antibiotics, many of which are needed to treat humans of the diseases they got from eating poultry products.”

Dr. Dave: “I’ve got a question for you. You’ve given a tremendous amount of information. And I don’t want to date this but we are coming up on Thanksgiving and Christmas, holidays where it is typical to serve things like turkey, chicken, and eggs. Why should my listeners/viewers not go out to the store to buy poultry this season?”

Karen: “This should be your first real Thanksgiving. And you are contributing to the first real Thanksgiving for the turkeys and the chickens that you aren’t going to eat anymore. Your good fortune should not be based on their bad fortune. And that is a reason in itself to enjoy a delicious vegan Thanksgiving. Turkeys and chickens love to be outdoors in the wide open. we have had many of them at our animal sanctuary in Machipongo, Virginia. We tell people that when you are eating these animals you are eating misery. There are just so many reasons not to eat turkey. We have the capacity, and the culinary genius, as human beings to create products that are healthy for people, that don’t have the cruelty, don’t have the contamination, don’t have the cholesterol, and taste really good. We can be pioneers in the kitchen. We urge people to be pioneers in the kitchen. Let this be the first real Thanksgiving. No one wants to give thanks over something whose life was frightful.”

Dr. Dave: “For the people who will respond that they only purchase free range organic poultry and that they have had a great life, how do you respond to them?”

Karen: “The answer is that even under the best circumstances, they are still not good circumstances for animals that are raised for food. They are manipulated, the birds are usually debeaked, the turkeys are almost always artificially milked and inseminated. What we have discovered in our recent investigation of Whole Foods is that basically Whole Foods isn’t telling the public the truth. They are charging consumers inflated prices for birds who they are telling the consumer were raised humanely. But when the suppliers were investigated, it was discovered that these birds are raised in the same horrible stench filled polluted factory farm conditions as the so called regular commercial birds. So Whole Foods is really a scam when it comes to their animal products.”

Dr. Dave: “Finally someone tells us the truth. Karen, I really appreciate your time. Can you tell my listeners/viewers a little more about your sanctuary and how they can reach you?”

Karen: “United Poultry Concerns is based in Machipongo, VA. We moved there in 1998 to accommodate our chicken sanctuary. We have an outdoor aviary for our chicken. And each year on the Saturday following Thanksgiving Day, we invite people to come from 2pm-5pm to our all vegan potluck Thanksgiving celebration. We ask that everyone bring a vegan dish that could serve about four people. We tell people that if you cannot bring a dish, to come anyway. If you are not yet a vegetarian or vegan, it is wonderful to come to an event like this to discover the wealth of animal free foods.”

Dr. Dave: “Do you have a website or other contact?”

Karen: “Yes, our website is www.upc-online.org.”

Dr. Dave: “Karen thank you so much. Don’t be surprised if you see a bus pull from Maryland pull up with a bunch of vegans on it.”

Karen: “Sure, as long as you’re on it!”

Dr. Dave: (laughing) “I might be driving it”.

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 275,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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Website: https://davidmadow.com 
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102 – Progress

This, of course, is the show where I help you live longer, stronger, thinner, healthier, happier, and a lot more! We have a lot of stuff jam packed into today’s episode!

We are recording outside today. I wanted to take advantage of my outdoor studio because before too long it will be cold and I am going to be forced to do this indoors again, which is totally fine.

I am really excited! I am leaving in a couple hours to drive down to Charlottesville, Virginia. I am going to be speaking tomorrow afternoon at the Charlottesville Vegetarian Festival. I hope I am going to have a packed room because I have a great message to deliver. The name of my talk is “How Anyone Can Thrive on a Plant Based Diet”.  I am thinking about “scoping” it but by the time you hear this, it will have already taken place. However be sure to follow me on Periscope. It’s a great app! I am using it a lot! It is available on both iPhone and on Android. It is a way that you can be connected to me in between my weekly podcast episodes. We can do some really cool stuff. It’s interactive and you can ask questions. I honestly believe it is where we are headed. It is the future of podcasting, broadcasting, and social media coming all together. It is free. And follow me at @DavidMadow.

I wanted to talk a little bit today about how far we’ve come. Even over the past year to year and a half. Because I am going to bet you right now that one year ago there just was not as much talk about plant based. You probably didn’t hear the word vegan. Of course, the word vegan has been around for a long time. It’s nothing new but in the past year, it’s getting much more attention. I have noticed that in restaurants it is becoming easier to find vegan options on the menu. More people are talking about it and more people are trying to immerse themselves in this culture. It is just incredible! And I am glad you’re with me! It doesn’t go without a lot of hard work. We have to spread the word!

When I started my podcast two years ago, I was still eating meat. Not a lot of it but I was still eating some meat. I even talked about that on my show. It was definitely a dilemma for me. As much as I loved animals and didn’t think it was right to kill animals, I still felt that we needed some meat in our diet. How wrong that turned out to be! It’s been about a year and a half now that I have been 100% vegan. When I first started talking about it on my podcast and on my Facebook page, I received a decent amount of backlash. A lot of people were very argumentative. For about a half a second I considered stopping what I was doing. No way! I am determined to move forward and to spread the word. Because when I can help other people with not only their health but also protect and save animals from suffering and all kinds of horrible things they go through, and help to save the environment, then I feel that I am contributing. I have made new friends and have had people agree with my message. Now that doesn’t mean that it’s not at a bit of a cost because I have also had a decent number of people send me hate mail, hateful messages on Facebook, or try to troll or spam my Facebook page. For some reason I can’t understand why. If I am trying to spread a message of health, loving animals, and things like that, then I don’t see why it would upset somebody. I am not telling anyone that they have to do this. I would never come out and say “you have to be vegan”. But would I say that I believe it’s a better lifestyle? Do I believe it’s healthier? Do I believe it’s better for the planet? Absolutely! I have been on both sides and I can tell you with 100% certainty, the side where you are not consuming animal products or using animals for entertainment, or clothing, or anything, is so much better for so many reasons. Nothing is 100% percent but if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, or even cancer, there is a pretty good chance that going plant based could help these things and help prevent things in the future.

Why are people so upset about that message? Well guess what? They are! And I think it actually comes down to something I learned a little bit about. I am certainly no expert on this at all. But it actually comes down to something that psychologists call cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is if you are used to or are living your life doing some type of behavior. For example, if you have been eating animal products your entire life, a steak is normal, a hamburger is normal. But then you start to see this little buzz and hear that animal products can make you prone to more diseases. And it’s causing animals to suffer. And when you start to find out the truth, that’s when cognitive dissonance comes into play. On the one hand, you’re used to doing something that you think is right and you don’t want to stop. On the other hand, there’s this undercurrent of people saying that it’s not right. It’s killing you, it’s killing animals and hurting the Earth. So what happens is that you become very confused. You might be resentful or lash out at people but subconsciously you know that maybe something is wrong. In other words, your brain is being challenged. So if you are currently consuming animal products you could possibly be undergoing some cognitive dissonance.

Several months ago very few people had heard of the movie Cowspiracy but now it’s going more mainstream because Netflix is picking it up. I have been recommending the movie to my friends and followers for a little while now. If you haven’t seen it, please watch it. It will open your eyes to a lot of things that maybe you have been turning your head to, don’t want to hear about, or have been ignoring. This stuff is becoming more and more mainstream. More and more people are talking about it. It’s not going to go away. It’s going to get bigger and bigger and bigger. I don’t know if I will ever see it in my lifetime but I believe that in the next generation it will be commonplace to live a vegan lifestyle. We are finding out that consuming animal products is not good for your health. There is evidence out there. Chances are you will live a healthier life with no medication and live to a longer age if you are plant based. You also won’t be contributing to animal suffering.

Where am I going with this? In the past year the world has undergone so much change and I am noticing more and more of a buzz. I am getting more and more messages in my inbox saying that they are listening to my message and trying to do their best, they’re changing, they’re meat free, or they’re vegan. What is the next year going to hold? I think it’s going to be fantastic! I am positive that more and more people will be going in this direction. So I just want to thank you for being a friend, being a follower, and listening to my message. And I just realized that I have noticed that the actual amount of hate mail or people saying bad things about my posts. They are now few and far between whereas when I first started this they were pretty common. And I don’t know if that’s because there are more of us and it’s more acceptable now. I don’t know the answer to that but I do know that I feel so much positivity. I feel like we are absolutely going in the right direction. It’s not happening overnight. But I am seeing a curve starting and it’s going up. We are gathering a lot of momentum. I am excited! I have never felt better!

If I change one life in the room it’s worth it for me. If I change more than that, then so much the better. I would like to share a story with you. My friend, Ira Goldberg, wrote in for my 100th show. At about age 48, he was very obese. He looked and felt horrible. He even said he was “only one buffet away from dying”. He made it a point to totally change his life. He took animal products out of his diet. He went totally plant based. No processed foods. He started moving his body. He started walking, and before he knew it was running and biking. At the two year anniversary of changing his life, he completed an Ironman triathlon. You would not believe the difference! This man saved his entire life! YOU have the power to change it!

If you have not come on board yet, I urge you to at least consider a plant based diet. Unprocessed whole foods with very little salt, oil, or sugar. When you do that you will see your entire life turn around. You won’t believe it.

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 275,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

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Website: https://davidmadow.com 
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101 – Climbing Mount Democrat and Cameron

I am filming today’s show on location outside. It’s a beautiful September day and we have a lot to talk about today so join us!

We celebrated our 100th show just last week. When I first started the show, I never imagined I would get this far. When I first started off, the show was called Slice Your Age in Half, then it was Slice Your Age, and now it is The David Madow Lifestyle Show. I think that The David Madow Lifestyle Show sort of tells the whole story. It’s all about lifestyle and I am doing it. I am trying to help you do it too!

Looking back on last week’s show, the 100th birthday party, I am not sure I expressed my feelings of gratitude towards you and towards what I am doing. And I wanted to take just a few seconds to thank YOU so much from the bottom of my heart for being a friend of mine. Even if you have never met me personally, I consider you a friend. I feel your energy, you’re here with me, and we’re changing the world one person at a time. When I first started, I had a few listeners. But over the past two years and 101 podcasts, people from all over the world have been watching the videos and listening to the audio podcasts and I am just so humbled. Thank you! I always say if I can change just one life of someone watching or listening to this; then that makes my day. And it’s evident that I have changed so many more. I read a lot of your stories last episode. I have two or three more that came in late and I don’t want to miss them entirely. So I wanted to give them a chance to express how they feel.

Michael Cowgill“Good Morning Dave! I must say much more of my life has changed because of you. I look at myself and the world differently now, not just what I eat, but other things too. I am into conservation and meditation now. And due to a lower back injury, I will begin yoga to repair lower back muscles. I drink purified water. I exercise more than ever. I am hiking. I use a step machine. I even recycle as a way to help our planet. I guess turning 60 really opened my eyes as to what direction I needed to go in. I don’t preach but if asked I will tell others what I do and believe is a healthy way of life. I have just changed a few people’s way of eating and lifestyle and it feels great! I wish more people would just realize how changing a few things could change their lives for the better to become healthier and happier. I have lost 72 lbs. at this point. And it’s interesting because I know what I need to eat to maintain my body weight.  I think I will lose another 20 lbs. and be right where I feel comfortable.”

Congratulations! That’s very cool! It’s very interesting when you start eating and living a healthy lifestyle, you know what and what not to put in your body. You know if you eat something in particular it will cause you to gain weight and become less healthy. If you eat healthy plant based whole foods, non-processed, with minimal salt, sugar, and oil, it is very easy to maintain your weight. Thanks so much Michael!

Jay U. “Good Morning Dr. David & Yoko from Australia! Thank you for sharing your world with us. I am so thankful you’ve entered my life through your podcasts and guiding me through some of the toughest times in my life. Sharing your thoughts, experiences, and your views which have tied a lot of puzzles in my life.”

Wow Jay! That’s so cool! I am glad we are able to help you all the way in Australia. And if you have never heard of Jay, Jay has been a listener for a long time. Jay actually came to the U.S this past May to run the Bay 2 Breakers race 12K with us. And we hung out and did a meet up and had a really cool dinner. It was great meeting up with you in San Francisco and let’s do it again sometime soon Jay! I am so glad that your life is really good now!

Millie Slater Thompson“Your enthusiasm and passion for all you do has always inspired me to push to be the best I can be.”

Millie, I am so glad to hear that!

It’s not too late, if you want to write in to me and ask a question or send a comment about how I have changed your life, I will feature you on the show. It’s greatly appreciated!

I also want to talk to you guys today about something that Yoko and I did about three weeks ago while in Colorado. We did a podcast after a we ran a half marathon that had an elevation over 12,500 feet. A half marathon is typically about 13.1 miles so it’s not easy to begin with but when you are running a half marathon over 12,500 feet it’s definitely not easy. Actually someone wrote in to me and said it’s one of the world. I am not sure if it is but it is really tough. We did have a great time doing it. A week after the half marathon, Yoko and I set out to hike two 14,000 foot mountains (otherwise known as a fourteener). Our plan was to hike one which was Mt. Democrat. It was a 45 minute drive from where we were staying in Breckenridge. Part of the difficulty in the hike is just getting there. One you may your way to the town of Alma, CO and head towards Kite Lake the road is extremely difficult to navigate. The road is in poor condition, with bumps, potholes, and all kinds of irregularities like grooves and ditches. And if you don’t have a good four wheel drive vehicle you probably won’t make it up that road. It was a crazy drive. I was really worried that we were going to get a flat tire or break down in the middle of nowhere. We finally made it up the road to Kite Lake and it’s still dark because we left very early. We put our head-lamps on and get our packs and start the hike up to Mt Democrat. It starts out on a level path which isn’t too bad but it very quickly begins to go uphill. It was a lot of slow walking and climbing over large rocks. The altitude was difficult but what made it really scary was that the rocks are a bit wet and slippery in the morning. As I am climbing up these slippery rocks, I begin thinking that this is really dangerous. I had my pack and my hiking poles. I knew if I took one fall that could really be a serious situation. My even bigger concern was going downhill. We met some amazing people during the hike. Including a young woman who was carrying her 35 lb. mountain bike up to the summit which is something I have never seen before. I could not have done it, it was unbelievable! We all made it to the top and spent some time taking photos and talking to other hikers. Luckily on the way down, it has warmed up enough to dry the rocks and the descent was not too difficult. It was much easier and faster than the ascent. We made it to the saddle between Mt. Democrat and Mt. Cameron and now we have a decision to make. We could go back down to the car or as Yoko suggested we could climb another fourteener today. Of course, I am thinking, Yoko are you crazy? We just did one fourteener and a half marathon the week before, let’s cool it for a bit. But she said no it’s right there, let’s go up another 14,000 foot mountain. I agreed and we began hiking the next mountain which was Mt. Cameron. It was a little easier than Mt. Democrat. There was a more defined trail instead of the rock scrambling we did on Mt. Democrat. It took us about 2 hours 15 minutes to reach the summit of Mt. Democrat and probably about an hour or so to summit Mt. Cameron from the saddle. It was a great day! It was difficult but I felt a serious sense of accomplishment after summiting TWO 14,000 foot mountains in Colorado.

So where am I going with this? I have found that over the years mixing up my training is a great way to stay in shape. Doing the same exercise every day is good; at least you are moving. But don’t be afraid to mix it up. Do something fun! Do something you have to train for such as a half marathon or 5k. Get out and do something different!

I also want to share some exciting news! My son, Evan, and his lovely fiancé and getting married next month in San Diego. So Yoko and I will be heading out there. It’s going to be a great family event with tons of friends. This is what life is about! These great moments!

Thanks so much for being with me and being a friend. Please feel free to share my show with your family and friends.

Also see me on Periscope. I am having daily broadcasts sharing tips and advice. Periscope is an app that you can download on your smartphone to watch live video broadcasts. Follow me on Periscope @DavidMadow.

Come see me on Saturday, September 26th at the Charlottesville Vegetarian Fest at 2pm. I will be speaking about plant based living. Hope to see you there!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 275,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>My website:
Website: https://davidmadow.com 
Check out the podcasts, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow

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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life? Share this show with them and send them to https://www.davidmadow.com


100 – The Episode 100 PARTY!!!

It’s the 100th episode and I’ve got something special for you today. Stay tuned!

When we first started this, about two years ago, I had an idea to get on the computer and start a podcast to teach other people how to become a better person, how to live healthier, how to enjoy what you’re doing; or just like I start the show how to be stronger, thinner, healthier, happier, and a lot more! When I first started, the website was actually called Slice Your Age in Half and not long after changed the name to Slice Your Age. The website and podcast were under that name for about a year and a half. Several months ago, I decided to change the name of the show to make it more simple and since people knew me and I am the personality of the show, the name was changed to The David  Madow Lifestyle Show. And there is no turning back. I love doing this! I don’t get paid to do this show and I do it totally on my own time. Just to help you live a much better life and I think I have resonated with a lot of you.

I have been through a lot of phases. When we first started the show, I was eating meat and other animal products. I always talked about how I had a dilemma and how much I loved animals. I tried to go to local farms and only buy organic.

There have been lots of changes in the two years. We’ve had ups and downs. There have been times when we’ve had so many listeners and viewers and times when the numbers weren’t really good. We are currently on a really big upswing. I also want to thank anyone that has shared my show online at anytime. I really appreciate it and please continue to do so. I also want to really thank Victoria Fedden who wrote a really cool blog article a week or two ago called The 10 Best Podcasts to Help you Change your Life. In that article, I was listed along some really big names and I am not sure I deserve to be listed with some of the big name that were in there but it was really appreciated and from that article I got some spikes in viewers and people following me.

I have been experimenting lately with a new app called Periscope. It’s really cool. You download it to your phone and talk into it and people all over the world can see a video that I broadcast. Right now I only have about 100 followers on that but I have only been on it about two weeks and I can just tell it will be an awesome platform. If you would be so kind, please download the app on your smartphone and follow me @DavidMadow. Anytime I do a broadcast you will receive a notification and we will be doing some really cool things there. Be sure to share that! It’s a very cool up and coming platform that I think is going to get really big. You’ve heard it from me first 😉

One of the biggest things that has happened to me in the last fifteen years, is that I was able to settle on an agreement in a financial matter that was very difficult for me. It had to do with an alimony settlement. It’s been settled. I had to pay dearly for it but by getting something like that in your life settled and out of the way, it clears the air and allows me to move forward with my life. It took a tremendous amount of stress away from me. I feel so much better! So it’s not just enough to eat well and exercise. As I have said since day 1 of the show, you need to live a really well rounded life. If there is anything that is stressing you, a relationship problem, a job problem; you have to fix that! Everything is connected! I was doing everything in my power to do things that best I could, eat really well and exercise. This one financial thing was plaguing me every single day. I focused and came up with a goal to get this out of me life and fix it.

I really hope I have helped you live your best life possible! I had a lot of people write in wanting to be mentioned on today’s show. I will get to as many of them as possible. I got so many responses from people who had really nice things to say about The David Madow Lifestyle Show. Your comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to come into your life!

Let’s Start the Party!

Brian Block – “Hi Dave! I began my vegan plant based diet one year ago. At that time I was literally one chinese buffet away from a stroke or heart attack. I was 54 years old weighing 365 pounds. Had super high blood pressure and was on two medications to control my blood pressure. I had severe sciatica to the point where I couldn’t walk more than a few feet before the pain started. My skin was awful. I had sleep apnea and depression. And I knew I would die if I didn’t do something soon. I knew it had to be a permanent change, not just a quick fix. I was fascinated about going plant based but didn’t think I could give up cheese. I am also an animal lover and I felt hypocritical eating them when I loved them. So I decided to go “cold turkey”. I gave up all animal products and took it one day at a time. I was turned on to your podcast. You’re a huge inspiration for me. Your love for life, love for animals, and commitment to eating a vegan diet is truly inspiring. I have listened to many of your previous podcasts and look forward to your weekly ones. I took your advice about exercise specifically walking. I took it slow only being able to walk a quarter of a block before my sciatica started. I lost 16 pounds my first week of eating a plant based vegan diet! It gave me the boost that I needed to keep going. I wasn’t hungry and was starting to feel better every day. And best of all I didn’t miss cheese or any other animal products. I was hooked! Fast forward to today, I have lost a total of 173 pounds so far. I am off all medications and have been for months. My blood pressure is normal. My sleep apnea is gone. All my blood work numbers have improved significantly. I haven’t been sick at all since I started and my sciatica is a non issue now. I began walking further every day eventually getting up to six miles daily. I decided to kick it up a notch and start running. In May, I ran a 10K with my son in under an hour. I am currently training for a half marathon in October. I am 55 years old and doing all the things I missed out on when I was a mess. Thank you for all your inspiration. You helped save my life!” 

That is such a touching message. It is incredible. I am so glad that you took it upon yourself. I may have given you the inspiration but you are the one that changed your entire life. Kudos for that!! For everyone listening, I think we should give Brian a round of applause.

Nomi Waters – “You have definitely changed my life. Gave me confidence with your support. And inspired me to take the leap and start to my blog. Without you there would be no Nomi Waters.”

That’s really cool. By the way, check Nomi out at www.nomiwaters.com. She is a really cool person with tons of inspiration and potential.

Terry Chaney – “You offered your friendship and guidance. It’s meant the world to me!”

David G.“You’ve helped give me confidence to continue rather than just give up.”

Anne Marie G.“You have inspired me to love nature a little bit more.”

Tony Y.“You have inspired me to eat healthier, train harder, and to compete in the Kayak Surf Ski Races. At age 62, I can still try to keep up with those young bucks!”

William Newton “Every time we run into each other it seems to take on the characteristics of excitement. It makes me check my own feelings and distill them a bit to simply those important things – friends, family, and mortality. My peace gets revalidated.” 

Betty Cummins“For one, off the top of my head, you taught me to always take the high road.”

Rob & Lisa Rosenberg –  “I am not vegan yet but I have given up a lot of crappy foods.”

Claudia L.“You inspire me to stay on track even when it’s hard or inconvenient. You also have such positive energy :)”

Emily“I keeping thinking vegan pho every time I eat pho now.”

Margolyn “Thanks for the inspiring program. While I am not quite on the plan, I am always getting closer with your counseling. Keep up the good work, you are inspiring many.”

Melissa Lynn Miller“Bucket list happening here in Moose Jaw, Canada. I will update you on Friday.”

Melissa had a lot of cool things she is doing to make her life better. A lot of things on her bucket list that are going to be amazing. And I can’t wait to see what she is doing!

Lori A. Hogan“You’ve inspired me to be a better vegan.”

Mark Walsh“Huge thank you from me! I am currently listening to every podcast and enjoying the debate. Since I discovered Slice Your Age (our former name), I’ve doubled my exercise, lost 9 pounds, and enjoy a green shake and fruit to start every single day. During work times I start my day with 15 minutes of meditation. And this helps me cope with the dark miserable days of the UK winter. It all started with a will to change and luckily I stumbled on your site. I dramatically cut out my meat consumption to organic meat once a week and hope to go fully vegetarian in the near future.”

Scott Westermeyer“Your posts have become a little nagging voice in my head about how I eat. A plant based diet is something I know I should subscribe to. My wife, daughter, and I have recently listened to the China Study and now there are more voices, dammit! So we are about 10 days into a better way of eating. I feel great!”

Sandy P “You have inspired me to give up the junk food and cut sugar out of my diet. I am down 20 pounds since March. You made me aware of what I was eating. It wasn’t good. I feel great now, tons of energy. 🙂 🙂 “

Lisa S. – “Very inspiring. Thank you!”

Angela Wong“Thank you 🙂 “

Lisa Miles“You certainly have inspired me again. Thank you, you rock!!”

Buddy Asher“David I don’t know if I have ever been on your page until now. I decided to take a peak and happened to see this. So I will thank you here for your encouragement and kind words since starting my weight loss regimen. I am on day 5, so far so great! Thanks again!”

Michael Rudnick“I will let you know that one of the best pieces of advice that you ever gave me was to take baby steps in order to reach my long and short term goals. Very good advice!”

Linda B.“I’ve followed this for a few days and though that your biggest inspiration to me is that you can change and get better at any age. Your enthusiasm is contagious in a good way. And your zest for sharing knowledge is wonderful. I love your podcast and have started many new things after they played at The Seed. I think your sharing is honest and you practice what you preach. You truly love what you do and it shows!”

Sharon McRae“Dave, you’ve helped me realize that you don’t have to run the whole time to stay in the race. Metaphorically speaking as well as literally.” 

Sharon runs a really cool pot luck plant based dinner in Columbia, MD. It is held once a month usually on Sunday evening. If you are anywhere near the area and want to experience a very cool healthy pot luck dinner with a great group of people, check it out at http://www.meetup.com/Columbia-MD-Forks-Over-Knives-Meetup/.

Michael C. – “Good Morning David! Many of your videos and postings have been interesting to me and I have adopted many of the things you talk about in my life. It’s a motivation for sure!”

Kelly Lynch“David you have been, and are continuing to be, one of the key people in my life that have me moving forward and not lingering with past faults. Your passion is infectious and I thank you for that.”

Ira Goldberg “I was thinking about you yesterday. I did a 30K (roughly 18-19 miles). I was getting killed by the hills. I looked at my Garmin afterward and it was 984 feet of elevation. I thought to myself, come on stop your bitching. Dave Madow just climbed twelve thousand feet.”

If I didn’t get to share your message please know that I read it and it resonated with me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!!

When I first started, I had no idea how this was going to go. I didn’t know f I would have one listener, no listeners, or a small handful of listeners. Over the period of 2 years, at least 275,000 of you have downloaded episodes. It’s growing and growing. The word is getting out there.

I want you to stick with me! This is only episode #100. We have a long way to go and we are going to change the world! Be with me on that. Make sure that as you are not only changing your life, you are also helping others change their lives because it’s one of the most powerful things we can do.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making The David Madow Lifestyle Show the success that is has been! I appreciate you listening, joining in, hanging with me on Facebook, sending me emails, sending me messages. When I hear from you I know I am helping. I know that I am making a difference and nothing could be better for me than to get feedback from you! I am changing the world one person at a time!

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 275,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>My website:
Website: https://davidmadow.com 
Check out the podcasts, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow

Check out videos of the show and send questions/feedback

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Instagram:

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Google+

—> Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:

__> Subscribe to Dr. Dave’s YouTube channel:


—>Connect with Dr. Dave and his professional portfolio on LinkedIn:


—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life? Share this show with them and send them to https://www.davidmadow.com


99 – The Breck Crest Half Marathon

On today’s show, Dr. Dave and his wife Yoko are talking about the Breck Crest Half Marathon. If you are a runner, you won’t want to miss today’s show!

How We Got Involved

A few months ago, Yoko approached me and asked if I would like to run a half marathon. Since we normally run marathons, I figured that it would be easy and I would have no problem. When she told me it would be in Breckenridge, Colorado, I knew there would be some mountain elevations but I figured it would be no problem so I said yeah, let’s do it!

Why We Got Involved & Why We Are Talking About It to YOU

We love Breckenridge and frequently ski there. A lot of our Breckenridge friends have always encouraged us to come back when the weather is warmer. And so two years ago or so, we did. And it was beautiful! So this race was a great reason to visit again during the summer months.

The town of Breckenridge itself sits 9600 feet above seal level which is almost two miles. When you start ascending the mountains in Breckenridge, obviously it’s even higher. I believe the highest peak in Breckenridge is about 13,000 feet or so. Running on a mountain trail is completely different than training at home or on flat pavement. Locally, at home, we trained at a place called Oregon Ridge Nature Center which actually has some really nice trails with a lot of ups and downs but it is still so much different.

We are talking about this marathon today because, for a long time now, I have been recommending cross training. Doing many different things. We really believe in walking. Walking is great exercise. Running is also great exercise. But when you take your walking or running to a trail, it is a whole different ball game.

Race Day

The day of the race we started at 7:30am. We quickly noticed that almost all of the other runner were locals of the area which means that they are all acclimated to the altitude and we were not. We got in about a week in advance to prepare for the race and did a decent amount of hiking on some pretty high mountains to get acclimated. See a photo from one of our “easy” hikes below.

easy hike


When the starting gun went off, we ran a little through the street and directly to the Burro Trail. At this point, I realized that this race was not going to be simple because many of the locals were already well ahead of us. The race was about 13.4 miles whereas a typical half marathon is usually about 13.1 miles. The first half of the race, or about 6.5 miles were all on uphill trails. We did a combination of running and walking up the trails at first.

Dr. Dave: “What difference did you find between walking/running on a trail versus walking/running on the street? What did you have to do differently”

Yoko: “Well, we have to watch our steps because on paved roads you can look back and forth and be ok. But actually I fell [on the trail].”

Dr. Dave: “So we really have to watch our step. There are not only stones, rocks, tree branches, and uneven terrain. It goes from very wide to very narrow where there is basically only a thin single track. All kinds of branches can hit you. There are a million obstacles!”

Yoko: “I watch steps. I am flexible and kinda good at stone hopping over streams but it was a race I probably pushed more than I should have. I almost fell a few times. Something was telling me I needed to slow down a bit. I was lucky because I didn’t get any major injuries.”

The interesting thing is that going up for the first 6.5 miles, I am ok with admitting that I walked. I can walk at a really fast pace. And I can save energy by walking the first half.

The first leg of the Burro Trail had a decent uphill. There were a lot of people but at times it thinned out. Once we made the left, the trail got a little easier. Since the race is in the mountains we had to carry a lot of nutrition with us because the aid stations are pretty far apart. I had a Camelbak backpack for water and also carried electrolyte tablets. I use Endurolytes by Hammer Nutrition and Yoko uses electrolyte tablets by Nuun. You lose a lot of electrolytes during a marathon especially in places like the mountains. Since it’s not as humid you do not sweat nearly as much and you don’t realize how much your body is losing. I also bring food as well. 13.5 miles takes a lot out of you and you have to be eating.

Dr. Dave: “Yoko, share some of the things you brought with you to snack on.”

Yoko: “I brought baby food.”

Dr. Dave: “This is the coolest thing. We usually buy Earth’s Best or other organic baby food. There are basically no additives but it has a good combination of fruits and vegetables in an easy to use pouch. There are tons of different flavors. What else did you bring Yoko?”

Yoko: “I brought…”

Dr. Dave: “Oh, it’s a gel. It costs about $1.50 each at a place like REI or another outdoor running store. Yoko and I are plant based, we are vegan. This is vegan but we also try to eat whole foods as much as possible. Baby food is a whole food. It’s basically fruits and vegetables pureed together. Nothing added to this. It’s really really healthy. We are trying to get away from the gels. What else did you bring there?”

Yoko: “Well it’s not vegan but they give these out at the race. This is actually a very good one if you are not vegan.”

Dr. Dave: “For those not watching on video, this is a honey stinger gel. It is an organic energy gel made mostly from honey. I personally, as a vegan, would not consume this. But if you are not vegan, then this is ok for you. I also made two almond butter and jelly sandwiches on ciabatta bread. I like ciabatta bread because it maintains it’s shape and doesn’t get squished in a backpack. I also brought some dates and mixed nuts and other stuff. Needless to say we bring a lot a food with us.”

We get past the first aid station, which was 4.5 miles uphill, although not extremely horrible. It was a gradual steady incline. After we make a sharp right at about the 5 mile point. At which point we were getting close to the timber line. At some point, that high in the mountains, vegetation will no longer grow. So we had the beautiful expansive view. But way out in the distance I saw this hill that went up, up, up and I saw a whole line of runners. My first thought was there must be another race going on that day because they were way out there. It looked so far away. This trail went up very steep up a mountain side almost to the point where we were at the summit of the mountain. You can see all the snow that’s still there from last winter. I wasn’t really worried about the time. I was going to get up that hill. It was tough as hell. People around me were struggling. By the way, there was a guy that was 76 years old that passed me on that hill. We finally made it up the hill and flattened out at the summit of the mountain. About a quarter of a mile later we made it to aid station number two. At that point we had gone up 12, 533 feet! That’s pretty high. higher than Mt. Fuji!!

The station was so welcoming. They had water available, electrolyte drinks, some of the honey stinger gel (that I would not take). They had some really great volunteers. We hung around and talked to them for a minute or two then we took off.

The rest of the race was downhill. Downhill is not necessarily easy either. There’s a lot of pounding. You have to be looking for the root because it is a trail through the mountain. You have to make sure you follow the signs or you will get lost. You just have to be very careful. Yoko finished the race a bit before I did. I finished too! It was an incredible experience. I am ready to do it again. It was so amazing and exhilarating.

One of my favorite parts of the race was after we had finished and everyone was standing around at the finish line, they announced that 76 year old had finished the race. He finished 15 minutes after I did. Everyone was clapping. We went up to meet him. He was a veterinarian from Lone Tree, Colorado. When I went to shake his hand, he had one of the firmest, strongest handshakes I ever felt. So there were people from all different walks of life.

If you want to do something really cool?! Join us next year, in Colorado for the Breck Crest Half Marathon. It would be such an experience to have our friends, listeners, and followers to do this with us!

I learned a lot from this race. One of the things I learned, is that when you are running a race or doing an ultra distance in the mountains on a trail it pays to walk. Don’t try to run. You will tire so quickly it will take your breath away.

Get out and do something! Try new experiences in your life!

Next episode is 100! It will be very special. It’s not too late. If you have anything to say about how I have inspired you, message me on Facebook.

“Thank you very much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by the thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 250,000+ downloads mark! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>My website:
Website: https://davidmadow.com 
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