Seven Beliefs That Are Keeping You Unhappy!

Hey there… it’s Dr. Dave.

Today we are going to dispel seven common beliefs that are floating around out there. I will keep it short, sweet and concise. Here they are. Please let me know what you think!

  1. Work comes before pleasure.

Not true! Work should be pleasurable. I actually love my work. It feels like it’s my hobby! If you do not absolutely love what you do every day, we need to chat!!!

  1. Salad will make me skinny (and that will make me happy).

Not true on many levels. Salad alone will not make you skinny. Or happy. I have actually seen many salads that are over 1000 calories! Over the years I have found that an eating program must be designed right. It’s a lifestyle. I do not agree with the old adage “everything in moderation.” It’s simply not true. If you want to be healthy, you need to be fueling your body with only the foods that will make you healthy! Yeah, it’s basically that simple!

One more thing. There are plenty of people out there that are “skinny on the outside and fat on the inside.” Skinny does not necessarily equate to health. Seriously!

  1. I need to know everything before I can call myself knowledgeable.

Not me! I dive in head first. If I waited until I knew everything before I started a project or a business or anything, I would not be doing anything right now. I still remember the day I got my first computer. It was 1987. I didn’t know squat about computers. I thought a hard drive was something I did returning from a concert.

But I basically took it out of the box, plugged it in, booted it up and learned how to use the sucker. That’s how I roll.

  1. Asking questions will make me look stupid.

Admittedly I used to believe this. But I later realized that asking thoughtful questions will make me stand out as someone who cares and is curious.

  1. Asking others for help will annoy them and make me look weak.

In reality, most people like helping others, and asking for help only means I’m comfortable with who I am. Do you need help with anything? Just ask. I don’t bite last time I checked!!!

  1. Unless I work out every day, my body will start to look frumpy.

My body looks and feels its best when I’m in touch with what it needs: activity and rest.

  1. If everyone agrees with me and likes me, I’m doing it right.

No. I used to try to please everyone. Why? Maybe because I lacked self-confidence. That’s the only thing I can think of. Now, being out there, I know it’s impossible to please everyone. I have actually gotten hate mail from a few people because I recommend a vegan lifestyle.

Listen. I LOVE to teach. I love to help. It seems to be my calling. But when I do, I gotta tell you what I believe is best for you. It’s by no means “my way or the highway.” I still love you if you don’t live my lifestyle! And I certainly understand that my message does not resonate with everyone.

But I still need to get my message out there!

This holds true in business, friendships, relationships… everything. Although you need to be the best possible person you can be, don’t sweat it if everyone doesn’t agree with you!!!

Have a great day!

Dr. Dave