
204 – Seasonal Affective Disorder and Microdosing

This time of the year, as the days get shorter, many people are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD. In this episode, Dr. Dave discusses how microdosing with psilocybin magic mushrooms can help you if you suffer from this.

203 – The Very First Time I Microdosed

I found myself in a terrible funk a couple of years ago. After spending time with a psychiatrist for over 18 months, taking medication, going to talk therapy, watching my blood pressure increase, having anxiety attacks, I asked him if I should try microdosing magic mushrooms. The rest is history!

202 – What Happened When I Took a Museum Dose of Magic Mushrooms?

So yesterday I took 1.1g of psilocybin magic mushrooms. This is considered to be more than a microdose. Some call it a “museum dose.” I explain in today’s show how they made me feel. I will say that this medicine has done more for my anxiety and depression in seven months than anything else I have done over decades has done. And I emphasize “medicine.” I am NOT using psilocybin as a party drug. This is serious medicine, even though it is not legal at the moment and considered Schedule I by the DEA.

201 – I Microdosed .4g of Psilocybin Mushrooms and Went to a Sound Bath

Welcome all!!! Last night I microdosed .4g of magic mushrooms (psilocybin) and went to an hour long sound bath. It was an absolutely amazing experience. I am here to share everything. Please remember that I am NOT giving medical advice. I am simply sharing what is working for me!