When is Your Birthday?

Birthdays – you either love them or hate them.  I personally love them! NO, not because I get lots of cool presents, but rather because each birthday is a confirmation that I am living a great healthy life!

Friends… I turned 56 last week. I am always hearing from people – “David that cannot be possible, you look 35. You’re still running marathons, you ski, you hike the Grand Canyon, etc.”

YES, I do all of that, and maybe that is what keeps me so young.

So here are my secrets to being 56 and looking 35:

I eat small meals several times a day. I eat a lot of fresh fish and seafood, and I avoid refined sugars, flours and pastas.

I drink a lot (and I mean a lot) of green tea and white tea.

I try to exercise outside daily, whether it’s a walk, run, strength training, or cardio- I move my body every day.

I keep a positive mental attitude. I really do welcome each day with splendor and joy.

I take a lot of photographs.

I do not harbor guilt or anger. If someone does something crazy, I quickly forgive and move on.

I limit the amount of alcohol I drink.

I try to make as many people smile each day as possible.

I NEVER smoke.

And mostly… I laugh and have FUN!!

Hope these tips will help you live to 102 and beyond.

Rock on


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