
Microdose U podcast

242 – Sleep Apnea and Microdosing

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Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there. Welcome back to Microdose U. I’m Dr. Dave. Thank you so much for being here. This is one of the episodes, um, that is so important. Um, I want you, if you tick or check off or star any episodes that you wanna refer back to. This is going to be one of them. It’s something that I’ve talked a little about in the past, but not nearly enough, and it’s something that I am actually worried about you, uh, possibly having this and that could be contributing to, let’s face it, because one of the, um, reasons that you’re likely here at Microdose you is because you’re suffering or you have suffered with something like anxiety or depression, PTs, d um, something along that order. Um, chances are, because most of the people that attend attend micro dose, you are, are in that category, including myself. I have, I have suffered with those in the past.

Dr. Dave: (00:54)
Luckily, the microdosing has totally taken care of that. But that’s a really good segue into this because, um, full disclosure, I did something major, um, a couple years ago that I think has also played a really big part in me feeling as good as I do every single day right now, and that is being evaluated and treated for sleep apnea. Now, before you go anywhere, I wanna share this with you. This is super, super important. Um, sleep apnea is a very, very dangerous medical issue. And, uh, they say that about 80 some per, I don’t have the statistics right in front of me, but it’s close enough. 80 some percent of the people that, um, have sleep apnea are not diagnosed. So, uh, that’s a huge, huge, huge number. And to put things in per into perspective more, um, since I’m in the United States, I’ll give you United States statistics, but it’s probably similar all over the world because there’d be no reason why it wouldn’t be.

Dr. Dave: (02:00)
Um, about 25% of adults have sleep apnea. Now, that’s a huge number. That means one out of every four. And, and I think that’s, from what I know about sleep apnea and from what, um, has been trending or, uh, uh, it’s maybe not the right word, but, um, taking place. Um, I think in my opinion, I think that number’s actually low. I think that’s a, that’s a low, very conservative number. I think more than 25% of the people in this country and probably in the world have sleep apnea. Let’s back up for a second. And I, I don’t want you to go anywhere because again, this is super, super important stuff. And if you don’t think this pertains to you, it may, So hold on just a second in case you’re not clear or understand what, what sleep apnea is. Um, in the most simplest terms, sleep apnea is, um, pausing, breathing in the middle of the night due to certain conditions taking place.

Dr. Dave: (03:02)
And, and the two most common conditions that people could stop their breathing in the middle of the night is due to an obstruction. So, in other words, let’s say you have some, um, tissue that when you lay down, um, locks your airway and you will several times or could be, uh, many times per hour, Uh, stop reading. And the reason you will start again is just like you’ll gasp or wake up a little bit and realize that you, your, your brain will realize that you stop reading and then you’ll start again, only to go back to sleep and then have this start over and over and over again. This could take place anytime from any amount from, um, they say if it happens five times per hour or more, that is considered sleep apnea, in my opinion.

Dr. Dave: (03:51)
Again, it’s only my opinion. Even, even if it takes place two to three times per hour, that is dangerous too. Imagine, imagine you’re sleeping and they say the guidelines for obstructive sleep apnea or sleep apnea are, um, five times per hour having an event like that the last 10 seconds or more. Okay? Now suppose you’re sleeping and somebody stabs, you just stabs you, hits you in the ch or does something to you five times per hour. That’s gonna just think about how that’s gonna disrupt your sleep. That’s really, really bad. Now, severe sleep abne is when it happens like, uh, 20 sometimes per hour. That is super, super dangerous and moderate is somewhere mild to moderate, somewhere in the middle there. Um, but suppose, see the guidelines for sleep ap me are anything under five is normal. It’s okay, but let’s go back to the example of somebody stabbing you or hitting you or doing something to you in the middle of night and waking you up.

Dr. Dave: (04:57)
Suppose somebody did that to you only two to three times per hour and it disrupted your sleep and you had to wake up and then you had to go back to sleep. That’s, I don’t think anybody would say that’s a good thing or safe or, or good for your health. So that’s why I think the guidelines and the standards for sleep apnea or, or need to be, in my opinion, need to be updated because, um, although there are a lot of other measurements that go into this, um, the easiest one to understand, and the one actually a lot of doctors even go by, whether it’s right or wrong, is, is called ahi, and it stands for apnea hypo index. You don’t have to know those words, but it just means the number of times you, um, stop breathing or pause your breathing in the middle of the night. There’s also another type of sleep apnea, which is called central sleep apnea. And it has nothing to do with your, um, your air being blocked, uh, your breathing being blocked, but it has more to do with your brain sending inappropriate signals or not the right signals to your, to your, uh, body, to, to,

Dr. Dave: (05:57)
To breathe when you’re, when you’re, when you’re sleep. And that’s called central, central sleep apnea. And that can be as bad or just as dangerous. And there could be something called mixed, mixed sleep apnea, um, or like a hybrid, which is a combination of central and obstructive. So you don’t have to know all this stuff. The most important thing for you to know is that sleep apnea, the definition of sleep apnea is less oxygen, less breathing, pausing and breathing in the middle of the night for, for some reason. Now, what can result from having sleep apnea? Well, a myriad of things, and coincidentally or not coincidentally, some of them are what the reason you’re here, Um, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, uh, you have a much better chance of of having, getting diabetes if you have sleep at me. That goes untreated. People that have untreated sleep apnea are more prone to go on to having major, major events such as heart attack, um, stroke, things like that. So it is very, very serious. Again, the most common symptoms that from the start of having sleep AP are, um, depression and anxiety and, um, high blood pressure. So you’re here for a reason. You’re here to learn about microdosing, so chances are you have some type of anxiety or depression or something like that.

Dr. Dave: (07:36)
I am going to strongly or since, since again, estimate an estimate of, um, one out of every four people have sleep apnea and 80% of the cases go untreated or un undiagnosed and untreated. It’s very, very serious. I’m going to suggest, I’m gonna strongly suggest that you look into this a little more and you go to your primary care physician and request a test for sleep apnea. It’s a sleep study. Most of the times it can be done at home. Most of the times your insurance will cover it, but in my opinion, this is one of the times that you can’t, we can’t worry about whether insurance is going to cover something because this medical issue is so far reaching and so common now and, um, so undiagnosed or underdiagnosed that we have to kind of put insurance to the side and, and say, I’m gonna pay for this, whether my insurance covers this or not. I’m, this is so important for me. I’m going to pay for this and I want, I wanna see if I have some type of sleep apnea. I would say there’s a decent chance that you do, especially if you’re frequently tired in the middle of the day, um, can’t concentrate, your blood pressure’s going up, you’re feeling anxious, you’re feeling depressed, um, there is a very good chance that you have it and you need to be, it needs to be looked at.

Dr. Dave: (09:03)
How is sleep apnea generally treated? Well, again, it depends what type you have, but a common thing, first of all is weight loss is a big thing because a lot of times people, if you have like excess weight, a thicker neck, then you should have, um, that can cause, um, sleep apnea to begin with. But again, that’s not the only cause. And thin people, like I’m reasonably thin and I have sleep apnea. So, um, the main way it’s treated the most mainstream and I think the most predictable and the best way it’s treated because there are all kinds of dental devices. And look, I’m a retired dentist and I’m all for dental devices if they work, but in my opinion, um, they do not work nearly as well as what is called A C P A P. And you changes are, you’ve probably heard of a C P A P, it’s a device that feeds positive air pressure.

Dr. Dave: (09:55)
You wear like a mask over your face. The but the masks are very, very comfortable these days. And I just wear something that kind of like sits, sits underneath my nose and I breathe through my nose throughout the night and it works very well. They deliver a C P A P machine delivers positive air pressure. That’s what the PAT stands for, positive air pressure throughout the night knight so that when you, there’s an obstruction that comes along, it will feed you the air and it will, um, break up or or disturb, disrupt the, the, the obstruction. That’s the, the idea behind it. It’s, again, it’s a little bit more complex than I’ll go into here. And they’re different type of C P A P machines and there’s, um, bilevel machines and, and actually through my usage of C A P and experimenting over the years, I actually, um, graduated to something called an a SV machine, which is, um, kind of like a high level C A P A C P A P machine on steroids, if you will.

Dr. Dave: (10:50)
Um, they’re not for everybody, but it’s more if you have, um, central sleep apnea is where your brain is not telling you when to breathe in the middle of the night. It’s it. So ASV stands for adaptive servo ventilation and it is the, again, cause I went through different types of C P A machines and it’s the only one that really works or work has been working predictably for me. And it’s totally helped me get outta my funk of not being able to sleep well and being super tired during the day. And I am a very, very, very strong believer in, um, using a C P A P machine for sleep apnea.

Dr. Dave: (11:32)
Um, where do we go from here? What should you do? As I said, I, I really believe if you have any of the symptoms that I’ve, um, outlined earlier, um, especially, especially, um, high blood pressure, um, anxiety and depression, um, I would strongly suggest to your primary care physician that you really want to get a sleep study. Um, after you get the sleep study, when the results come back, please listen to your doc and, um, take the advice on treatment because again, it could be the most important medical decision you’ve ever made in your life. I’m surprised there’s just not more of this. I think, um, a decade from now, it’s gonna be so mainstream to be talking about sleep apnea. It almost is now, but, um, not enough. Not enough. So that’s what I wanna share with you. Again, super, super important. I cannot stress that if enough that if you are kind of like saying, Ah, this is not for me, this is not, But if you have any of these symptoms, I’m telling you this could be for you.

Dr. Dave: (12:36)
So I’m glad you made it this far. Um, remember that, um, I put these episodes out on, um, my YouTube channel called microdose U as well as my audio podcast, um, which is also called coincidentally Microdose u. Um, I’ve got our, um, microdosing resource page that describes if you’re a beginner at this, it describes everything from kind of start to finish about microdosing. Go to my website, it’s david, D a v i d M A d o I welcome all questions of comments. I do my best to get back to, um, almost everything as much as I can. Sometimes I miss a little bit just because of my work schedule, but um, I do the best I can and I thank you so much for being here. Dr. Dave Micro, does you talk to you soon?

Microdose U podcast

Special Episode – How Long Will It Take Before I Feel Better?

Please meet up with me over in my new private group to continue the discussion:

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Nothing here is to be taken as medical advice. Dr. Dave is sharing his personal story with you. Please contact your healthcare professional to find out if this is right for you. 

Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Speaker 1: (00:00)
How long will it take before magic mushrooms really start working and I feel better, I feel back the way I should feel? Well, this is the most commonly asked question I get, or at least one of the very most commonly asked questions. And we’re gonna talk about that right now.

Speaker 2: (00:31)
Right now.

Speaker 1: (00:33)
Hey there. Welcome back to Microdose You. Yeah, I’m Dr. Dave. Thank you so much for being with me. I really appreciate you. This, there’s a special episode for, um, you guys listening to my audio podcast. Every once in a while, I’m gonna throw in a special, it’s gonna be a little bit longer than what we, where we normally go. And I’ve got a lot of great information for you. And yes, um, among the most commonly asked questions, this is one of them. How long will it take before I see it start feeling better? Or how long did it take you Dr. Day before you started feeling better? And I will say this, So, um, this is not medical advice and a lot of this, I’m just sharing my own journey, but it doesn’t really matter how long it took me because everybody’s different. Everybody feels different.

Speaker 1: (01:15)
If you give somebody, or you give a group of people, let’s say a hundred people, the the same medication and the same dose at the same time, um, it will affect many people very differently. So there’s not one rule or not one thing I can tell you that say, Okay, you are definitely gonna feel better by day 14. Um, now I just made that one up, so don’t hold me to that. But, but, um, it, it, it really, it really does depend, and I wanna just share this with you right from the start. If you have not listened to my podcast episode called The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Microdosing Magic Mushrooms, I, I would really like you to go listen to that as soon as you finish listening to this one, because it’s one of the most important and comprehensive podcast episodes I’ve ever made.

Speaker 1: (02:03)
And almost every single day I hear questions such as, Well, how much should I start with how much, how many grams or how many milligrams of magic mushrooms should I start? I’ve never done this before. It’s super important. There’s, I will tell you this, there’s not just one dose that you could say, everybody just start with this and you’re gonna be fine. So I go about systematically explaining what you should start with, but then how to evaluate to see, um, if and when you need to raise it and what you need to look for and things like that. So it’s very, very important. And I’m gonna rec recommend you listen to that, uh, the Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Microdosing Magic Mushrooms. But back to the original question, how long will it take before you start feeling better? So one thing I wanna share with you, and this is, this is really important, and I want you to really try to understand this.

Speaker 1: (02:59)
You did not start feeling bad in one day or in one week. Now, whatever you may have, what, uh, uh, not episode, what issues you might have. Um, be it, be it depression or anxiety or, uh, T s D or some type of maybe like eating disorder or, uh, uh, social anxiety or what, you know, the list is very long. You be, um, but, but for, but for one reason or another, you found yourself here. And likely, unless you’re just super, super curious about this topic, likely you are hurting in some way. You’ve got something going on, and probably it’s some form of depression and or anxiety. That’s the most common reason people gravitate to listen to me and to look into microdosing. Now again, there could be a million other reasons, but that’s the most common. And you, I will say, not only will they help you, but you’ll, you’ll get a lot of other benefits as well.

Speaker 1: (04:03)
You’ll just have a, a, a, a different outlook on, on life and what you see around you in the world and, and the universe. And, and it sounds kind of cheesy and maybe like new agey, but, but you really will have a different outlook. And probably, and, and this is a good thing, a, a different outlook than your friends who have never used magic mushrooms. I, now, I, I will tell you, I see things totally differently. I look at life differently. Uh, my days are very different in a, in a very, very good way. Really good way. But the original question, How long will all this take until I feel better? So again, getting back to my original thing, it, it didn’t happen overnight. It likely took year. You don’t realize this, but it likely took years and years and years of things going on in your life and in your body to get you to where you are now.

Speaker 1: (04:57)
So it may not be a quick fix. Now, there are some people that say, the first time I microdosed I started feeling better. And it was just, and it went, got better from there. It just kept getting better. And, and I will tell you, I am one of those people. I’ve been microdosing for one and a half years, and I can still remember the very first time I took a microdose, um, that day. And again, I say I, I do want to make this clear. It, it could have been some type of placebo effect, but I’ll take it. Cause I felt better. I felt better like right away that day. Now, I, I didn’t feel that I was like cured, but I felt better. I felt a lot better. And what that means is that my, if you can picture like a line on a graph.

Speaker 1: (05:47)
So from day one, after I microdose started getting a little better, so the graph starts going a little higher, higher, higher, day to day, better, better, better. Um, and then fast forward to one and a half years, I’m like, my line, or my point is, is way up there, way up there compared to where I started, I was able to get off of my, um, antidepressant. I was able to get off my occasional use of, um, benzo, cuz sometimes the antidepressant just didn’t cut it. And I’d have to take a benzo because that’s the only way I could really feel like acceptable during a day. So I was able to get off the benzo pretty quickly. And then nine months later I started weaning off of my antidepressant. Cuz I just felt really, really, really good. And my, again, thinking about it as a graph, I’m, I’m making signals with my hands, but you can’t see my hands be, this is audio.

Speaker 1: (06:39)
The graph, the chart is getting better, better, better, better, better, better going up, up, up, up, up. Now on the other hand, there are some people that start microdosing and they really don’t feel a big change right away. Now, some people, if that’s the case or just quitters, they just, This isn’t working, I’m gonna stop. I don’t recommend that because again, life is not about easy, quick fixes. Life is, it’s not real life. When you see people doing things and, and it looks like they’re like super successful or wealthy or they lost weight, um, you think they did it overnight. But in most cases now, there are some exceptions, but in most cases people have to work long and hard and not give up to get to where they want to be. And microdosing is not an exception. So your graph could be kind of like flatline for a little while.

Speaker 1: (07:35)
Maybe there’s not a difference, I’m just making this up. It maybe for the first month, there’s not a big difference. Maybe it just kind of goes on and on and you’re still taking your, your medication, whatever that might be, um, along with your microdosing. But you don’t really see much of a difference. And your line is straight, straight, straight, straight, straight. But then there comes a point where, again, making this up, but let’s say one month later or two months later, you, something kicks in, you say, Wow, I’m really starting to feel better. And so then picture the graph, it starts going up. Uh, it, it was flat for a long time, but then it starts going up, up, up and better and better. And then over time it’s really better. Your graph is way up there. Now that’s not to say there couldn’t be, Somebody asked me, I think I did a livestream last night actually, and somebody asked me, uh, Dr.

Speaker 1: (08:22)
Dave, was there a point in your microdosing for the one and a half years so far, was there a point where your graph or the way you felt started going down a little bit and then went back up again? Were there ever any like really tough times? And it was a really good question and I had to think about that for a second. But in the one and a half years that I was, um, microdosing, uh, no, it, it never, once it started getting better, it never got worse. And then came and kind of like the stock market, like the stock market generally goes up, but then there are bear markets and times where there’s some type of something going on in the world. And it goes down. Like with Covid for example, the stock market was going up, up, up and then Covid, um, it went way down, way down.

Speaker 1: (09:11)
But then a few months later, maybe within six months, it started going way up again. So the overall net effect was up, up, up, up, up. But there were like peaks and valleys. It went down sometimes too with mine. No, it really ne with my microdosing, no, it never really went down. But that’s not to say that yours won’t. I’ve spoken to people that sometimes they just have a bad week, you know, we’re still human beings and, and things happen and we have feelings and, and um, although there’s a, a general sense of rewiring or rebooting of the brain, which is a good thing and rewiring in a good way. But there are setbacks sometimes and things that can happen. And sometimes your graph may go down a little bit, dip down a little bit, but then it will recover and go up, up, up further than it’s ever been.

Speaker 1: (10:00)
So I’m speaking of stock market language and financial language. I’m very bullish , those the view that are, you know, financial people, I’m very bullish, um, very positive about what magic mushrooms can do to what they’ve not only done for me, but what they can do for you. And anybody that’s listening or, or, or you know, your friends or family, whoever it might be, I am really, really convinced that these are the answer to not only feeling better, but to have a totally, totally different outlook on life. So again, getting back to our question, this is super important. How long does it take? Well, again, like I said, it depends, but I wanna share this with you in my, during my, uh, one and a half year journey. Cause that’s where I am right now. A little bit over one and a half years now, cuz time keeps marching on, it doesn’t stop for us, right?

Speaker 1: (10:54)
Um, during that journey, I’ve also worked on other things. So it’s not just a matter of me or anybody else just eating mushrooms or consuming mushrooms several times per week and then kicking back and say, Oh, everything’s gonna be fine. No, you, I looked into a lot of other things. First of all, I did continue seeing my doctor, my psychiatrist for my mental health. I continued seeing him. But I will tell you, it got to the point where we both looked at each other and said, and he said to me, even, and I’ve talked about this earlier, he said to me, Dave, what you’ve learned and what you’ve accomplished from these magic mushrooms from microdosing, it will, it would’ve taken you. And it takes my patients years and years and sometimes decades or more to get where you’ve been with the rewiring of your brain from the magic mushrooms.

Speaker 1: (11:51)
And that made me feel so good because again, I’ve talked about this before, but, but talk therapy, I think, you know, it could be good for some people. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but it’s very, very slow and it’s usually best used as an adjunct to something else because talk therapy alone, I, I, I’m sorry, I’ve just never seen talk therapy alone. Like totally turned somebody’s life around and now they’re feeling better every day just, just because of talk therapy. Again, it can help, but it’s not the, it’s not the do all end all. It’s, it’s really not. So in my journey with microdosing magic mushrooms, I looked into so many things. Um, I, I, there’s, there’s no ambassador for your health better than you are. And for my health, there’s no ambassador better than I am. Now, I have a team of doctors that I work with, one of ’em being a psychiatrist, but I also work with my family practice, you know, my primary care.

Speaker 1: (12:48)
Um, you know, I’ve got, I’ve got different doctors that I see if I need them for certain things. Um, and by the way, this is a real quick aside, but this is, this is, again, this is important. Um, I threw up, No, that doesn’t sound good. I didn’t throw up, I threw, I threw a question up. , I threw a question on my YouTube channel. Um, I think it was just yesterday. Yesterday, the day before. Um, the question was, have you shared with your doctor your microdosing journey, basically, have you told your doctor that you’re using matching mushrooms? And what do you think the percentage was of people that, um, answer answered that and said, Yes, I’ve shared this with my doctor. Do you have a guess? What would your guess be if you had to guess what percentage of people that kind of in our group here that follow me and listen to the podcast and watch the YouTube channel and, um, or on the Facebook, by the way, Facebook group.

Speaker 1: (13:39)
Um, I started this, um, a week or two ago and it’s really growing. And, um, in between episodes here, if you want to hang out with me and I’ll answer questions, um, I’ll put a link to that Facebook group in the show notes here, because it’s, it’s really something that’s, that’s working out very well. And it’s a place where we can all kind of hang out together and we can discuss things and, and talk about, you know, issues and answer questions. It’s, it’s really great. It’s called microdose You. Um, it is a group, it’s not a page, it’s a group on Facebook. And again, just click the link in the show notes and you’ll get right there. And, um, and that’ll be great to hang out with you, but only, okay, what was your guess? What percentage of people share this journey with their doctor?

Speaker 1: (14:24)
If you guessed 50%, five, zero, or 50%, you’re wrong. Guess what? It’s 15 to 16%. Last I looked at the poll, it’s still ongoing, but last I looked at the poll, it was right around 15 to 16% of you are sharing this with your doctor. Personally, I think that’s not a good move because, um, so I shared this with two of my doctors already, and the response I got from them, from them was, was nothing short of super, super positive. Any doctor these days, even though yes, it is illegal in most areas that are, I’m reaching here, it’s illegal to use psilocybin. I get that, but forgetting about that first, second, most doctors understand that this is a, an up and coming, uh, quickly emerging, um, way to treat mental issues such as, uh, depression. Uh, you, you know, the whole thing, depression, anxiety, the whole, the list goes on.

Speaker 1: (15:28)
I’ve said it a million times, you know that, um, why wouldn’t you discuss this with your doctor? Why wouldn’t you tell him or her? Is it that you’re embarrassed, afraid illegal? They’re not allowed, they’re not going to turn you in. They’re not allowed to do that. This is confidential. It’s patient doctor confidentiality, and they’re not allowed to call the police on, and nor nor would they, why would they do that? Um, I’ve had great, great, um, conversations with my doctors about this, and they’re, they’re all in and they, even though they might not do it themselves, they understand it. Um, they’re positive about it. They’re, they’re, they’re in favor of it. Um, and if you, if you have a doctor that you tell that you’re doing this, and the doctor, um, says, Well, no, I don’t want you doing this. Um, I would ask why point blank.

Speaker 1: (16:20)
Um, and I would, if they, if they’re adamant about that, and if you don’t feel it’s a good reason, like you just sh I just don’t think it’s good. You shouldn’t do it. It’s a drug, you shouldn’t do it, then I would look for another doctor, because most doctors that are really up on this type of stuff, um, understand it and see that this has tremendous potential. So for a doctor to say, No, this is crazy. This is, uh, this is something you need to stay away from, it’s snake oil, it don’t believe it, it’s new age, then I would, I would probably not go to that doctor. I would want a doctor that’s more progressive and understands what’s, what’s going on. So what did I work on during my microdosing and what do I still work on? Um, something that’s very, very important is sleep.

Speaker 1: (17:12)
And nobody really talks about that. That much mean people, Oh, you gotta get a good night’s sleep. But let me tell you something, sleep is really, really important and extremely serious. If you’re not getting not only the right amount of hours of sleep, but the proper sleep, meaning the proper amount of deep sleep, um, you don’t ha you’re not waking up due to some obstruction like sleep apnea, which by the way, I have, I was diagnosed with that and I never knew it. And so I’ve really looked into my sleep and learned a lot and worked with it. And I am sleeping through the night now at the very most. I’ll get up once in the middle of the night to go use the bathroom, but generally speaking, I sleep through the night. Um, seven and a half hours is like the goal. It’s like the, it’s the sweet spot.

Speaker 1: (17:58)
So eight is okay, and seven is okay, but if you’re sleeping less than seven or more than eight, it’s actually not good for your health. Like you would think that, oh, if, if seven and a half or eight hours of sleep is really good, if I get 10, I’m gonna be super healthy. No, it doesn’t work like that. It’s actually, it’s actually quite bad for your health. Look that up. Look that up. Um, people are shown to have more heart problems, um, and, and things like that if you, if you get too much sleep. So check that out. But, but my point is, I’ve been working on a tremendous amount of things in my own, for my own health in my, with my body. Sleep is a major one. I’m now using a a C P A P machine. Uh, it’s actually a, a slightly different version of a C pap called an as V.

Speaker 1: (18:44)
Um, which assists me during the night when I would stop breathing because of my sleep apnea. And it’s been a game changer. Now, I’m not saying that you have sleep apnea, I don’t know, but I will tell you this, 80%, it’s very prevalent, at least here in the us and I’m, I have no reason to believe it’s not prevalent all over the world because we’re all humans come from the same place. Um, 80% of the cases of sleep apnea, 80% are undiagnosed. That means out of all the people on the planet that have sleep apnea, only 20% know about it. And probably a small percentage of that actually do something about it. It’s really scary. And obstructive sleep apnea or, or sleep apnea in general, whether, whether it’s obstructive or uh, central or whatever it might be, um, is a very, very serious issue that many people have that don’t know it.

Speaker 1: (19:39)
How do you know if you have it? We’ll, talk to your doctor and, and just ask for a sleep study. Usually insurance covers it and it’s, it will tell you a lot about your sleep and about your health. Super important. Um, should everybody have one? I I don’t know the answer to that, but certainly if you’ve got a couple extra pounds on you, if you feel that you’ve got some anxiety and depression, if your blood pressure is up a little bit, um, or a lot, um, if you’re sleepy during the day, sometimes if you feel that you have to, you’re tired, you, uh, if you feel like you almost wanna fall asleep behind the wheel, just all then I would, I would get tested. I would have a test for sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor about that. But I worked on that. I’ve been working on my eating program, but what I eat, what I put into my body, um, exercise, um, I’ve been doing a, um, a mental exercise every sing a men, you know, I do physical exercise, a lot of that, but I do a mental exercise every morning.

Speaker 1: (20:40)
Um, and I start off when I wake up in the morning, uh, with a very positive mantra, and I say something like, It’s a good day. It’s a beautiful day, it’s a positive day. I am positive and I will stay positive. I am centered and I will stay centered. And I have a shield around me protecting me from negative and bad. I would say that 10 times to myself or out loud, it’s better out loud. Or I would write it down every single morning. Now I don’t do it every morning now because I’ve done it so much. I’m, I’ve kind of flipped that switch and I, it’s one of the reasons I have a totally different outlook on life Now, try that. Go back and rewind. If, if rewind is the right word these days, I don’t even know. Go back to that where I said that and mark it somehow, or write it down and try saying that every single morning.

Speaker 1: (21:31)
And it’s very powerful. If you at least write it down once, it’s very, very easy. You’ll, you’ll memorize it in a second. It’s a good day. It’s a beautiful day. It’s a positive day. I am positive and I will stay positive. I am centered and I will stay centered. And I have a shield around me protecting me from negative and bad. If you do just that every morning along with your microdosing or you don’t even have to microdose to do that, you will, in about 30 days, you will flip this switch that you never knew existed. You’ll feel totally different about things. And also it really does help if you first thing in the morning along with that, well, you can’t do it exactly the same time, but either before or right after. Uh, watch something very funny on a video. Watch something funny, like, like some type of comedy, some type of comic, some type of cartoon that might be funny.

Speaker 1: (22:22)
Um, just for five or 10 minutes, that’s all. And if you don’t have that kind of time to put into your health every single morning, then what kind of results are you expecting? Are you expecting this just all magic and it’s just gonna, you eat a little magic mushroom, it’s gonna, everything’s gonna change in your life? Well, it’s gonna help you. The magic mushroom will help you a lot. I don’t wanna downplay that, but you’ve gotta do the work alongside of it to get better, to feel better. How would it feel to wake up every morning and you get outta bed and you just kind of float through your day in a, in a very good way. Like just there’s, there are no, there no like terrible issues that come up. There’s nothing that’s bothering you. How would you, how would you like that? Now again, we’re, we’re all human.

Speaker 1: (23:11)
And if like somebody, for example, if somebody very close to you passes away, you’re going to be sad. And that’s totally fine. We have emotions. You want to be sad, you’re gonna feel that, but you’re not gonna let your inner voice, the things that are bothering you now, you’re not gonna let that inner voice and all these crazy things, you’re not gonna let that bother you anymore, ever. And this is the start to you feeling better every single day for the rest of your life. So, circling back, Dr. Dave, but how long does it take? I don’t know it, When it happens, it happens, and you will know it, it will happen. So when it happens, please drop me a line. Let me know. Even if it’s a year from now, I’m here, I’ll be here. I’m God willing, I’ll be here. , I’m not that old.

Speaker 1: (24:06)
I’m old, but I’m not that old . So my, my email address is, uh, is, what is it? It’s, it’s run Dr. Dave at Gmail run. Dr. Dave, it’s r u n d r d a v e, all one word. Of course run. Dr. Dave all case. I don’t think it’s case sensitive either. But, um, run Dr. Love to hear from you. Just let me know how you’re feeling, let me know how you, how this is resonating with you. And, um, before I leave you, just something super important. If you listen all the way, you’re engaged, I mean, I don’t mean engaged to be married. I mean, you’re en you’re engaged with me in, in, in this, in this topic. You, you want to do something. So one way you could just help me out a little bit. It’ll take you five seconds. Go on to wherever you’re getting your podcasts, Apple podcasts or whatever, and just gimme a, gimme your review, gimme your rating and review.

Speaker 1: (24:59)
It really does help the show and it does help more when you do that, especially if it’s a good one, which I hope it is. Um, but I want it to be honest. But, but if you do that, and when you do that, it just helps the podcast, uh, grow a little bit more by they, they show it to more people. If it’s got a better rating, more rating, more people listening, show it to more people. And that all that means is I can help more people like you that are hurting, that need help, that don’t know where to turn to that just need something in their lives that to change them and make them feel better. That’s all I ask. So that was it for today. I, I hope you enjoy and thanks for being with me. Thanks for sticking till the end. I am Dr. Dave, this is Microdose you. I’ll talk to you soon.

Microdose U podcast

241 – It’s More Than Anxiety or Depression

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there, how are you? Welcome back to Microdose U Dr. Dave here from Rockport State Park in Utah. Um, just a kind of a quick overnight here. We, um, my wife and I just got over two weeks of covid and it was really rough and we just had to cancel a pretty long road trip that we were planning for a long time. We were very upset about this, so we figured let’s get out and at least do an overnight here at Rockport State Park. It’s a beautiful reservoir with mountains. Let me just show you because I want to share something with you that’s really, really important. Now, you can see some mountains in the background here, and there’s a reservoir. Um, and if I ask you to, let’s say you were a little kid and I you to draw me a mountain, your picture would be pretty much probably, you know, like a big dome, half dome or something, or could have like a pointed top.

Dr. Dave: (00:55)
But it would be a pretty simple picture of a mountain because when you think of a mountain, most people think of pretty simple, um, thing that’s coming out of the, out of the ground that, um, rises up into the air and, um, that’s it. Okay? But mountains are actually a lot more complex if you’re actually on a mountain or, or visualizing a mountain from, you know, from where I am, you can see that there are many, many different aspects and, and geological features of mountains that are just, it’s more than just, it’s a lot more. There are ridges, there are, um, valleys there, there many times, like secondary mountains within a mountain. There could be definitely different peaks within one mountain, a summit. It’s just, there are a lot of things going gullies. There are a lot of things going on in a mountain that are actually kind of complex, um, geologically or geographically, whatever, whatever the right word would be there.

Dr. Dave: (01:48)
It doesn’t really matter what the right word is because my point is, um, when you take something like, um, anxiety, it’s very easy to say, Well, I’ve got anxiety. And you think of a picture, you picture that as like, um, okay, I, I feel anxious all the time. I feel anxious. But there’s a lot more going on with anxiety than just simply being anxious. Um, with your, if you’re, if you’ve got anxiety, uh, chances are you’ve got a lot of other things going on in your body. Um, inflammation, um, high blood pressure, uh, maybe diabetes or prediabetes or some type of metabolic syndrome. Uh, maybe if you’re anxious, you’re having frequent, um, arguments with friends or spouse or family members because of anxiety and, um, a lot more things go into that. You probably with inflammation and, and, uh, and high blood pressure. You could be depositing, um, plaque in your arteries.

Dr. Dave: (02:57)
So my point is, you can say you have anxiety, but if you explore deeper, just like I explore the mountain deeper in, it’s just not, it’s not just, duh do, it’s a very complex geological feature or geological thing. , I don’t, I can’t think of the right word. . Um, so you’re here because you likely have either anxiety or depression or, um, ptsd, addiction, uh, insomnia. The list goes on and on because there’s so many great reasons that you might wanna microdose that could take care of, take care of your issues. But please always remember it’s a lot more complex than just anxiety. And, um, when you treat your anxiety, whether you treat it with matching mushrooms or anything, when you treat your anxiety, and I found out this, I found this out firsthand, all these other things melt away. So it’s no longer, oh, I just, I’m just not anxious anymore.

Dr. Dave: (04:10)
It’s no longer that it’s more, Hey, my blood pressure is now normal. My thought process, my brain fog is, is gone. My, my, you know, I can think clearly, my cognitive abilities are much better. I’m getting along with people much better now. I feel like I can go out and do things. Um, it’s so much more complex than just, I don’t have anxiety anymore. And a lot of these things that come along with anxiety or depression or whatever, um, they’re eating, they’re eating away. Your body, whether you know it or not, or whether you like it or not, or whether you believe it or not, they are eating away at your body. Trust me on that, please. It’s very, very important to understand this. So I want you to always picture that mountain in the background and how you would draw a picture of a mountain and then think, Wow, no, I’m not drawing the mountain correctly.

Dr. Dave: (05:06)
There’s a lot more to this mountain than I could ever draw, and there’s a lot more to anxiety or depression or PTSD or the like that, that I could ever even imagine. So when I’m curing myself, when I’m helping myself, when I’m treating myself, a lot of these other things are going to go away and I’m gonna have the picture of health. I feel that now. I totally feel that now. Um, and I hope you do too. And I really thank you so much for being with me. I really, really appreciate you. If you ever have any questions, just put ’em in the comments. I try my best to answer just about everything I can, and some people email me, whatever you wanna do. I try my best to get back to you. Sometimes I’m a little bit busy and it takes days or maybe sometimes week. But , I

Dr. Dave: (05:57)
Generally try to answer everything I can that I can. Anyway, thanks so much for being with me. Microdose you. I am Dr. Dave. And by the way, just to let, if you’re still with me, you might wanna know, um, my, so I’m recording this and my videos go to my YouTube channel first. My YouTube channel is simply called Microdose U. Um, there’s a little bit of a lag time, but then they, ultimately, the audio portion will ultimately make it to my audio podcast, which is also called Microdose u. It’s on, it’s on Apple podcast. Um, you know, so you can find it there. But, um, the, if you’re listening or watching right now, the, the video is always ahead. Um, the video’s more, um, what’s the word I’m looking for? Timely because I get them right out. Whereas the audio podcast is delayed a little bit. So if you’re like a fanatic and you want to binge and you want to hear everything or see everything, then the YouTube channel is the way to go. If you’re more of an audio person you like to walk around listening, then that’s totally fine. You’re gonna get everything. You’re gonna get almost everything almost. But, um, it’ll just be a little bit of a lag time. So anyway, that’s my story. I’m sticking to it because it’s microdose you. Thanks so much.

Microdose U podcast

240 – How Many Friends Have I Really Got?

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there, I do not need a hundred friends, and I’m going to explain to you what I mean by that right now in this show. Hey, there. Welcome back to Microdose You. I’m Dr. Dave, and in this show we talk about all things microdose, magic, mushrooms, how to improve your life through microdosing, psychedelics, and, um, how to take care of things like depression and, um, PTSD and anxiety. And the list goes on and on and on. Well, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and, um, I wanna know how many friends you really have. Um, I don’t have a lot of friends and, and I, but don’t, don’t feel sorry for me because there are a lot of people I hang out with a lot, and I have good times with these people, but when I say a friend, I mean a true friend.

Dr. Dave: (00:46)
Um, a friend that you could call is three in the morning if you have a problem. And that person will listen to you without any kind of judgment and help you out in any way that person can. That is the type of friend I’m talking about. We all need one of those. And I’m also not referring to a, a spouse, a husband, a wife, uh, a significant other. I’m talking about somebody that outside of your everyday relationship, um, that one person, all you need is one, um, that you can say anything to. And I mean anything your deepest, darkest secrets and you will get advice and you will not get weird looks, You will not get shunned. I’m talking about that person. Do you have one? I hope you do. I do. I’ve had one and this person has been, I say my, in my life and my best friend for, um, let’s just say a long, long time.

Dr. Dave: (01:38)
And I know this person was responsible for helping me get through my terrible two to three years that I just experienced, um, before I actually got into magic mushrooms and microdosing. And I went through a lot of depression and anxiety and crazy stuff with work and just all kinds of stuff that really, and, and, um, even back when I was getting divorced, my, my, from my first marriage, this person was always with me and I could confide and I would always get, um, I would always have somebody to lean on. Yeah, we all have friends, We all have a certain number of friends, but the type of friends that we just kind of go to the park with or go, you know, go to a movie with or go out to eat, they’re not always, sometimes they can be, but they’re not always the type of friend that you need that can seriously, and I mean, seriously help you through things that are going on in your life.

Dr. Dave: (02:31)
And again, I say without any judgment, without any jealousy, this is somebody that you can talk about a great achievement, that you’ve had somebody, something that really went great in your life, and that person is never jealous and never tries to compete with you in any way, and is always there to support you and help you and encourage you and, and, and root you on and want you to do better and better and better. There are not many people like that. I remember from my first marriage, uh, we had a lot of friends, our social calendar was always booked at anybody looking from the outside would think, Wow, they’ve got so many good friends and they’re so popular and they’re always doing something and they’re always traveling and going to the movies and restaurants and events and social gatherings. Guess what? I was lonely because these friends were friends.

Dr. Dave: (03:20)
And I found out the reason I, and I never realized it, maybe I’m stupid, but I never realized, but I found out after a really tough event took place in my life, and that was a divorce. And these friends scurried faster than the fastest mice you would ever see on this planet. I mean, they scurried all over the place, but away from me. And I don’t think any of them even ever for a second sat down and said, David, are you okay? Are you doing all right? Tell me, tell me, tell me what happened. No, because it wouldn’t look good. It wouldn’t look good to them. And, and they were just out there like a flash said, I realized after, after 20 some years, I realized those type of friends or friends, they’re not friends. They’re, they’re, they’re acquaintances that look good. And you don’t need people like that.

Dr. Dave: (04:09)
I would rather do stuff by myself every single day or do stuff with my wife every single day than have a friend like that that is a friend and who needs that stuff. Um, I really want deep, intimate relationship where you can share anything. Again, unjudged, without any jealousy, competition or anything whatsoever. Uh, I have that friend and I’m really, really thankful that I have that friend and I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for that friend. And I want to know, do you have a friend like that? Do you have somebody that you can lean on? Because it’s gonna really be important. You’re listening to this channel or you’re watching this channel because chances are you have something going on in your life that have has brought you to me. You wanna learn more about microdosing and that’s fine. We talk about that on, on most videos, but a lot of times there’s things we need to talk about to help you do the work that Microdosing is gonna assist you with and help you with.

Dr. Dave: (05:07)
But you need to do other things to help you, help you in your life. And having a really, really special person, uh, in your life, a friend is very uber super important. And I want to urge you to have that person. So if you don’t think, if, if you have that person, you know it. And I’m talking about absolute 100%. I’m not talking about a 90% friend, I’m talking about a 100% friend. But, um, I want you to write down in the comments, if you have that type of friend, how many you have, one is totally acceptable. You don’t need more than one. But if you have zero, if you don’t have any, that’s something that I would be concerned about. One of my favorite songs ever, because it means so much to me, is, um, by a band call. You’ve heard of the who, of course you have your, if you’re my age or somewhere around my age, and back in I was at the early to mid seventies, they put out this album called, um, The Who By Numbers.

Dr. Dave: (06:02)
And there’s a song on side too. If you have the Vinyl, which I have, it’s called How Many Friends. And I just wanted to share, it goes, How many friends have I really got? You can count ’em on one hand, How many friends have I really got that Love me, that want me, that’ll take me as I am. Do you have that person? Please put it in the comments. Let me know. I’m here. I love you. I really hope you have that person. If you don’t, I beg you, I beg you to put your life’s work into finding that friend. It is perhaps the most important thing you could ever do in your life. Till next time, Dr. Dave Microdose you. I’ll talk to you soon.

Dr. Dave: (06:45)
Hey, it’s Dr. Dave coming back to you after the show. I really appreciate you being here. And if you could just do me one little favor before you go, it’ll take you about 30 seconds of your time, go onto your podcast platform and give us a rating and a review. Um, it takes just a little bit of your time and it really, really will help the show immensely. I’m trying to get the word out to people all over the world because so many people are struggling and they need help and this is the way they’re gonna find out about us. So take a little bit of your time, do it for us. I really appreciate you. Thanks so much.

Microdose U podcast

Special Episode – Why You Should NOT Be Worried About Microdosing Magic Mushrooms

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Nothing here is to be taken as medical advice. Dr. Dave is sharing his personal story with you. Please contact your healthcare professional to find out if this is right for you.

Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Speaker 1: (00:00)
Hey, there is Dr. Dave, and I’m gonna be sharing with you today why you should not be afraid to microdose or you should not be concerned about using magic, mushrooms, psilocybin, et cetera. We’re gonna get into all of that today. Thanks so much for being with me. I really appreciate you. By the way, this is a special edition of my podcast. Um, it’s coming out on a day. I usually release the podcast, the audio shows on Fridays. It’s coming out a little bit earlier. I just wanna test this and see how it goes. I throw in a special edition for you, special episode for you. See how you like it. It’s gonna be a little bit longer than most cause I’m gonna give you a lot of information. So let’s dig in right now. And by the way, if you like what you hear either now or when you get a chance, the end of the show, I’ll go into the, um, go into your podcast app and just give me a, uh, a good, honest review.

Speaker 1: (00:50)
It really helps the show. And I’m here to just share my personal story with people across the globe because I’ve, I’ve found out that, um, not only did I have some issues with depression and anxiety and PTSD and and things like that, but I found out that so many people, so many of you have issues that are very similar to mine. And even if they’re not exactly the same, I am a, um, really, really firm believer that microdosing magic mushrooms is the answer. It was for me. I’m not special. I’m not, I’m no different than you probably, although everybody’s different. I’m, I’m, you know, I’m not that much different. We’re all not, we’re all not that much different from each other. It will work for you. It’s, it’s, but you have to do it. But number one, you can’t be worried or afraid. Um, and that’s one of the biggest reasons that people read about it.

Speaker 1: (01:45)
Listen to podcasts, watch YouTube videos, and, and do a lot of research. But then for some reason, they just never start. And I’m here to address a lot of the reasons why people don’t get started. And also, um, why you should not be afraid to get started. Because there’s really, it’s, it’s actually pretty simple and there’s nothing to it. But you do have to know a few things for sure. So one of the reasons, um, that you or possibly other people do not, I mean, they look into it so much and they wanna do it, but they just don’t get started, is because they’re afraid. Um, they could be afraid of, or you, you could be afraid of several different things, one thing. But the most common things that people are worried about, well, number one, let’s just tackle this one right away. Um, it’s in most, in most places, I’m recording here from Utah in the United States, in most places, it is a felony.

Speaker 1: (02:38)
It’s a fe, it’s federally illegal. It is, um, you, you, you, you, it’s, it’s, you’ll get in trouble. You’ll get in trouble if you get caught. But having said that, I think if you are just using a little bit to microdose and you have a reliable source, um, and you’re doing this in the privacy, privacy of your own, own home, uh, the, the chance of anything really happening, I mean, I can’t say it’s impossible, but the chance, if you’re super careful like I am, if you’re super careful, uh, you’re gonna be fine with that. So the, um, oh, I don’t, as you know, if you’re been listening to me for a while, I don’t discuss sourcing here. I don’t source at all. Um, please don’t ask me where to get magic mushrooms or psilocybin or anything. Like, don’t, don’t ask me cuz I’m not gonna be able to share because I want to keep this show clean.

Speaker 1: (03:29)
Um, meaning I don’t want to tread on anything or cross any lines that make things illegal. So, you know, I it’s totally fine that I can relate my story to you all, and I’m happy to do that. And I’m being very transparent and I’ll share anything. If you, if have a question, I’ll answer your questions. Um, and by the way, if you want to email me, my email address is run dr dave It’s simply rundrdave at gmail. I’m going to be setting up, um, I’m working on setting up a Facebook group that we can all jump on because I know sometimes it’s, it’s hard to, you know, might be not a simple thing to communicate with me or maybe other like-minded people that, that are in this community. And I’m, I’m going to be setting up a Facebook group.

Speaker 1: (04:17)
It’s most likely going to simply be called microdose You. And that’s the letter you micro, micro microdose you. And that will give us like a, um, a place, a safe place, and it’ll be a private group that’ll give us a safe place where we can kind of hang out in between shows and talk and ask questions and answer questions and the like and things like that. So, but getting back to again, um, number one is, um, you have to find a reliable source. And going on Instagram is not finding a reliable source because 99.999% of the people on Instagram that tell you that they know everything and they’re gonna help you and they’re gonna coach you, and they’re gonna be, they’re gonna be taking your money. That’s what they’re gonna be doing. If you don’t believe me, try it out and you will lose your money.

Speaker 1: (05:07)
And please, I won’t say I told you so, but please be super careful. You need to speak to people and you need to talk to people that either you know personally or somebody that you’re extremely close with and you trust knows personally. There are no other excuses and no other, um, reasons or no other ways to, to get this. But I will tell you this, it’s very, very easy. Very easy, okay? So, um, let, let me so we got that out of the way. Um, you’re, you’re not sure where to get it and we kind of got it outta the way. Cause I, although I can’t tell you where to get it, you know, now that, um, it’s, it’s not difficult. And just do some research. And if you’re not still not sure, do a Google search for, for example, something like, um, psychedelic therapy coach followed by your name, um, I’m sorry, your town, your town or your city.

Speaker 1: (06:00)
Um, there are psychedelic coaches in almost every city in town. Um, some of them are therapists, some of them are life coaches. Some of them are just self-proclaimed people that can help people on a psychedelic journey. But the reason you’re doing that, again, if you’re not sure where to get, where to source your, your medicine from, is, um, these coaches or these psychedelic therapists, um, can generally help you. You may have to pay for a session or two to go in and meet with them and talk, but, um, in the end, I’m pretty sure you will be able to find somebody that, um, will, will help you reach that goal of finding your medicine if you have not been able to do it on your own or with the help of a friend or friends or maybe other communities. Okay? So we got that part outta the way.

Speaker 1: (06:48)
Now, most likely, what you’re concerned about or what you’re afraid of is what’s going to happen when I take this psychedelic medicine. I mean, I could flip out, I could have a bad trip, I could have psychosis, I could, I could have suicide, suicidal, thought I could just kill my, okay, well, let’s get this out of the way as well. That’s not gonna happen. We’re talking, first of all, it generally does not happen with a regular macro dose that people take, you know, larger doses like, uh, many grams, but it’s not going to happen. Remember, we’re talking about microdosing. We’re talking about a dose that is basically around a 10th, a 10th or a 20th of what somebody would take to let’s say trip or go to a party or recreationally have, um, a good time with this plant-based medicine, which I’m not even recommending necessarily.

Speaker 1: (07:46)
I’m rec, I am a micro doser and I’m using this in a serious way as a plant medicine to rewire and rework the neurons in my, the neuro pathways in my brain to get rid of this anxiety and depression and PTSD and worry and all kinds of things. Now I’ve been doing this for a year and a half medicine’s done its job. I feel great, I feel fantastic, and I felt fantastic fairly early on. Although over the months and months leading up to the year and a half, I could tell it was always getting better. But on the very first day, I, I like you, I didn’t know what to expect. I mean, I grew up in the sixties and seventies. I graduated high school in the early seventies. So I’m, you know, I’m a little bit on the older side and I’ve had a lot of experience with, uh, marijuana.

Speaker 1: (08:40)
I mean, I, I started using marijuana recreationally, um, back in high school. And to this day, I still use it responsibly, uh, when I want to. Um, never been a, never been a drug abuser. I’ve never been addicted to anything. I don’t use alcohol at all. Uh, a little bit here and there. If my wife and I are having a nice dinner, I might drink a little bit of sake or, or soju, which is a Korean, uh, liquor. But, um, I, I really drink very, very little alcohol. But I, one thing I never really got into in, back in the day, back in the high school days in college, and even after that, I never got into psychedelics. And I had friends that were using mushrooms and LSD and probably other things. And, and you know, I heard all kinds of stories. There was a guy in my high school class, I think it was 11th or 12th grade guy actually took acid.

Speaker 1: (09:31)
I’m not sure, I’m not sure if LSD actually, I’m not sure if LSD or, uh, some type of, uh, I, I’m not, It was some type of psychedelic, I’m assuming it was lsd, but I’m not sure. And the guy, the guy flipped out. He somehow ended up in, he just never showed up at school again. He, he, the word was, he ended up in a, in a mental institution for, for a while. Now he’s, okay, now I still, I’m still in touch with him, but he was put away for, I don’t remember how long. It seemed like, it seemed like weeks back then. It could have been months. I’m just not sure. He just, he just never came back to school. And I think the next year, if this was 11th grade, he may have come back, but I don’t really remember much. But this is a, uh, it’s not the normal story and it won’t happen to you because number one, he was taking large doses.

Speaker 1: (10:18)
He probably did not know what he was doing. He probably did not have his set and setting right and, and just all kinds of things were going into this. But again, he was not microdosing. Uh, the good news is, even if you were to take larger doses, there’s no real, um, lethal amount and you can’t overdose. You’re not gonna, you’re not gonna die from eating mushrooms unless you take a poisonous mushroom. So you have to be careful that you’re sourcing, of course. But if your sourcing is good and reliable and ethical, you’re, you’re not gonna be, you’re not gonna be worried about that. But again, you’re gonna be microdosing. So you’re gonna be taking anywhere from 50 milligrams, which is 0.05 grams. Now remember, you’ve gotta be good at metric and metric conversion because you gotta be able to think fast. So 50 milligrams is like the very, very, very low end of a microdose.

Speaker 1: (11:06)
It’s 0.05 grams. Um, and it could go, a microdose could go up to, um, about 250 milligrams, which is 0.25 grams a quarter of a gram. Um, and some people would say, Well, even if you stretch it up to 0.3 grams, 300 milligrams. And when I, when I give those weights, I’m talking about dried ground up mushrooms. That’s generally the way we use mushrooms for a microdose dried, totally dried ground up, like in a coffee grinder and usually put into capsules or tea at tea bags. Um, if you have a source, a lot of sources will do that for you already. But some people will sell you just, um, the mushrooms, the dried mushrooms, and then you, you have to grind them and put ’em in a grinder or, um, use a mortar and pestle or something to grind them up into find, uh, little, uh, find little, uh, particles and, is that the right word?

Speaker 1: (12:01)
Particles, Find little powder or whatever you wanna say . Um, um, and then you put them in a teabag or, um, or, or, or, uh, capsules. But again, I i, I did a whole video, uh, not I, I did a whole podcast on, uh, on this and it’s called The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Microdosing Magic Mushrooms. It takes you from start to finish, uh, on, if you’re total beginner on how to start dosing with magic mushrooms, what, what dose would you start at? How long you should do it, How many days on, how many days off it tell, it gives all that information I’m thinking about in the near future doing an update on that. But right now, um, it’s totally good. It’s accurate, it’s up to date. I just wanted to kind of do a newer one to kind of get more out there for people.

Speaker 1: (12:50)
But the one I’ve recorded a few months ago is, um, very, very accurate and good. And it gets a lot of listens on this podcast here. So see if you can find it. It’s called The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Microdosing Magic Mushrooms. Okay, so we got this out of the way that you are not going to have a bad trip. You’re not gonna be in the hospital, nothing’s, you’re not gonna get anxious. Nothing bad’s gonna happen to you because again, it’s a microdose. Now, when I first took my very first microdose, now remember I was on an ssri, I was on Lexapro, uh, I was actually on 20 milligrams a day, which is a high end dose of Lexapro. So when I took my very first microdose, I didn’t really know how I was gonna feel. I wasn’t scared. I mean, I wasn’t worried or wasn’t anxious about that, but I j I knew that it was not gonna harm me.

Speaker 1: (13:46)
And I knew that if anything, I wasn’t positive yet. But I knew, if anything, it was the beginning of my journey to stop being anxious, stop having this anxiety, stop having this depression, control the PTSD and any other things and get just, and just basically get me more motivated and, and have, enjoy my life more. Cause I was getting into ruts where I just, sometimes I just didn’t feel like could even do anything. It was horrible. So I took this very first dose and just from memory, I’m pretty sure it was 0.2 grams. It might have been 0.25, but, so let’s say it was anywhere in the range of 0.2 to 0.25, which again is 200 milligrams, 250 milligrams, dried magic mushrooms, um, in a capsule. So I swallowed the capsule, drank some water with it. Of course, it’s always good to drink a lot of water.

Speaker 1: (14:38)
And I sat back and waited. And remember, it’s a micro dose, so you’re not, so things aren’t gonna really just start happening. Like, I’m not gonna start seeing colors. I’m not gonna go on a trip. I’m not gonna be like, uh, like psychedelic a I’m, I’m not gonna be high. It’s just, it’s a microdosed. So what I did, I, um, after I drank some water with it, a good amount of water, I turned on the TV and I turned on something. I, I, I can’t remember which show was, but it’s, it’s really funny. I remember within a half an hour to an hour I was watching TV in my living room and some commercial came on and I just started laughing and laughing and I don’t know why, why I was laughing cuz the commercial wasn’t really like, particularly funny. But I just, I just started laughing at this commercial and then I thought, well, you know, okay, I know that magic mushrooms or psychedelics or special psilocybin is supposed to you, It can make you giddy, it can make you laugh at things that maybe aren’t even funny.

Speaker 1: (15:36)
You just kind of go into these laughing fits. So I don’t know whether that was like a preconceived notion that, um, I knew that was probably supposed to happen. So it made me like, almost like a placebo. So it made me laugh. I don’t know. I’ll never know. To this day, um, my guess is that it was probably like a placebo. Like I just started laughing cuz I knew that maybe that was the right thing to do, but I really did feel like laughing. I really felt that this was funny. And then after that, I took a walk. Um, I’ve got this beautiful park right across the street from my house. So I went and took a walk in the park with my iPhone with that has music on it and my, um, earbuds or headphones. I can’t remember which ones I used that particular day.

Speaker 1: (16:20)
But I went on top of this hill in the park and I just laid down and I put my earbuds in and I put on Sergeant Pepper by the Beatles. You’re most likely familiar with that album. It’s from 1967 and it’s a really nice, like psychedelic work of art. It’s just a beautiful album anyway, and my feeling is they absolutely wrote this and, and played this music while they were on some type of psychedelics. I mean, it’s, it’s so clear. But what I realized though, and this is, remember, this is the first microdose ever. I had never taken a psychedelic before. What I realized is I was laying down in the park listening to this album, this beautiful album on in my, through my earbuds. Um, I figured out that this, The Beatles absolutely recorded this album for people to listen to while on psychedelic drugs or plant medicine, a psychedelic plant medicine, I should say that’s a better word, plant medicine, drugs, drugs, sound bad.

Speaker 1: (17:24)
Plant medicine sounds a lot better. And that’s what this is. It, it, it’s natural plant medicine. It’s not a pharmaceutical. It comes from the ground naturally. You don’t have to alter it in any way. So there, so I had this new, uh, kind of like reborn feeling about Sergeant Pepper. It just sounded so wonderful. Then I went on a little, little walk and I was, as I’m walking around, I’m, I’m noticing traffic around my area and around the park. And, and something looked a little bit different about the traffic. Like, I’m thinking like all these cars on the street, like where are they going? This is just like where like people are driving. Are they really going anywhere? Do they know where they’re going? It was just like, kind of like a weird feeling that probably a weird feeling that you have when you’re on like a heavier trip.

Speaker 1: (18:16)
But again, I don’t know whether this was a placebo effect at all, but I was really enjoying my time from laughing at the commercial to listening to the music of, uh, The Beatles and Sergeant Pepper to noticing, um, traffic and pedestrians walking around. It was beautiful. And one other thing I noticed, well probably notice a lot of things, but one other thing I noticed that day was, I normally back then, I normally like to take a nap sometime early afternoon, middle of the day. I just would get tired sometimes. And I, I like to take a nap. But for some reason on that day, I did not have any urge whatsoever to take a nap. I felt like maybe more energetic than anything. And I was going still going through some, some, some health issues back then because I was still working on my, my sleep apnea.

Speaker 1: (19:04)
Um, I was on some blood pressure medication, to which by the way, I’m, I’m pretty much off of just about all medication especi and I was on, I was on Lexapro, which is, uh, you know, antidepressant and ssri. And, um, even though this is beyond the scope of today’s episode, um, I’m off of, I’m off of everything pretty much, except I just went back on a, a very, very low dose of a, um, of a, of a diuretic, a blood pressure med just, just to make sure I keep my blood pressure in check. Um, but nothing like I used to be on. So that happened almost from the beginning, like within the first month, within the first month of microdosing, I felt very comfortable. Um, and, and my monitoring my own blood pressure and, um, weaning myself off of my blood pressure medication. I mean, and along with, uh, talking to my doctor about it too, I just really wouldn’t do this without talking to my, my family, uh, doctor, my family practitioner about this.

Speaker 1: (20:02)
But, um, she was all on board. My blood pressure was low enough to discontinue the meds. So my first experience was a really, really good one. I mean, there was, there was nothing negative whatsoever. And again, I didn’t feel high. I didn’t feel trippy. Um, I could totally function. I didn’t drive that day just because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but I absolutely could have driven. And then the next day I, I did the same thing because I was trying to do, I think back then I was trying to do three days on and two days off. This will be explained again, this will be explained a lot more in the, um, episode that’s called the Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Microdosing Magic Mushrooms. But, um, I did a pattern back then where I really pretty much don’t do now, and I, I just pretty much did three days on dosing for three days in a row, then taking two days off of not dosing and just doing a lot of journaling and, and thinking and, and uh, exercise and walking and things like that.

Speaker 1: (21:01)
And then I’d get back into my three days on and two days off. Well, here we are a year and a half later, and if you have any concerns now, I know this is just me, but if you have any concerns at all about I just am worried, I’m afraid hell, I’m gonna feel, I’m telling you again, please don’t worry, it’s a microdose. Micro means extremely small. If you were taking 2, 3, 4, 5 grams, I’d say, well, you need to do a little more research and thinking and make sure you’re in a, a good place and you’re set and setting or perfect and, and maybe you have a trip sitter, things like that. But you’re not, this show is called Microdose U for a reason because it’s a microdose, it’s tiny, it’s not gonna cause a problem. And here’s another thing I will share with you if it does cause a problem, which it won’t, and a a common problem.

Speaker 1: (22:05)
Some people say they do get a little bit of anxiety, I still feel that’s probably more of a placebo and they’re just worried too much. But even if you do get a little bit of anxiety, it wears off in a few hours. You don’t have to worry. You just, you can lay down and take a nap or, or, or listen to some music or something. It’s, it’s, it’s gonna wear off. This is not a permanent effect. If you take a microdose capsule, it’s, it’s not a permanent effect. You’re going to be fine. Now, one of another one of the most commonly asked questions to me and to other people that are, you know, thinking about microdosing is, but Dr. Dave, I’m on a, in antidepressant. I’m on an ssri, which stands for, what it stands for, stands for selective serotonin reuptake in her inhibitor, which does compete, the SSRI and the psilocybin actually compete for the same receptor to get, that’s a way to get into your, into your cell, into your body.

Speaker 1: (23:09)
They compete for the same receptor. So it can be argued. And it is probably true that if you are on an Ss i, it can block or compete or mitigate the amount of, um, psilocybin that’s gonna be able to get into your body as well. Now having said that, I am not going to recommend, and again, this is not medical advice I’m giving you, This is friend talking to friend, I’m your friend and I’m sharing my personal story with you. Um, you know, you might wanna do more research if you feel the need to, but again, I’m, this is, I’m not giving you official medical advice. It’s what I did. But I, I don’t recommend just getting off of your SSRI or an antidepressant because that’s not safe thing to do because you’re on it for some reason. And when you do get off of it and it leaves your bloodstream and leaves your body, you’re eventually going to be having those same symptoms, most likely for anxiety, depression, and probably more.

Speaker 1: (24:09)
So, um, what I did is I started microdosing while I was on my Lexapro and I would just do it the same way as if I weren’t. I I, you know, I started with 200 milligrams in my, in my episode, the Absolute Beginner’s guide. I, I tell you to start with less just to titrate up. But I was doing it. I was microdosing kind of pretending that I wasn’t on anything else, but I was, and that’s, it’s not dangerous. Um, but I wanted to do both at the same time. Now, there came a point in time, which is probably about eight or nine months after I started microdosing, that I started weaning off of my Lexapro and I was able to actually totally discontinue it. And I’ve been off of Lexapro now for, uh, a good a, a good eight months. And I feel really, really great.

Speaker 1: (25:00)
And I attribute that to the microdosing of matching mushrooms because once you get off of Lexapro, it’s a pharmaceutical. Once you get off of it, um, after a few weeks, your body is back to the way it was before Lexapro. In other words, Lexapro is not a cure and I’m using Lexapro, but you can substitute whatever you might be on Paxil. Um, you know, and would just substitute your, the name of your antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication, whatever it might be. Once you get off of it, you’re back to the way you were now. Psilocybin or magic mushrooms were my saving grace because they came in and did the work to rewire my brain so I no longer needed the antidepressant. But you can’t just go getting off antidepressants cuz you feel better because of course you feel better, you’re on them, you’re taking them. But until you substitute something else, in my case, and it sounds like probably in your case, is gonna be psilocybin magic mushrooms until you substitute something else that’s gonna work differently.

Speaker 1: (25:58)
You can’t just discontinue talk to your doctor about that. It’s not a good idea. It’s not safe. So I think I’ve mentioned three things so far. The three reasons why you might be worried about starting it, maybe haven’t started, and those are sourcing, you’re not sure where to get it. Number two, you’re not sure how you’re gonna feel and you’re afraid you’re gonna go into like a psychedelic frenzy. And number three, you might be on some other type of medication, namely an SSRI or antidepressant and you’re, you’re worried and not sure if you have to get off of it. So I hope these three main reasons. Now, there are other reasons why people don’t microdose and, and a a, a big one is just simply procrastinating. Some people are just so good at doing the research and looking into it and spending all their time talking to other people and watching videos and listening to podcasts.

Speaker 1: (26:51)
But then in the end they say, eh, you know, I don’t know, it’s not for me, but that, that’s procrastinating and putting something off that really could help you quite a bit. Now if you don’t wanna do it, don’t do it. I’m not, I’m not asking you or making you, or or strongly suggesting that you do it, It’s up to you. But the story that I share that it’s totally, totally turned my life around and I’m just a regular guy and it totally improved my life. That’s why I’m here sharing the story that you should. There’s nothing to be afraid about. There’s nothing weird about it. It really, really helped me and I’m pretty darn confident it will help you. So I really hope this gives you a little bit of incentive to get going and, and, and get started. If you feel you really need this.

Speaker 1: (27:40)
It’s a life changer for sure. It’s a very sacred plant medicine that’s been used for, um, generations and generations and generations. It’s not new, It’s been around way before you and I, uh, roamed this earth way before. So, um, stick with me. I’m Dr. Dave. This is microdose you. And again, if you could just take a few seconds, I would really appreciate it. This is probably the the best thing you could do to help the show, to help other people because if the show thrives, other people will learn about this. And it’s simple. Just please go in however you’re listening to this. If it’s on Apple Podcast or Spotify or whatever it might be, um, go into the app and give a review, give an honest review. I will say my reviews have been very, very high. Uh, so for some reason you don’t like it.

Speaker 1: (28:29)
Maybe instead of giving a really negative review, get in touch with me and, and we can maybe straighten it out between us instead of going on and giving a negative review. Because again, I’m not saying that because I get a lot of negative reviews. I don’t, it’s in fact most just about every review is extremely positive five star. But you know, you get one or two bad ones and it can really drag you down. So that’s why I’m asking, please be fair and if there’s something that really bothers you or you don’t like about this message me again, I gave my email address earlier. It’s rundrdave at gmail. Uh, the doctor is abbreviated Dr. Run doctor dave I’m here for you and, and I’m really looking forward to opening up this, um, this private group on Facebook. It will be called Microdose u Um, by the time I get this published and out to you, it’s not gonna be up yet, the Facebook group that is, but I am gonna be working on it over the next few weeks and let’s get this going. Let’s get a really, really cool community going cuz I really, I, I really am interested in having you live your best life ever. Okay, Till next time, thanks so much. This is Microdose you and I am Dr. Dave.

Microdose U podcast

238 – What’s the Best Psilocybin Strain For Anxiety and Depression?

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Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey, how are you? Welcome back. This is Microdose U I’m Dr. Dave, and I’ve got some really good questions from some viewers and listeners that I want to answer on this show today. They’re very commonly asked questions that I’ve got. One of ’em is a real doozy. This is not a common one, but before I get into it, I wanna share with you, uh, this is what day three. Oh, yep. I have COVID right now. This is what day three looks like here. I am day three. COVID um, I shouldn’t be laughing, you know, COVID can be serious. Luckily, my case is not terrible and, um, I’ve been vaxxed and up to totally up to date with my vaccines. And also I am taking the, um, PLO vid, uh, it’s the antiviral because I’m in a high risk group. I am, I’m not immuno immunocompromised or anything, but I am over 60.

Dr. Dave: (00:53)
So they say that I am in a high risk group. So I wanna do everything I can to stay safe, stay healthy so I can continue giving you information and helping you with what I’ve been through and hopefully it’ll help you. So that’s okay. That’s that’s that’s it about? COVID I’m I’m okay. Tonight. I, I, I occasionally have to cough quite a bit. So if I do, I’ll edit that out. So you won’t even know I’m coughing. Okay. Let’s get right into the first question. And by the way, as you know, this is not to be construed or taken as medical advice, friend, talking to friend, I just wanna make sure because some people, you know, it’s a crazy society we’re in these days. And now I just wanna make sure that you know, that I’m, even though I’m a retired dentist, I call myself doctor.

Dr. Dave: (01:35)
I am a doctor. I’m not in the position to be giving medical advice. This is just my experience, what I’ve learned from my journey with microdosing and taking some occasional larger doses. Okay. Let’s get into the questions right now. Where are they? Where are they? Let’s get them. Um, okay. First question is, um, Dr. Dave, um, which strain is best for anxiety and depression for microdosing. Um, great question again. If this, all the time, I am not a strain expert, the most common species. Now there’s a difference between strains and species. Species is like a higher up group. So species would Bellicide Cubis. That’s the most probably common species of psychedelic mushrooms. Although there are others, there are other SIL side Cubis is, is the most common and within PIDE SIS, there are a ton of strains. I don’t even know how many, but there are a lot.

Dr. Dave: (02:29)
I don’t pretend to know them all, but the most common strains, especially for microdosing are ones that are kind of mild to moderate. They’re not like super, super strong strains. So the ones that come to my mind are B plus and golden teachers probably heard those a lot, mention a lot, uh, whoever you’re getting, you’re, whoever you’re sourcing from. Um, just ask them what type, what strain it is. And, and there’s a very good chance if they’re doing, if you’re doing it from microdosing, there’s a very good chance. It would be either B plus golden teachers or else listen to what they say. And if it’s some something in that category, that’s fine too. Okay. That’s best strains. Let’s get to the next question. Dr. Dave, I heard that psilocybin and other psychedelics may cause heart valve problems. Is that true? What’s the story? Um, that’s a great question.

Dr. Dave: (03:17)
I’ve heard the same thing. Um, I’m honestly not sure. I’ve tried to research this quite a bit because I would not wanna personally be taking something that could be harming my heart valves. I have not been able to find anything conclusive. I’ve seen things that hint that there could be problems with heart valves. If you’re taking psychedelics. Other studies say, uh, I don’t even know if they’re formal studies, but they say, no, they, they don’t see any problem. The, the, um, bottom line is I really don’t know, but I have a comment on that. Microdosing magic mushrooms has basically saved my life. So let’s just say, let’s make this up and say, there’s a possibility that over extended time and a lot of use of magic mushrooms, there’s a chance they could cause heart valve problems. Let’s just say that. So let’s say our chance is, okay.

Dr. Dave: (04:08)
We say, we don’t want to touch them because there could be heart valve problems involved. And so I want to keep on living the way I’ve been living. Now, in my case, it was depression. It was anxiety. It was post traumatic stress disorder from a controlled marriage. I’ll just leave it at that. Um, more things too. I was just my lifestyle, just things I got into during my life that just obviously didn’t work out for me. So my life was a mess and it caused all these problems. So, and, and talk therapy really did not work. It was way too slow. Antidepressants. Yeah, they helped some, but still didn’t feel a hundred percent. Um, I feel 100% now. I feel really, really good. In other words, I would normally wake up in the past. I would wake up in the morning and I would feel my heart beating my heart pounding strong.

Dr. Dave: (04:58)
I didn’t know why, but I, I started to, I started to think that was normal. Maybe my heart should be pounding. Maybe I should be anxious some of the time. Maybe I should be anxious a lot. I thought that was normal until it started to almost kill me. And that’s when I had to look into microdosing magic mushrooms. They have turned my life around. I am sitting here right now, talking to you. I feel really, really good. And that’s not to brag to anybody that’s going through some issues or trauma or problems I’m telling you this because I was there. It was horrible. It was really, really bad and they’ve turned my life around. So my point is, if there is a slight chance and it’s not conclusive, even if there’s a slight chance of causing heart valve problems, if I would’ve kept on going the way I’m going, I guarantee heart, uh, high blood pressure, heart problems stroke.

Dr. Dave: (05:50)
One of those, they would’ve killed me first. I guarantee that. So I feel so healthy now. I don’t think it’s going to cause any heart, uh, heart valve problems. Um, if it does, when I’m 96 years old, that’s the way it is. That means I lived decades of good life in between now. And then, so I don’t have a conclusive answer. It’s a great question. Um, but that’s my opinion. That’s this is my kind of rationalization of my answer. Thanks for the question. I really appreciate it. Okay. Next question. Uh, this comes from a person on YouTube named, um, or I guess, I guess nicknamed death stroke. Um, this is actually difficult for me, but I’m gonna read the question. Might it’s not even a question. Really? It’s a, it’s a comment. It’s a very strong comment. And I will tell you this. I get emails all the time from you guys.

Dr. Dave: (06:45)
I get comments on, uh, YouTube. I get all kinds of, however you reach me. I try my best to answer almost everything. And almost all of your comments or questions to me I should say are positive in nature. Um, I, I know you’re really trying to improve and you’re asking questions to help yourself out. Maybe help loved ones out or whatever. Sometimes I get comments and questions that are, I say more comments that are just not in, um, good spirit. And I wanna share this with you because sometimes I really don’t know what to do about it. I, I, I really am trying to help so many people, but when I get something like this, it is hurtful. So here it is Dr. Dave, I’ve had to unsubscribe to your channel. Now that you’ve changed the name to microdose you. I initially followed because your journey resonated with mine, but your knowledge of psilocybin and microdosing and macro dosing is too elementary for you to be in a position to teach at a university about it.

Dr. Dave: (07:47)
Even if it is just you two speaking of your journey and your experiences are one thing, labeling yourself as a microdose. You is another, I’m not making this up. It would’ve been better staying at microdose 1 0 1. I think you’re in way over your head, Dave, and you need to slow down and he ends with all the best in your journey. Dave, I hope your life continues to improve well with comments like that. How can my life improve? So Deathstroke, I will respond here. I’ll respond to anybody watching this video. After reading this comment, microdose U is just cute, clever name for my YouTube channel. If anybody thinks this is a true university, then you’ve got more problems that I could possibly help you with. Again, it’s a cutie name. I’m never implying that this is a accredited university on YouTube. And I’m a professor here.

Dr. Dave: (08:48)
I mean, are you serious? Are you really serious? I think you are. And also if you wanna unsubscribe, why do you have to write a note like that? To me telling me you’re unsubscribing. You just click unsubscribe. Like probably many people do it’s okay. I’m not for everybody, but as far as my knowledge, okay, let me tell you what I think about that. I never claim to be a genius or claim to be the most knowledgeable person about microdosing. I’m fully transparent that I’ve only been into this for a year and a half or less a year and a half ago. I knew nothing. But the thing I knew is that my life was totally up. I mean really bad. I expanded that on the previous questions. I don’t have to go into that again. It was really bad and nothing else, nothing else was helping.

Dr. Dave: (09:36)
I finally found something that was helping. There was no question about it. It’s not a placebo cause I’ve been doing this for over a year. Now, if it were a placebo, it would not last that long. It has truly turned my life around. Now. I know many people that I’ve met many people now with my YouTube channel and my podcast all over the world that are suffering in a way similar to mine or even a little bit different, but still nonetheless you’re suffering. And I put myself on the line several times per week, sharing my life story, which was horrible and sharing what I’ve done to turn it around. I never claimed to be an expert on psilocybin. Not many people are. I gotta tell you, but I claim to be a real person, a regular guy, somebody in their sixties who lived through a lot of hell and found a way to fix it every day.

Dr. Dave: (10:30)
Right now, like I said, from the last question, I feel really good. And if I can help one person, maybe even if I could tell one person a month, turn the life around and feel like I do every day. Then that is a huge success story. I never ask for any money from anybody I’m using my own time to do this for somebody like Deathstroke to rate this letter to me. And then at the very end to say all the best in your journey. Well, I say, that’s I call on that. You are passive aggressive. And that was a horrible letter you sent to me. And I just wanted to bring this to people, showing you what I have to deal with sometimes to maintain a channel where I try to help people every single day. That’s all I say about it. I’m so thankful for 99.9% of you that appreciate me and know that I’m a human being and know that I’m not an expert and know that I don’t know everything.

Dr. Dave: (11:24)
And I freely admit that I don’t know everything. And I appreciate every single one of you, the one in a hundred or so that I get are crazy and send me weird letters. And I get, I get several, I get several, but not many. Luckily I get several, but, um, I do my best. I deal with them sometimes. I even think, am I not good enough to do this show for you guys? Am I a failure? Am I somebody who knows nothing? That’s trying to put on a front. And then I think, no, I’m not like that. I’m a real person. And I’m somebody who’s lived through this, this craziness and figured out a way to fix it. And I’m sharing with people all over the world. Now that’s real. That is real. And how dare you? How dare you try to intimidate me or tell me the name of my channel is not a name that I should have, or that I’m claiming to be a university professor.

Dr. Dave: (12:11)
Okay. That’s enough. Let’s get on to the next question because it’s a good one and I appreciate good questions. Thank you so much for your awesome content. I subscribed. May I please ask, how long do we microdose? Do we do it for one month or two months? And would that help the brain and then stop? Or is this something that we need to do throughout our entire lives? I don’t wanna put myself in the position of permanently wanting to do microdosing to feel better. Eddie, Eddie. I promise you when I got that, I would share this online on my video, um, on my podcast and try to answer this as best as I can. It’s a great question. And Eddie, I don’t have the answer to that. I’m only a year and a half into this, or a little less than a year and a half into this.

Dr. Dave: (12:57)
And I don’t know. I mean, would it be great if everything I’ve done with microdosing, I could stop right now, never have to touch psilocybin again, and I’d be just feel great into my nineties or even a hundred years old. That would be fantastic. But I don’t know. The answer psilocybin is such a wonderful plan that I am willing to use it for as long as I need to, to feel this good. Now, admittedly, I take breaks since I told you at the beginning of the show that I have COVID now and I wasn’t even feeling well a few days before I even took my test. I have not microdosed and probably just about a week now. And so it’s been seven days and I feel totally fine. I don’t feel like I need it. I don’t feel like if I don’t take it in five minutes, I’m gonna be anxious and, and depressed.

Dr. Dave: (13:44)
I don’t feel like that at all. I feel really good. However, I like to continue my microdose because it works so well. I don’t wanna just stop. Um, there’s no reason I need to stop. I, I, I, it makes me just feel really good now. It’s funny. Um, I do have concerns. I I’ve thought about this in the past, although it’s, it’s kind of not a logical concern, but I have concerns that one day I’ll be really old. Um, I’m kind of old now, but not really old. one day I’ll be really old, um, laying in my bed in the nursing home and I’ll say, excuse

Dr. Dave: (14:17)
Me, can you get me the magic mushrooms? I need magic mushrooms to feel good. Can, can somebody get me some magic

Dr. Dave: (14:24)
Mushrooms? I think about that. I wonder, like what would happen now? Number one, at that point, maybe they’ll be legal. I don’t really know. Um, and I hope I’m never in a nursing home. My goal is to just live a great full life, be really healthy. And then one day just fall over and die or die in my sleep. That would be the best, uh, being informed in a, in a, in a nursing home for weeks, months, years. That’s not really what I see happen. I just, I don’t want that to happen to me. Um, but I digress that’s way off topic, Eddie. I hope it helps. I’m not sure. I know people like, um, trip Maxwell, really good friend of mine who is really into the larger therapeutic doses. Um, I think maybe threshold doses, he calls them, um, he would probably have an answer and he would probably say that once you take large doses, um, there’s a possibility you, you never need them again.

Dr. Dave: (15:19)
And I, I think some people take large doses, but every, maybe once a year or every few months they, they take another dose to maintain. I don’t really know, but I’m more of a, um, I don’t wanna call myself an expert or a professor cuz I’ll get killed again, but I’m more of a microdose person and um, I’m willing to do it as long as I need to. So I hope this helps. I just don’t have the definitive answer, but if it helps and it really helps and you feel great. What does it matter? That’s my, that’s my final answer. Okay guys, thank you so much for sticking with me. This is a long one long by my standards, but um, and the third one I threw in there, just a doozy, but I just wanted to share with you some of the things that I have to deal with to get these videos to you, I’ve gotta deal with the good, the bad, the, not so bad, the ugly, but I do it because I really care about you and I really care about helping people. I’ll leave it at that until next time, Dr. Dave, this is microdose you and I’m sticking to it and I’m not changing the name. See you later.

Dr. Dave: (16:21)
Hey, it’s Dr. Dave coming back to you after the show, I really appreciate you being here. And if you could just do me one little favor before you go, it’ll take you about 30 seconds of your time, go onto your podcast platform and give us a rating and a review. Um, it takes just a little bit of your time and it really, really will help the show immensely. I’m trying to get the word out to people all over the world because so many people are struggling and they need help. And this is the way they’re gonna find out about us. So take a little bit of your time, do it for us. I really appreciate you. Thanks so much.

Microdose U podcast

237 – The Microdose Mailbag

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there. How are you? Welcome back to microdose you. I am Dr. Dave and I’ve got some, um, letters I wanna share with you today. Letters. I’ve gotten some from a lot of my viewers and listeners. Uh, we’ll call this the microdose mail bag. How is that? They’re pretty powerful. And the second one is a little bit longer. I’ve read two of them today. The second one was a little bit longer, but I want you to listen to it till the end, because it’s really profound at the end. You, you are going to want to hear this, so I’ll get right into this. And by the way, nothing that I share on this channel is to be taken as medical advice through your own research. Talk to your own doctor, um, just sharing my experience and others’ experiences, but, um, be very careful with what you do now.

Dr. Dave: (00:39)
The first letter, Hey Dr. Dave, I started microdosing two weeks after watching your videos. The results are amazing so far. I can’t even believe it. I started swimming again, walking and riding my bike. This may sound dumb, but you couldn’t pay me again on a bike before this. I can already feel my anxiety starting to taper off. Thanks so much for doing what you do. Best regards Aaron, Aaron, you are very welcome. And I really appreciate you writing in. And I, I just hear story after story such as yours, people that have tried everything else, but, uh, they could not get really what they wanted. They couldn’t, they couldn’t feel the way they wanted to feel until they started microdosing magic mushrooms, psilocybin. So Aaron, congratulations, please stay in touch and let us know how it goes in the future as well. Just great to hear stories like this.

Dr. Dave: (01:30)
The second, the second letter I get. Hi, Dr. Dave, my name is Dom I’m 25 years old. I’m a brand new subscriber on your channel, and I really want to share my experience with you a bit with psilocybin mushrooms. For many years, I suffered from anxiety, depression, trauma, and some addiction. Also one time I felt like I was at a really bad point and I decided to get some psilocybin mushrooms to see if they could help me. At first, I started experimenting with microdosing and small doses, but eventually I worked my way up to five grams, the FD heroic dose, and I set my attention for wisdom. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. I saw my entire life flash before my eyes, and it was like, I contacted God or my higher power, or perhaps simply from my higher self, because I was receiving messages through my mind telling me beautiful things like messages of gratitude, forgiveness, and profound things of that nature.

Dr. Dave: (02:32)
And after the experience I was in shock and I soon realized that I felt there was a weight lifted off of me. And since then, I have not felt depressed at all. I genuinely feel like a different person because I feel mentally and emotionally stronger and more resilient. I feel super passionate about this, and I really want to help others see the potential of these mushrooms. And I hope one day for them to be legalized in my home country of Canada and beyond. I think that your method of microdosing is perfectly valid, but that taking a very large dose can produce similar, but much more rapid results with the potential benefits. I just wanna add one thing. It has actually been two and a half years since that experience and I still feel that difference. So in my experience, I feel a really long term positive change to my personality and outlook on life.

Dr. Dave: (03:23)
I just think that’s important to know, because if I just took them yesterday or a month ago, that’s pretty short term, but I feel the fact that it’s been so long lasting is really amazing. Dom, thank you so much for that. It’s, it’s such a great story to hear. And, um, although I don’t have the experience of taking the large dose, the, um, threshold dose, uh, here, some people call it heroic dose. I don’t have that experience personally. I’m more of a micro doser and, um, I take slightly larger doses. I’ve taken up to like one to two plus grams, but never anything in the five gram range. Uh, that’s not to say I won’t, um, working on that. And then, you know, there will be a time that I’ll be able to do that myself will report back to you. But, um, I, I feel that I’ve gotten personally a tremendous amount out of microdosing.

Dr. Dave: (04:10)
Granted, maybe I’ve been microdosing for close to a year and a half. Now. Maybe if I would’ve just started, started off on the five grams, maybe that’s all I would’ve needed and maybe some maintenance doses here and there. I’m not sure I don’t have that answer because, and I can’t go back because I’ve already done the microdosing for a year and a half. And I feel like it’s totally, totally changed my life. Um, but again, I’m very, very curious about the larger doses and maybe in the future, we’ll be able to get into that on this program. But for right now, it’s pretty much microdose you, but I I’m welcome stories from anybody, no matter how small or how large you’re taking, if it’s changed your life, I want to hear about it. Thanks so much for being here. I really appreciate each and every one of you at a time when the world is just, there’s so much craziness going on, it’s great to have this little community that we can all communicate with each other and help each other out, along with these amazing plants. Um, till next time, this is microdose you. I am Dr. Dave,

Dr. Dave: (05:09)
Hey, it’s Dr. Dave coming back to you after the show, I really appreciate you being here. And if you could just do me one little favor before you go, it’ll take you about 30 seconds of your time, go onto your podcast platform and give us a rating and a review. Um, it takes just a little bit of your time and it really, really will help the show immensely. I’m trying to get the word out to people all over the world because so many people are struggling and they need help. And this is the way they’re gonna find out about us. So take a little bit of your time, do it for us. I really appreciate you. Thanks so much.

Microdose U podcast

236 – I Told My Psychiatrist That Magic Mushrooms Fixed Me!

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
So I said to my psychiatrist, I’m fixed, I’m done. I don’t need you anymore. And then he looked at me and what he said back to me. Oh my God, I’m gonna talk about that right now. Standby. Hey, there I am Dr. Dave and welcome back to microdose you, as you know, um, on my channel here, I speak a lot about microdosing magic mushrooms, SIL assignment, because that is basically what has taken me out of this crazy, crazy funk that I had been in for many years called anxiety, depression, PTSD at a lot more so about, um, close to a year and a half ago, it’s bordering going a year and a half ago or so. Um, I was just getting so fed up with the way I was feeling. And I was in psychotherapy with my psychiatrist and it was all due to just some really crazy stuff going on, um, such as anxiety and depression and PTSD and insomnia, and just a lot more craziness.

Dr. Dave:: (01:00)
And I was going through talk therapy. Well, in my opinion, talk therapy either does not work or it’s so slow that it would take like decades and decades to really see some progress. Now I know everybody’s different and some people maybe get results from talk therapy very quickly. I’ve been in talk therapy on and off from my entire life. And other than it being kind of like a, um, a way to go in and just talk to somebody that has no, um, judgment or anything like that, it, it just, to me, it never seemed super helpful at, or it didn’t, it didn’t really help my anxiety or depression or anything like that. It just was a way to speak about it. So back about a year and a half ago, or close to it, when I said to my psychiatrist, I really believe I want to try microdosing magic mushrooms.

Dr. Dave: (01:48)
Um, I was on Lexapro at the time, which is an antidepressant of course, an SSRI. And I said, but, you know, I, I want your opinion. What do you think? And he said, absolutely. He said, I’ve got patients that use them that have had great results and it’s worth a try. That’s what he said. It’s, it’s definitely worth a try. So I did. And I started off not knowing anything at all about magic mushrooms. I just didn’t know anything about that world whatsoever. And if you wanna check back, if you wanna know more about how you can do it, if you want, this is not medical advice at all, but I did do a video. I’ve got a bunch of videos on this stuff on this channel, but I did one recently that is called the absolute beginners guide to microdosing magic mushrooms, because I’ve had so many questions from people from, from the start. Um, how do I do it? What dose do I take? Um, and, and I answer all the questions. So I just want to throw that your way in case you have any questions. So I started microdosing and after a short amount of time, I was able to get off some of my well, actually all of my blood pressure medication, my blood pressure went down totally to normal levels. It was actually starting to go too low. So that’s when I knew it was time to get off my blood pressure medication. Uh, I went

Dr. Dave: (02:58)
Off, I got off of anti-anxiety and I was still on my Lexapro, but after a period of time, I decided to start going down to a lower dose and a lower dose. Um, but recently I totally got off of my Lexapro. I’m I’m not taking any medication whatsoever now, and I’m not taking any pharmaceutical medication for my, um, things that I was going through such again, such as the, um, anxiety, depression, et cetera, about a, a very short time ago, like within a week or two ago, I went into my psychiatrist for a regular appointment and I sat down. I felt fantastic. I felt better than I have in my entire life. And I said, guess what, doctor I’m totally done. I am fixed. I feel better than I ever have in that I can remember in decades. And he looked right back at me and said, David, congratulations.

Dr. Dave:: (03:55)
I am so happy for you. He said, I was able to accomplish in several short months, which you know, was a year or so several short months, what it normally takes people decades to go through with talk therapy. But I told him, I said, I feel totally at peace. Now. I don’t have any anxiety. My depression is go. I just don’t feel it anymore. Um, a lot of the things that from I had experienced PTSD from, and no I’m not military, but it was from a, um, a really, really rough, uh, marriage, first marriage. And those feelings just melted away. The magic mushrooms reset my brain in some way. I don’t understand the exact physiology. Some people might, but it’s, again, it’s being studied a lot right now. So I don’t know if anybody has the exact answer, but all I can say is I don’t have to understand exactly how it worked.

Dr. Dave: (04:47)
I don’t, I don’t need to know exactly the physiology because I know it worked in no uncertain terms. This has been the most significant thing I’ve ever done in my life, as far as my mental health. And I only wish I would’ve known about this decades ago because I would not have had to go through some of the real hell that I went through in my life. Um, had I known about this? My, my whole life would probably be different and I’ve got no complaints about my life right now was where I am right now. I am 100% super happy and I would not want to have it any other way, but again, I had to pay dearly, um, in time in relationships, in things that I did not want to do and things that might have been really bad for me, I paid dearly there and it took quite some time to reset my brain from a lot of the trauma that I had. Um, you know, in my, in my past past life, meaning my earlier life, my younger, my younger self life. Um, so I no longer need any visits with my psychiatrist. I’m gonna go in and see him every three to six months, maybe just for a very short visit

Dr. Dave: (05:57)
To say hello, to catch up and, and let ’em know how I’m doing, but I no longer need therapy. I no longer need antidepressants. As I said, I’m off all of my blood pressure meds, which I, I imagine my blood pressure being elevated was due to anxiety. I just feel really, may I say it? I feel really good and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And again, if you’re watching this because you’re experiencing a lot of the same things, a lot of the same things that I went through, I am pretty darn confident that if you do what I did, it could really help you in a big way. Again, if you’re not sure how to do it, just go back and watch the video called an absolute beginners guide to microdosing magic com mushrooms. It should answer almost anything. Or a lot of the videos I have on this channel should answer a lot of your questions. Um, I wanna share that with you. I thought it was really important at a very, very significant time in my life until next time I am Dr. Dave, and this is Microdose U. You see you later.

Microdose U podcast

235 – I Did Transcendental Meditation Twice a Day For One Month

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
I have been doing transcendental meditation twice a day for 20 minutes at a time for one full month. And I’m gonna share with you exactly the changes that I have seen in my body and in my mind and in my life before I do. I just want to welcome you to microdose you. I am Dr. Dave, and on this channel I share with you, um, how microdosing magic mushrooms psilocybin has totally, totally changed my life for the better. So let’s get into the program today. I, yes, I have been, uh, doing TM, doing trans Atal meditation for exactly one month, twice a day, 20 minutes at a time. And I will tell you this, that I have found out that transcendental meditation and TM are both trademarked or copyright terms. And I am not really allowed to use them, but I will share with you, I am not associated with the organization in any way.

Dr. Dave: (00:54)
I’m not a certified instructor. I’ve never taken the instruction from them. I’ve done it from my research and I learned how to do it on my own, which I will share with you. But since I’m not allowed to call it transcendental meditation, let’s call it. I don’t know. Let’s call it just for the sake of today’s show. We’ll call it microdosing meditation. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but since I’m not allowed to call it TM or transcendental meditation, um, if I’m talking about it or giving instructions on it, we’ll call it microdosing meditation for today. So, um, what have I noticed after one month? And I’m, by the way, I’m still going to continue to do it, but after one month, I think that’s a pretty safe time to share with you the changes I’ve noticed in my body and in my life.

Dr. Dave: (01:36)
And in my mind, I have been extremely calm and my sleep has been really, really good. And not only that, it seems to me like I need less sleep. I just got back from a one week road trip and on the road trip, it was a little bit more difficult since I was doing a lot of things with friends and family and activities. It was a little bit more difficult to get the amount of sleep I normally get, but even getting less sleep, I felt totally rejuvenated and really, really good and awake, um, each day with less sleep. So again, I’ll get into whether I think this was an effective TM or a result or a product of the TM or otherwise. And I’ll share that with you too. I can think super clearly, I’ve been at total 100% peace with myself. I feel like I’ve been more forgiving of other people, more understanding, and the list goes on and on, but those are kind of the main things that I have noticed since I’ve been doing the, uh, transcendental me. Oh, not transcend, I mean, re dosing meditation twice a day for 20 minutes at a time. And again, I’m going to show share with you. It’ll take me just a few minutes. Exactly, exactly how I do it every single day from start to finish. But, um, something I am not sure of. And that is

Dr. Dave: (02:58)
Since I’ve been microdosing, these are the same changes that I’ve noticed with my microdosing. So almost exactly the same. So I can’t really be sure that either the transcendental Medi the microdosing meditation the microdosing meditation has made it better, or whether it’s just a, a, a factor that I’ve been microdosing longer and I’m going through these changes anyway, I’m not positive. Um, but I, from what I’ve heard from what I’ve read, the, um, changes that we notice from microdosing magic mushrooms and from microdosing meditation, um, they’re very, very similar. So I will say for, for those of you that are a little bit reluctant, not sure about microdosing, you’re a little bit worried about using something that is in some areas, not legal, um, doing the microdosing meditation might be a safe and viable alternative for you. So let me share with you exactly how I do it now.

Dr. Dave: (04:06)
Again, I am not a transcendental meditation instructor. I’m not associated with the organization. I’ve never taken one of their courses. So I’ve gathered this just from years of, you know, I look, I grew up in the sixties and seventies, so I knew about TM back then. So I’m taking this from my years and years of hearing about it. Uh, hearing people talk about it, researching, et cetera, here is what I do every single day, twice a day. So I find my so first, the first thing I did was I selected a mantra. A mantra is a word or a sound that, um, you say repeatedly during your meditation, it can be anything, but here’s what I recommend. I recommend that it be two syllables or two words kind of put together, um, because I use the, my mantra in conjunction with my breathing in and out.

Dr. Dave: (04:59)
So when I breathe in during the meditation, I will say to myself, the first word or the first syllable of my mantra, and then as I breathe out and it’s all done through my nose, I will say the second and I will repeat it. So don’t worry. I’ll get, I’ll get back into that a second. So, um, I suggest that you choose a mantra. It could be a word, it could be a word from another language. It could be a made up word. The only thing I’m going to ask you is that it’s not a word that has meaning to you. And the reason for that is let’s say, for example, you, um, use the word pencil as a mantra, as you’re meditating, as you’re saying pencil to yourself for 20 minutes at a time nonstop as you’re breathing, you’re gonna have, at some point, you’re gonna have a, a vision of a pencil. You, it it’s look it’s impossible not to. So you’re gonna be thinking, you’re gonna be saying the word

Dr. Dave: (05:56)
Pencil, but you’ll be thinking about a pencil. That’s why it’s better to have a word that has no real meaning to you. A very common mantra is just simply the Sanskrit phrase, sat Nam. I mean, most people don’t speak San Sanskrit, so they don’t really know what that means if it has a meaning. So if you say soft, no, um, as, and again, that is a possible and very common mantra. Um, also you could pick something that you just make up and it sounds good to you and it resonates with you. I, I don’t think there’s any right or wrong, although in the organization I’ve referred to a little while ago, I think they make a really big deal and have a big ceremony about being assigned a mantra to me. I don’t think that’s that big of a deal. It has to be something that resonates with you that you can remember that you like, that feels good.

Dr. Dave: (06:49)
And I think that’s really about it, but again, make sure it’s something that you, that does not have a true meaning to you in the spirit of microdosing meditation. I do not share my mantra and I would recommend you do not share yours. Keep it very personal. If somebody asks you what yours is, just say, this is very personal to me and I don’t share it. So what I do is I pick a comfortable location, oftentimes on the sofa over there or wherever I could be. And I just sit down, get in a comfortable position. I set my timer to 20 minutes and I normally do not play any music. I just listen to ambient sounds around, but, um, uh, I don’t really play any, any different type of music or anything like that during my meditation. And for 20 minutes, all I do is try my best to clear my mind, but it’s all it’s automatically done when you repeat your mantra.

Dr. Dave: (07:43)
So I will take a deep breath in, not too deep, but I’ll take a breath in, and I’ll say the first part of my mantra, and let’s, let’s use the word pencil, cuz that’s not a good mantra, but I’m using that example. So as I breathe in, I’ll think to myself, pen and breathing out soul pen soul, and I’ll just keep reading in. And again, that’s not my mantra and I do not recommend that as a mantra, but that’s just an example how to do that. Then you just keep doing that and you don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to, like you don’t have to intentionally try to clear your mind because that’s the purpose of the mantra. The mantra does that for you. When you keep repeating something over and over and over, along with breathing, it’s gonna do the work for you.

Dr. Dave: (08:30)
You can even be somebody that does not believe it’s going to work. You can be skeptical. It doesn’t really matter because if you perform this microdosing meditation, as I explained, it will work for you. Then when your timer goes off at 20 minutes, that’s the end, the best times to do it are in the morning. When you wake up in the morning before you really start with your morning activities and in the evening, well, before you go to bed, probably, maybe right after dinner, before you start your evening activities, but there’s no, again, there’s no real right or no wrong, but you do need to do it twice per day, 20 minutes at a time, morning and evening are the best times to do it. You can do it if you’re a passenger in a car, um, don’t do it while you’re driving, but you can do it in situations where, um, as long as you can find a comfortable place to be and have reasonable, quiet, you know, you don’t want to do it in a construction zone.

Dr. Dave: (09:25)
Um, it, or you don’t wanna do it when somebody’s using leaf blowers or it’s super, super loud. That’s probably not gonna be conducive, but as long as reasonably quiet, um, and you can maintain that 20 minutes of breathing and saying your mantra. That’s what microdosing meditation is. I urge you to try it. Um, don’t just try it one time. Don’t just try it for a few days. Try it for at least a month, at least a month. They say it even could take a lot longer to see really, really great results. Um, I’m pretty certain it’s gonna help you quite a bit. It can lower blood pressure. It can absolutely decrease anxiety, but you have to do it in order for it to work. It’s a great adjunct to, um, microdosing magic mushrooms. It absolutely is. I think the two of them go really, really, really well together. Okay. I hope this helps you again. Thanks so much for being here with micro Rudo. You we’ll have more classes in the future. If you have not subscribed yet, make sure you click that subscribe button and enable notifications. I got a lot more stuff coming, coming at you. Talk to you soon, Dr. Dave.

Microdose U podcast

234 – I Saw a White Outline Visual on My Instructor While Microdosing Mushrooms

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there, Dr. Dave here, Microdose U, how are you today? I saw a really, , pretty cool, I would say visual effect that I’ve never seen before while I was just microdosing microdosing magic mushrooms. , so to start off, I will tell you I was taking, I, I took a, I would go into a class today. , my wife and I were going to a, , meditation slash sound bath class, where it was gonna be about two hours, the woman that was running, it was gonna be doing a little lecture first. And then we were gonna do some, , meditation, then a sound bath, and then some discussions. So it was gonna be about two hours and we’re sitting there in the class and I had taken a little nibble off of a, , chocolate I had at home. It was, , made by a friend of mine and it contained, , albino, penis envy.

Dr. Dave: (00:51)
And the, the entire chocolate say it was about, I don’t know about that big, but I took like just before class, just like a little nibble, like a tiny, tiny, Def, definitely a microdosed for sure. But I will tell you this, whenever I’ve taken albino penis envy in the past, it has always had like a, like a wow effect, even a tiny bit, this effect that I’ve never felt with any other, any of the regular strains, like golden teachers or any of the, you know, the normal things we usually microdose with. And it’s like, it’s like, wow. So you’re even just a little bit. So, , I did that, didn’t think much of it and we’re sitting in class and it’s, it’s the beginning of it. It’s kind of like the lecture part. And I’m looking at the woman who’s leading the class and I’m starting to see this.

Dr. Dave: (01:36)
, how can I describe it the best way I can describe it is really, , kind of like a white shadow outline, like a white outline, a thick white outline around her, around everywhere. Her, it appeared to be behind her. So wherever she would move, this outline would just move with her. And it was really, it wasn’t scary at all. It was, , it was actually really comforting, pleasing, , interesting. And it didn’t, , disturb me in any way and it didn’t, it didn’t take away from the lecture. It just, I recognized it. I knew that I had taken the nibble of the albino penis, envy mushroom chocolate before the class. So I knew what was going on, but it was really strange and it wasn’t always there. I had to be looking at her like, if I can explain this, and again, it’s, it’s kind of hard to explain, but I had to be looking at her like in a certain way. I think if I would just look regular regularly at her straight on head on, , I wouldn’t see it, but if I would like move my eyes or move my head in a certain way, it was like very vivid, very clear to the point where like, it would, I was wondering if anybody else was seeing this white outline around her, but then I realized, no, they probably weren’t. It was probably just me cuz I’m the only one that probably had the nibble of the albino penis and the mushroom.

Dr. Dave: (02:55)
, the class was really

Dr. Dave: (03:00)
Nice. I would say, I think once we did the sound bath, which was kind of, she’s playing these different, , ceramic singing bowls, , that are in tune to all of the chakras and real pleasant. I got a, I felt, I think I got a lot out of the class today. , I forgot to bring my journal then normally at the end of the class, I would start, I would journal, I would write some things in the journal, but I totally forgot my journal today. So, but that’s okay. But I just wanted to share that really interesting experience mainly with the, , very, very, very vivid white outline. I’m wondering whether any of you have ever seen anything like that. , there were no other like apparent visuals when I closed my eyes during the sound bath part during the meditation, I just had some closed eye visuals for sure.

Dr. Dave: (03:48)
But there were no, no real apparent, , open eye visuals except for the very vivid white, thick, white outline. And if I could explain again what it would just picture me a picture like this white figure, like almost like a ghostlike figure behind me. And you could only see the outline of it because I’m blocking it. So picture that. And then as I move, it’s moving with me almost like a shadow that surrounds me, but, but it’s white, it’s clearly white. That might be the best way to describe it. Like, like a clear white shadow behind her, , outlining her super interesting. I really look forward to experiencing something like this again and again, I’m just, , there’s really no lesson to this show today to this, , episode today that other than I wanted to share with you and find out if any of you have ever seen anything like it.

Dr. Dave: (04:43)
I tried to do a little bit of research online. I didn’t know exactly what to search for and , it, I didn’t really find anything about this, about this white shadow, , or white outline. So if, if any of you have experienced anything like this, I I’d love to hear about it. I don’t want, I, I, I, I really highly doubt. I’m the only one that’s experienced anything like this. So share with me comment below. , that’s all I have to say to you today. , appreciate you. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, who are you waiting for? This microdose? You, you have to subscribe. I’m Dr. Dave, none of this is medical advice, of course. And I look forward to seeing you really, really soon kisses.


Microdose U podcast

233 – Look in the Mirror

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Here is the transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Hey, I’m Dr. Dave from microdose. U do you see somebody that’s too fat, too thin? Not beautiful enough, not handsome enough, looking too old, looking too ragged, looking like you’re not good enough to fit in. What do you see? I’m curious because I’ve been through times when I looked in the mirror myself and I did not like what I saw at all, what I saw in the mirror was actually a reflection of how I felt about myself. And a lot of times it was not, it was not good at all. The mirror doesn’t lie, but sometimes it does. You see, even though on the outside, I probably look good to most people out there. The way I saw myself just was not living up to my expectations. And no, it didn’t take any type of color in my hair or plastic surgery or anything like that.

Dr. Dave: (01:02)
Like, what do you call it? Like eye lifts or I don’t even know what you call this stuff. Botox wouldn’t take any of that. I, it, it finally got to the point where I had to feel good about myself, to look in the mirror and really be in love with that person that I saw reflecting back at me, microdosing magic mushrooms is a good therapy. It absolutely works. It turned my life around, but you have to work with them. Also as your brain starts to become rewired, you will start to enjoy looking at that person in the mirror that maybe in the past, you have not enjoyed, not enjoying looking at that person in the mirror will cause anxiety. It possibly could cause depression. It could cause all kind of things that you just don’t wanna feel and don’t want to feel about yourself. It will.

Dr. Dave: (01:56)
So that’s one of the reasons I started microdosing and magic mushrooms because I did not like who I was. I didn’t like the way I was feeling every day. The mushrooms have totally reversed that, but I still look in the mirror. And sometimes even to this day, sometimes I still feel that I’m too old looking or my face is too fat or whatever it might be. I’m really working on that. And it’s a work in progress and it does. I wanna share with you, it does not happen overnight. You will not get results overnight. You have to keep working with it and put the work into it as well. Not only in the magic mushrooms, but put the work into other things like journaling and meditation, which I’ve talked about some in previous videos and we’ll continue to talk about it in future videos. So if you’ve not subscribed yet, make sure you hit that little button there. Speaking of the mirror, I remember back, this goes back probably 30 years or so that I used to when I was practicing dentistry and seeing patients and I had a mirror in

Dr. Dave: (02:58)
My, my treatment room. And while I was working on patients, I was able to somehow fixate on this mirror. And in the mirror, I saw a person who was me, who was not enjoying his life, not enjoying what he was doing as a profession, not even enjoying who he was with all the time. I saw a person that I knew could improve, but did not know how to improve. And that’s why I paid the dear price of 30 plus years. Several decades of not living the life. That was true to me, no matter what the mirror told me and continuing, without trying to make any changes, it got to the point where I became sick and feeling horrible every day to it got to that point that I knew I had to do something or I would not live much longer. So I’m going to ask you to do this exercise, do it today, do it right now.

Dr. Dave: (03:51)
As soon as this video was over, look at your yourself in the mirror. What do you see? Please be honest, be honest with yourself. You don’t have to tell me what you see. Be honest with yourself. Do you see somebody that you are in love with? And I don’t mean being ego maniac or be narcissistic or anything like that. I mean, do you truly love yourself? Loving yourself is the first step to having a great life and feeling good every single day. If you don’t love yourself, you’re not gonna love your life. I promise you. So what do you see in the mirror? Do you see somebody that looks good? No matter, no matter how fat or skinny or old or how discolor your teeth may be or whatever you might have. If you’ve got pimples on your face or disfigure, what, whatever it is that doesn’t matter at all, you are a han being.

Dr. Dave: (04:44)
You are, you you’re alive. You’re breathing. You’re living your life. No matter what the mirror is showing you inside, feel good about yourself. Because then when you look in the mirror, you will see a beautiful human being. I promise you, this is true. Again, magic mushrooms will help get you there, but you have to start feeling good about yourself. Once your brain starts the rewiring process, it will work. I promise you. It worked for me. And if it worked for me, I was pretty far gone. It will work for you. So I hope this helps you short and sweet today. I love you. I’m sending you love to wherever you are on this planet. I’m Dr. Dave. I’m here at microdose university in a hotel room in Seattle visiting my family. I’ll talk to you soon.

Microdose U podcast

232 – Are You Worried?

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there. It’s Dr. Dave Microdose U. So I posted a question this morning on my YouTube channel. The question was really, really simple. And maybe even a little bit vague, it said, are you worried? Just those three words, are you worried? Question mark and preliminary results are in? And I think I have pretty good feel for the way it’s gonna go. But, , as of right now, 51% of you said, yes, you are worried 24% said, you’re not sure. And then another, like maybe 25% or so, whatever that nber comes to, , said no. So 51%. Yes. 24%. Not sure. Well, let me tell you something, if you’re not sure if you’re worried, you’re worried because if you were not worried about anything and it doesn’t really matter what it is, but if you’re not worried about anything, you would just say, no, I’m not worried, but if you say, , I’m not sure then if you say, you’re not sure you’re worried.

Dr. Dave: (00:58)
So, so 75% of you, 75% are worried. So I want to talk about this today. First of all, let’s start off with this. You’re gonna be fine. I absolutely promise you. You will be fine and things will be fine. I’m not sure what you’re worried about. 75% of you are worried. So it could range from anything from, I don’t know, a, a job you’re in a relationship you’re in, , inflation gas prices, a war, , P a political craziness. , it, it, it could be the, the stock market crashing, , Bitcoin going down. I mean, it could, it could be, it could be any of those and a lot more. So again, I want to stop you and say, take a step back, take a deep breath. You’re going to be fine. That’s coming from one of the biggest warriors or maybe one of the biggest ex warriors warriors, not warrior, but warrior in the world.

Dr. Dave: (02:12)
I have always been a worrier, always my entire life. I remember worrying about stuff back when I was eight, nine, and 10, like really worried about stuff. I was worried about, , stuff that was totally outta my control. So if anybody understands you worrying, I totally get it. But what I wanna say is, again, after taking a step back and taking a deep breath and saying that everything’s gonna be fine, I really mean it. I’m very serious. It will be fine in our lives. We go through good times, tough times, good times, tough times. It might be personally. It might be the country. It might be the world. It might be, , could be the environment. It could be, it could be anything. , but as bad as things seem to you, because you’re worried three outta four of you are worried as bad as things seem to you.

Dr. Dave: (03:12)
Now they will get better. It’s a promise. I mean, I’ve had to have people have the same conversation with me two years ago or two and a half years ago when roughly, , I was having some health issues, , physical, mental, a lot of anxiety, depression, , coronavirus was just hitting. , I was getting burnt out at my, at my work. , things were in my life. Things were really bad. I mean, I really felt that everything was on fire. I felt like the world was on fire, everything, everything that could go wrong to me and people around me was going wrong. I mean, you know, this was early in coronavirus. We thought, we thought everybody might die. We, we didn’t know. So I was going through some horrible stuff, horrible stuff. And here we are two and a half years later, two, two plus years later, , I’m still alive.

Dr. Dave: (04:10)
I’m healthy. I’m smiling. I’m not anxious right now. My depression’s gone. I worked on things and things cycled, you know, things cycled around. I mean, , you know, , maybe gas prices two years ago were super low. Now they’re crazy. High coronavirus was crazy high. Now it’s now that’s low things, things cycle things, cycle it’s, it’s gonna be okay, but it’s probably not enough for me just to say, it’s gonna be okay. That’s prob I mean, maybe that’s a good pep talk, but you’re not here to only hear a pep talk. You’re here to find out why you’re worried or not more importantly, not why you’re worried, but like, what can you do about your worry? What can you do about your anxiety? What can you do about your sadness or your depression or whatever it might be.

Dr. Dave: (05:02)
The thing that really really changed my life was the microdosing, the microdosing of, of magic mushrooms. , they rewired my brain, the stock market, for example, the stock. Now, I don’t know if you’re worried about financial stuff, but I’ll use it as an example right now, the stock market, the past several weeks has been taking a beating, a terrible beating. Most of my money is that’s where it is. And, and I’m planning on that for my retirement because that’s, that’s what I’ve got. And in the past, I would’ve down money going down, down, down. I would’ve been in full fledged anxiety attack. , sweating, sad, not talking to anybody. It would’ve been horrible now that I’ve used magic mushrooms and they’ve rewired the way my brain used to think or used to work. , now I’m, I’m, I’m more levelheaded maybe. And, and I’m more able to say to myself, because I don’t really talk to many people about this.

Dr. Dave: (06:11)
Other than maybe my wife, I’m more able to say to myself, Dave, this is a cycle. This is the way things go. There’s always good. There’s sometimes bad. The good outweighs the bad right now, maybe financially, we might be in a really tough time. Yeah. You go to the gas station and the gas is, is sky high. Some people are having a tough time filling their tanks up and going to work and feeding their families. Inflation is crazy so I can understand your worry. , I don’t worry anymore because first of all, a lot of this stuff is out of our control. And I do know that things will improve. I mean, I hope I’m talking to you one year from now, and we can look back on what’s going on today that you’re worried about. And we can say it was a blip on the radar screen because things got so much better. I don’t know when that’ll be. I don’t know if it’ll be two months from now. I don’t know if it’ll be two years from now. I, I don’t know, but I, one thing I can guarantee is that it will get better.

Dr. Dave: (07:14)
I’m thinking back. I remember after nine, right after nine 11, right after nine 11. And I was going in to see my financial planner and I was a lot younger. Of course I was well, 21 years younger than I am now. , I thought that was the end. I thought the stock markets were diving the, , finan. , there was a recession. Every everything was just going crazy. You know, we thought that this country could be in big trouble because they, they blew up part of New York. They blew up the world trade center, two buildings, and we thought like, you know, what’s next what’s gonna happen. This is the world’s gonna end. And I said to my fan financial planner, I said like, the stock market is gonna go down and it’s never gonna come back up. This is horrible. What’s gonna happen in my life.

Dr. Dave: (07:58)
And he looked at me kind of like what? I’m look kind of the way I’m looking at you today. And he said, no, he said, it’s we? Yeah, we we’ve experienced something terrible, but it will get better. And 21 years later, I’m looking at you telling you the same thing. It, it did get better. Now we’ve had craziness in between. We’ve had 2008, you know, the great, what do you call it? The great recession. Is that what it was called? The great, the great recession. That was, yeah, that wasn’t so great. I didn’t love that at all. But it, it was a terrible time. People were losing their houses. People were losing their jobs. People couldn’t afford to do anything. It was, it was, it was really, really, really bad. But we came out of that. There are always crazy things going on. So again, I didn’t really in my survey or my poll today, I didn’t really ask what you’re worried about. All I said is, are you worried? And 75% of you said either, yes or I’m not sure which again, the I’m not sure is a yes to me. I did poll a day or two ago also. And I was a little surprised that maybe I can’t remember the nbers. I don’t have them right in front of it. Maybe half of you are already microdosing. And then a percentage of you said, yes, I’m gonna be starting soon. And then another percentage said something like, I’m trying to figure things out. I’m eventually going to start or something like that. It was cl close enough

Dr. Dave: (09:28)
If you need this, what is it that you’re waiting for?

Dr. Dave: (09:35)
This is not rocket science. I started microdosing about 15 months ago. When, and before that I didn’t, I didn’t know anything. I knew nothing. I was in the same position that you are. If you know nothing about it. And you’re worried and scared I was in the same situation, but I knew enough to know that nothing else was working for me. It was not a, , it was not an option for me to be taking these pharmaceuticals every day for the rest of my life that weren’t even working fantastically. I wanted more, I wanted, I wanted to feel like the old David again. And I just, I wanted to, I wanted to feel like fresh again. So that’s why I, I dove in, I did all the research I could listen. I just, I just published a video, just put a video up. That’s called the absolute beginner’s guide to microdosing magic mushrooms.

Dr. Dave: (10:25)
That might not be the exact title, but I think it is. I think it’s pretty close. The absolute beginner’s guide to microdosing magic mushrooms. , it tells everything you need to know from start to finish everything. So you don’t have an excuse if you have not started yet. And you feel that you need to do something because you’re worried or you’re depressed or you’re anxious or something, then what is it that you’re waiting for? Are you gonna be trying to research it for another year or two? And then finally say, well, maybe I’ll be ready soon. I mean, this is your life. You’re going to be fine. But if I can suggest starting sooner rather than later, sooner means tomorrow. If you can tomorrow, why, why put it off another day tomorrow? Watch that video. Watch it. The absolute beginners guy. It it’s. It tells you everything you need to know. You’re not gonna have to, you’re not gonna have to research a million things. It’s got, it’s got everything you need to know. The only thing I don’t discuss is where to get magic mushrooms, because I can’t do that because in most places, they are not legal. And I don’t want to be promoting illegal things on my channel. If that makes sense.

Dr. Dave: (11:36)
This plant medicine is unbelievable, and this is not medical advice. This is somebody who’s been doing it for 15 months and who’s been totally rewired and reworked and feels unbelievably good. Now I want you to feel the same way. I want you to get out of this rut. I want you to stop, stop worrying. I want you to stop being anxious. And that’s easier for me to say, you know, it’s like stop being anxious. Now you can’t just say stuff, but if you follow what I say, there’s a much better chance that you will lose your anxiety and your depression and your worry. And if you have PTSD or if you stutter or anything like that, anything that’s, your brain needs to be rewired for. It could help you. Is it a hundred percent? No, but it’s very likely to help you. Let’s say that another thing, which I want you to stay in touch because if you have not subscribed yet, make sure you subscribing is another thing I’m gonna be talking about in the very near future is, , meditation. It’s extremely powerful, especially when used with microdosing matching mushrooms in particular, with something I’m doing right now is transcendental meditation.

Dr. Dave: (12:46)
I think from what I’m seeing the combination of using magic mushrooms, combining that with transcendental meditation is a total total game changer. I’ll be telling you more about that because I wanna do transcendental meditation twice a day for 20 minutes at a time for at least for one month before I even talk about it with you. But it seems what I’m seeing so far, what I’m feeling. It is a game changer, especially when combined with microdosing magic mushrooms. Okay? So most importantly, I really hope this little bit of a pep talk and information is going to get you to maybe not stop worrying. I hope it gets you to stop worrying, but at least mitigate lesson diminish the worrying. So it’s down to like almost nothing. I really hope you can do that. Again. Some things are totally out of our control. We have to ride them out and that’s what we do.

Dr. Dave: (13:44)
That’s what we have to do there. There’s no other choice, some things we just can’t control. So are you gonna worry about it every day? You, you can’t worry. You just they’re out of our control. So we ride them out. We do the best we can. Magic mushrooms will help reset your neural pathways or whatever the exact term is. And combining that potentially with meditation, which I’m gonna be talking about, , you could be a new person really soon, sooner than you think. So. I hope this helps you from my heart, from my heart. I really, really want you to live your best life possible. I’m Dr. Dave, this is Microdose U thanks so much for being with me. See soon.

Microdose U podcast

231 – The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Microdosing Magic Mushrooms

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Here is the complete transcript to today’s episode:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there. How are you? I am Dr. Dave and welcome to microdose U today. I’m gonna be sharing with you the absolute beginner’s guide to microdosing magic mushrooms. Um, I’ve been doing these videos for probably close to a year now. And, um, I, I seem to get like the same questions over and over and over again. So a lot of times I refer people to one of my videos or another video, but today what I’m going to try to do is to give you all the information you need to know in one video, that’s very easy to understand, very easy to digest. So this could kind of be your go to video. If you have any questions at all, from start to finish about microdosing, you should refer back to it because I’m gonna really try to answer every single thing you need to know about microdosing.

Dr. Dave: (00:47)
If you’re a beginner or if you’ve gotten into it and you have questions. Um, and this is also the type of video that if you have anybody that you know is interested in microdosing and they have a lot of questions, and they’re asking you, then refer them to this video because Dr. Dave here at microdose, you will take care of all of the questions. So let’s dive right into it right now. Let’s start with a question that’s, um, basic, and we need to start with this. What exactly is microdosing? So in this video and really in all my videos, when I refer to microdosing, I’m, I’m talking about microdosing magic mushrooms. The active ingredient is SIL Sabin, and there are a lot of other things you can micro dose with people, micro dose with L S D uh, MDMA. Uh, the list goes on and on, but my experience, and I was gonna say my expertise, but my experience is definitely only with magic mushrooms.

Dr. Dave: (01:41)
So I’m referring to magic mushrooms in this video, you can extrapolate to other plant substances if you like. But, um, in this video in particular, we’re only talking about magic mushrooms. So microdosing is taking a subception dose of magic mushrooms. So you’re not getting the psychedelic effect. You’re not going on a trip per se, but the subception dose is enough over time to take care of things that you might want to change in your life, things that are going on in your life that you wanna see improve. And that’ll actually segue right into the next section. What do people use it for? Why do people want to microdose? And the answer to that is, well, I’ll give you a list of things that I have used it for and continue to use it for. And there are others too that maybe I won’t even know about, but there, there microdosing has helped people with many different issues. The most common in some of the ones that I’ve used at four are depression, anxiety, um, insomnia, PTSD addiction. I personally have never had an addiction problem, but I know many people have. And I know that microdosing magic mushrooms has been very, um, instrumental and, and people have used it successfully in combating addiction problems.

Dr. Dave: (02:59)
Some people want to be more present in the moment, more mindful in their lives. And microdosing is an excellent, excellent tool for that. Some people wanna be more spiritual, understand the, their purpose of life. Um, things like that. And again, microdosing really helps with, with that as well. I actually had a problem sometimes when I wasn’t, maybe I was going through depression, anxiety. I just felt like I couldn’t get things going. I just, you know, I would wake up in the morning and just, I would just Dick around. And, and I had maybe like a list of things I wanted to do for the day, or even in my mind, but I just, I just couldn’t get going. I was just lazy, procrastinating and magic mushrooms have really helped me quite a bit with that. And some people wanna be more creative, better at their work.

Dr. Dave: (03:45)
Um, just enjoy things more and, and, and get the most outta life that they can. Magic mushrooms, microdosing, magic mushrooms are, um, in my opinion, perfect for these things. So before I get onto the next section, I just wanna reiterate magic mushrooms, microdosing magic mushrooms. You’re taking a subception dose. You’re not getting stone. You’re not getting high. You’re not going on a psychedelic trip. You’re not hallucinating if you I’m gonna touch on that a little bit later. But if you’re, if you’re experiencing any of that, then your dose is too high, but I’m gonna have a, a section here totally on how to start, how to, how to know what dose, um, what, how to know what dose you should be taking. I want to mention something about where to purchase, where to buy, where to source magic mushrooms. And I wanna make it very clear on my channel here.

Dr. Dave: (04:33)
I do not, I do not have anything to do with selling. I’m not a distributor. I’m not a, uh, I don’t sell magic mushrooms. I don’t recommend, uh, sources. I, I just wanna stay away from that area. I want, I want, I’m giving you information, but I don’t, I don’t at all get into where to purchase them. If you have a little bit of creativity, I will tell you like about a year and a half ago before I started, um, I had no idea, no idea where to get them, but with a little bit of research, a little bit of ingenuity, uh, a little bit of poking around it. I will tell you it, it’s not a problem at all. It’s very, very easy. I also wanna mention that on almost every video I do. Um, there is a group of scammers that come on and, and typically what they say is, um, we have, we have mushrooms.

Dr. Dave: (05:20)
We have DMT, we have LSD. We have, they, they name a whole bunch of drugs and they say, follow, go to my Instagram handle, or she’s got this, or he’s got this. I wanna make it very clear. These are all scammers. They have nothing to do with me. I’m not promoting them. I’m not asking them to be on my channel. I try my best to delete them and block them from the channel when I see them. But it seems like it’s, they’re like weeds. They, you get rid of one and, and four more popups. So it’s pretty much impossible to get rid of all of them. But if you ever see any of these scammers on my channel, please keep in mind, do not take their bait. Do not communicate with them. They are scammers. They will take your money. They are doing something illegal and terrible and ripping my people off.

Dr. Dave: (06:02)
If you succumb to that. So I’m making it very clear. These are not my people or my recommendations. If you see them, you can try to report them as well. Because I think you’re, you, you can click a couple buttons and report them, but I have no way of getting rid of them again. They, they multiply like, like, um, bunny rabbits. It’s just it’s oh my God, they need a life, but it’s a shame, but they do that. So let’s get into the next section. Now, how do you ingest magic mushrooms? What are the recommended forms? Well, the possibilities are, first of all, whenever I talk about magic mushrooms, I’m always talking about dried mushrooms. Typically also dried ground up mushrooms. You can grind them up in a coffee grinder, but, um, it’s very rare that, and I don’t have much experience in, in ingesting fresh mushrooms that are just picked out of the ground and they’re, and they’re still moist.

Dr. Dave: (06:49)
I, I don’t have experience with that. Every time I use them. It’s ground dried mu well, not necessarily ground, but at least dried mushrooms. Also, they come in edibles. I know some people that sell them as far as edible chocolates and, and all kinds of goodies they’re mixed in. And, and those are actually good, but those are more for macro dosing, more for taking larger doses with microdosing. Generally we don’t use edibles. Um, also some people use, um, teas. They soak, they soak the, uh, ground mushrooms in, in, in, in, in, in hot water and tea. And they, um, drink that and that’s, that’s okay. But the most common way to ingest a micro dose. And this is the way I almost always do it is in capsule form, dried ground mushrooms in capsule form. If you just take a bite off of a dried mushroom, stalk, or cap, um, the Sy in a mushroom is not uniformly dispersed.

Dr. Dave: (07:49)
So you could take a bite outta one and you could get either a lot of psilocybin or you could get almost none. That’s why I recommend take, if you don’t do it yourself, um, have their people that do this, um, grind, the mushroom in a coffee grinder, mix it all up, uh, several at a time maybe. And that way thes aside will be uni, uh, uniformly dispersed. And it won’t, you’re not eating the wrong party. You’re not eating too much or too little when you weigh it out, you’re, you’re getting an accurate, um, dose every single time. That’s why I highly recommend using pre-measured weigh out ground dried mushrooms in capsule form. And again, I can’t discuss where to get these, but you have to trust me. It’s not difficult, but remember, do not get taken advantage of by a scammer. Please do your due diligence.

Dr. Dave: (08:39)
Do your research, talk to other people. Okay. So how do you start? Where do you start? How, how many milligrams, how many grams now, when you’re getting into microdosing or using mushrooms, um, it’s really good to know grams and milligrams and the conversion back and forth. And I’ll give you a little primer. It’s really simple. It’s not difficult. You just basically move the decimal 0.3 times each weight, depending on how higher you’re going. So one gram of magic mushrooms, one gram, well could be one gram of anything is 1000 milligrams. So if you’re taking a half a gram of something, that’s 0.5 gram, that would be how many milligrams that would be 500 milligrams, 500 milligrams is 0.5 grams. Um, 100 milligrams is 0.1 grams when you get down below a hundred. So like 50 milligrams is 0.05 grams, know this, know this backwards and forwards.

Dr. Dave: (09:38)
So you don’t make a mistake and take way too little or way too much. You gotta be very careful. So know your metric system, write it out, make sure you’re right. If you, if you don’t understand it, just go on a computer and do conversion a milligrams to grams. And it’s very, very, very easy. So where do you start? A micro dose is generally, but somewhere between 50 milligrams. So again, that’s 0.05 grams, 50 milligrams, and about 300 milligrams. That’s kind of the very high end. Maybe some people would say 250 milligrams. Um, that’s a typical range of a micro dose. So where do you start? And how do you know where to start? My recommendation is to start at 100 milligrams. Unless for some reason you feel that in, in, during your life, you’re, you’re always extremely sensitive to medications and alcohol or whatever.

Dr. Dave: (10:31)
There’s no real correlation, but if you’re really sensitive and you normally take way lower dose in almost everything. And then I would probably start at 50 milligrams, but typically I’m gonna recommend starting at 100 milligrams. And how many grams is that? How many grams? 100 milligrams do you know? It’s 0.1 gram. So I’m gonna recommend you start at 100 milligrams or 0.1 gram. How do you do it? You generally take your dose first. This is what I do. First thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Okay. First thing in the morning, don’t eat because that will allow the medicine to get into your stomach and go through digestion and without having any other type of food or anything else interfere with that. That’s the cleanest and easiest way to do it and quickest as well. So let’s say on day one, you’re taking 100 milligrams do that in the morning.

Dr. Dave: (11:26)
Then a little while later, you eat your breakfast the first time you ever do it, the first time you ever dose. Now, remember this is a microdose. So it’s, subception, you’re not supposed to feel high. You’re not supposed to feel trippy. You’re not supposed to be seeing triangles and all kinds of patterns. No, you’re’s a micro dose. So if you ever take a micro dose and you feel like it’s really interfering, or it’s making you feel trippy or wavy, or you can’t really function, then that’s too much, then you need to back off. So let’s say you let’s just say you started with 100 milligrams and let’s say for some reason, I doubt it’s gonna be the case, but let’s say for some reason, 100 milligrams made you feel weird. You just felt like you couldn’t really function well and you just didn’t feel right.

Dr. Dave: (12:08)
Then the next day I would recommend backing down to 50 milligrams. Now this is more often, this is gonna be the case. If you take a higher dose and it’s gonna be too high from a microdose, and you wanna back down say from like 250 milligrams, you’ll probably go down to like 200 or two or, or 150 it’s it’s generally, generally not gonna happen with a hundred milligrams. That’s pretty darn low, but, but it could, it could. So on day one, you want to take your first dose. And again, we’re starting with 100 milligrams. Um, the first time you ever do it, people ask me, well, can you go to work? Can you drive? Can you be with your kids? Can you do this? And can you do that? So generally the answer is yes, but remember it’s subception, but the first time you ever do it, you don’t really know how you’re gonna react.

Dr. Dave: (12:54)
You might have upset stomach. You might feel trippy. So the first time you ever do it, I recommend just being by yourself or being with somebody that you know, can watch after you. Again, you’re not gonna go on a trip, but somebody just, that can be with you if you want. I didn’t. But, um, I wouldn’t microdose for the very first time and drive into work and then have to work an eight hour day. I, I just would be very careful the first time you do it, chances are 95% chance that you’re gonna be totally fine. You’re not gonna really notice anything really, really different. So on. If that’s the case on day two, you take the same dose at the same time on day three, you do it again. Now if day one and day two has been fine, you feel okay? Then I’d say day three is pretty safe to, you know, if you felt totally fine, if you have any effects, day three is gonna be safe to go into work, be with your kids, drive, whatever you need to do, because you’ve already tested for two days and you had no, um, you had no percept perceptual effects.

Dr. Dave: (13:55)
So I’d say that’s pretty safe. Now people always ask me how many days on a road do I do it? Do I need to take a break? And the answer is, yes, you do need to take a break. There’s a certain pattern we go by. Because if you do it every day, you’re going to develop a tolerance and it’s not going to work. Or at least it’s not going to work nearly as well. So the pattern I recommended, this is how I did it. When I started, there’s nothing said in stone and there’s, there are many different ways to do it. And there are different techniques that a lot of people, different people use, but what I’m gonna recommend for a beginner, for somebody who’s just starting is to do three days on. So that means you take day one in the morning, day two in the morning, day three in the morning, then you take two days off, two days of rest, introspection, just reevaluating.

Dr. Dave: (14:41)
See how you feel. And then if all is good, you go your next round three days in a row after you take your two days off and then you do it again. You take two days off after that and you do three days in a row. Now, after several cycles of that start noticing how you’re feeling. If you are taking the microdose for let’s just say the most common is probably depression and or anxiety. If you are not feeling any, okay, let let’s, let’s go back for a second. The best scenario is you’re starting to feel a little more relaxed. You’re starting to feel a little bit better. You’re starting to not ha be, not feel as depressed as you normally do. That’s great. Keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t change the dose. If you don’t notice any difference at all, after a few cycles, like I just feel still very anxious, very depressed.

Dr. Dave: (15:33)
I just, nothing seems to be any different. Then let’s say again, it’s not set in stone, but let’s say about maybe the third or fourth time around you wanna up your dose. And I would go from 100 milligrams up to one fifty, a hundred fifty milligrams. And how many grams is that? How many grams is 150 milligrams? It is 0.1, five grams. You getting the knack of this. You just move the decimal 0.3 places over. That’s all. So now you’re at one 50 because the 100 you, after several cycles, you didn’t really feel any change at all. So now you’re one 50 and you keep doing the same thing. If it, if you feel too high too, like it’s too much, like it’s CRA, then, then you back, you have to back off again. But if you still feel okay, you do this for a few more cycles, three days on two days off.

Dr. Dave: (16:26)
If after a few cycles, you are not noticing any difference with your anxiety and depression, then you go up again. So you’re gonna go up to what you’re gonna go up to 200 milligrams, which is 0.2 grams. And you do the same thing. Now, at some point, at some point you are going to say to yourself, I’m starting to feel better. It is going to happen. It will happen. I mean, there’s nothing, that’s a hundred percent and everybody’s different. And they’re, anti-depressants that work on some people and don’t work on others. But this is a plant medicine it’s been around for centuries and 10, I’d say tens of thousands of years, indigenous people have been using this. Um, it’s nothing new. It really should help you. It, it helped me incredibly. It, it totally changed my life around to, to the point where I was depressed, anxious on high blood pressure medication. I couldn’t sleep at night. Um, about a year later, about a year. It’s not, it’s not gonna be a quick fix. It’s not gonna happen overnight, but, but over time it really helped me. And, and I felt changes almost right away. But one year later, I’m, I’m over a year now, but at one year, at the one year point I was off of all medication, totally. 100% off of everything. And I have never felt this good in,

Dr. Dave: (17:49)
I say in decades, probably since my childhood and I’m 67 years old right now. And I cannot remember feeling this, calm, this relaxed, this confident I’m sleeping well, it’s it, it does work, but you have to give it a chance. You have to believe in it and it will work for you. So you need to get to a dose where you feel comfortable with it. It’s not too high, that it does not get in the way of you going about your normal day and watching your kids and going to work and driving, but also a dose that is working for you. So you can going up until you can get to that point where it’s you can’t function or it’s you feel a little weird. And then, and then you just back off 50 milligrams and then kind of, that should be your dose and, and you just keep doing it.

Dr. Dave: (18:35)
Um, you can, depending on how you feel, you can kind of get the feel for like, I was never on a, after, after the first couple months, I was not really on a strict, exact three days. On two days off, I, I kind of did it as I felt I needed it. Sometimes, maybe I did four days in a row. Sometimes, maybe I only did one day then took a few days off. But after you get into it and, and get into a rhythm and feel it, you will you’ll understand what I’m saying. Um, you don’t understand it now because you haven’t done it, but you will feel the mushrooms and you’ll feel the mushrooms working for you. And you’ll take it from there. You’ll kind of be your own boss. It’s not like you have a doctor looking over that says, you’ve gotta take this two times a day.

Dr. Dave: (19:18)
You know, I’m talking about another type me. You’ve gotta take this medication twice a day. And if you miss a day, you’re in tr you know, no, it’s not like that at all. Um, when I first started, people told me that you get to a point where you feel you don’t even really need it anymore. And I thought to myself, wow, that’s really cool. But if it works so well, I hope I always need it, but no, I’m at a point now where I can go for some time now without ingesting any magic mushrooms at all, and I’m fine. And then I’ll take a maintenance dose. And, um, I might take a little bit of a larger dose, but larger doses is beyond the scope of this video. I don’t wanna get into talking about larger doses or macro doses in this video. We’re only talking about microdosing and that’s really all you need right now.

Dr. Dave: (19:59)
Okay. Now a really, really common question I get asked is, should I take my microdose or should I use matching mushrooms? If I’m currently on antidepressants? Now I want to back up for a second and make it very clear that, um, this is not medical advice. This is advice I’m giving you based on my experience, my story, what I’ve done, but I am absolutely not going to tell you that you need to stop your antidepressant. That’s up that’s between you and your doctor. That would be irre, medically irresponsible for me to say, get off your, all your medication, get off your antidepressants. Get off. No, I, I can’t say that, but I will share with you what I did when I first started microdosing, I was using Lexapro. Lexapro is an antidepressant. It’s an SS I, which stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Um, it’s a very, very common antidepressant.

Dr. Dave: (20:55)
Even if, if you’re taking antidepressant, that’s not Lexapro. There’s still a very good chance. It’s an SS I, or S N R I, I think I got that right. S N R I they’re fairly similar. They all have to do with the, uh, uptake of serotonin or, or how serotonin is handled. So I was taking Lexapro and I did not quit my Lexapro. That would be again, that would be stupid irresponsible. I didn’t wanna do that. And you have to be very careful when you discontinue and, uh, and antidepressant because you can’t just stop cold Turkey. You’ve gotta taper off. Anyway. So along with my antidepressant, I started microdosing and almost immediately I started feeling better different. Um, it took like the edge off that it was even there with my antidepressant. It just took that edge off that I felt really, really good. Now over a period of time, over a long period of time, when I was very confident that the microdosing was working, I started weaning off of my antidepressant.

Dr. Dave: (22:02)
Now I am very lucky cause I have a doctor who is very, let’s say, um, psilocybin, magic, mushroom, friendly. I was very upfront with him. I told him what I’m doing. He was all in favor of, because he said, this stuff’s gonna be mainstream pretty soon. He said, it’s just, it’s, they’re doing studies. They’re doing clinical studies at Hopkins and many, many, um, you know, um, universities, um, it’s gonna be mainstream. So he he’s, he understands that. And he said, yes, Dave, you know, try it. So I did. And we got to the point where I felt I wanted to try to wean off of my Lexapro, which I did. And I did that. I start, I was on Lexapro at 20 milligrams, which is the most, um, so I started gradually taking it down. I took it down to 15, uh, did that for quite some time for a few weeks.

Dr. Dave: (22:50)
Um, then I took it down to 10. Ultimately got down to five, got the end two and a half and two and a half men breaking a five because five, I believe is the smallest, smallest amount, smallest tablet. So I, I was like cutting fives and half to two and a half. Finally, over several months, it took me several months and I was in no hurry at all. Um, I was totally weaned off of the Lexapro as I am right now and I feel fantastic. So again, is there a danger in using microdose magic mushrooms with Lexapro or an antidepressant? Um, again, from my experience and only my experience, no, your mild may vary. Be careful. There is something called serotonin syndrome, but that’s generally with taking much larger doses. And along with antidepressants, and even my doctor said to me, he said, you know, you really have, and this, again, this, he told me, it’s not what I’m telling you, but he said, you there’s very, it’s very unlikely the doses you’re taking the micro doses, that you’re gonna run into anything, even close to serotonin syndrome, which could be dangerous.

Dr. Dave: (23:53)
But he said, that’s not even anything to worry about. So I’m pacing that on to you again, it’s not medical advice. It’s friend to friend, I’m telling you what my doctor told me. And I think it’s pretty safe advice, pretty sound advice. But that’s the way it is. I certainly would never recommend saying to yourself, I’m just gonna get off of all my medication and then start microdosing again. I think that’s not good. It’s irresponsible. You’re not even sure whether the microdosing is gonna work or what dose it. So I think, um, at least in my case, I chose to do both together at the same time, but now I’m off of the Lexapro. If I hope that really helps you. Okay. So I wanted to touch on now how, again, I think I touched on this a little bit, but I’ll go back to is it’s very important.

Dr. Dave: (24:35)
How do you know if it’s working? Well, my simple answer to this is you will know. You will know if you feel better. I mean, if you feel every day after then, it’s probably not working, but there’s a reason and you can tweak it just because it’s not working when you first start. That doesn’t mean you need to quit tweak it as per my instructions at the beginning of the video with dosages. I mean, if you tweak it and you keep this up, if you’re looking for an overnight fix, this is not for you. This is something that is going take a little while. But hopefully even at the beginning, you’ll start to notice subtle differences. But it’s something that will take a little while. But again, the answer to the question is you will know you will be certain that it’s working. And I wanna touch on this too, because a very common question I get asked and I’ve run into many people that said when they started microdosing, they were, it got them super anxious.

Dr. Dave: (25:27)
They were just, they increased their anxiety. Well, I’m here to tell you that the reason it increases their anxiety is because they think it’s going to, they’re worried. They’re afraid of ingesting this medication, cuz it’s gonna make them go crazy. I will tell you, it will not make you go crazy. It will not make you more anxious only if you think it will. I’ve been doing this for well over a year. Now say 15 months, I can count the number of times on one hand that I’ve had anxiety from matching mushrooms. And that number is actually zero it’s, zero. It’s never, ever, ever made me anxious, micro doses or even larger doses. I’ve never really taken a macro dose or what they call a threshold dose, which is a very, very high dose. But I’ve, I’ve taken upwards of, you know, one to two plus grams and in all of my microdosing and macro dosing, um, again, I’ve zero anxiety.

Dr. Dave: (26:22)
It’s never made me anxious. So again, I think it’s only gonna make you anxious if you’re going into it worried about something or thinking that it will, and then it, anything can make you an any kind of medication that you take will make you anxious. If you think it’s going to, um, it it’s, that’s that’s gonna happen even though we’re still talking microdosing. If you’re worried about being anxious, first of all, don’t be because it’s not gonna make you anxious, but the first few times you do it just be in a relaxed setting. Um, put, if you want sit down and you’re in a comfortable room in your house, on the sofa on a really nice, comfortable chair and put something on TV. That’s funny. I like to a comedy, the three Stooges, something like an old funny show generally, um, is really relaxing and it gets, uh, your brain going in that direction where you’re laughing and you think things are funny.

Dr. Dave: (27:11)
It it’s it’s, it’s not going to make you anxious. So please do not worry about that part. So we’re wrapping this up. Another question I’d like to answer that is very common is how long do I need to microdose? Meaning do I need, is this something I need to do for the rest of my life? The answer is, and I did a whole video on this. So check back. I think the video was called, how long do I need to microdose or something like that? Or can I quit micro? I can’t remember exactly what it’s called, but I’ll see if I can put a link to it somewhere. Um, the answer is, I don’t know. It depends. Um, as I said, I’ve gotten to the point where I can take pretty long breaks and then I just kind of take a maintenance dose or sometimes I still do three on two off and, and depending on how I feel.

Dr. Dave: (27:56)
Um, so the answer is how long will you the answer to the question? How long do you need to microdose is again, there’s not a definite answer. Everybody’s different. You may feel that after a period of time, it it’s worked so well that you just don’t really need it or you which taking occasional dose. And that’s totally fine. You might find that you love it and you love the way you feel and you may never wanna stop it again. It’s personal, everybody’s different, there’s no right or wrong. It’s how you feel and how it works for you. So I think I’ve covered everything that I want to cover. I’ve covered the most common questions. I’ve covered everything you need to know. I think I did, uh, from start to finish and final thoughts would be just, this is not a pharmaceutical medication. It is a, a natural plant medicine that has been used for, I think, tens of thousands of years, uh, with indigenous people.

Dr. Dave: (28:56)
Um, it, it got a bad rap in the sixties and seventies when people were using it for partying and, and tripping all over the place. And that’s why, you know, because the war on drugs, they had to make it illegal and it became kind of a mess. I think we’re going to the other direction now where it’s going to become a very, very, uh, respected plant medicine, uh, that is going to be able, you’re going to be able to use this legally, um, right now in, in most areas where I’m in the United States, most areas, not all, but most areas, it remains illegal. It remains a felony. Is that the craziest stupidest thing? I can’t understand that, but yeah, if you get caught with this medication, um, you know, it’s possible you could become a felon. I mean, as ridiculous as, as that sounds, I think if you’re super, again, my opinion, I think if you’re super careful, um, you do this in the privacy of your home.

Dr. Dave: (29:50)
You’re not driving around with a carload of mushrooms. Um, you know, I mean, there are much more important things that I think that law enforcement needs to go after. Um, then a guy or a gal that’s microdosing these magic mushrooms for their health. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but you gotta be careful, of course. Um, that’s why I am. That’s why I never discuss and never, I never really show the mushrooms on video and never discuss where to get them. If you’re careful. Um, you’re, you’re gonna be okay if you’re, if you’re reckless, if you’re stupid about it, then you know, who knows what’s gonna happen, but you know, be careful eat these responsibly. Um, it’s gonna make you, it’s gonna change your life. It it’s, I can say it changed my life. The microdosing has changed my life for the better, like I said before, I, I have not felt this good in decades, decades, so that’s all I have to say.

Dr. Dave: (30:50)
If you have any questions, feel free to ask comment below. Um, liking this video will really help subscribe me to the channel will really help me. Uh, I, I think getting the word out to more people, to me and helping more people all over the world is the most important thing to me since it’s helped me so much. I just wanna get the word out because I found, I have found there are so many people, so many people suffering from mental illnesses, especially anxiety and depression. And, um, I think we can stop this. We can put an end to this and it’s just something that, um, has worked so well for me. That’s why I’m spreading the word. So subscribe like the cha um, like the video comment, ask questions, whatever you wanna do, refer this to others. Um, I’m here for you again, Dr. Dave, although I am a doctor, I’m a retired dentist. This is not to be taken as medical advice. This is my experience. It’s friend talking to friend and I’m here at microdose. You thanks so much for being with me. I’ll talk to you soon.


Microdose U podcast

230 – When is it Time to Stop Microdosing?

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Here is the complete transcript to today’s show:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
So, how do you know if, and when it’s time to stop microdosing magic mushrooms, I’m going to answer that question for you right now. , I just wanted to reintroduce myself. I’m Dr. Dave, in case you don’t know me in case you’re new to my channel, I really appreciate you. And here’s where I share with you my experience and others’ experiences, as far as changing lives through magic mushrooms, and whether you’re listening to me on my audio podcast or on my video channel, , on YouTube, I really, really appreciate you and help me spread the word. If you can, if you think it’s appropriate for friends or family members, whoever to, , get this information, please, please share it with them. We are changing the world one person at a time. , anyway, I also want to apologize for not being able to reply. I, I try to reply and respond to all messages and help everybody out.

Dr. Dave: (00:50)
But for the past couple weeks, my wife and I have been on this road trip in our RV van throughout we live in, we live in Utah. So throughout Idaho, Montana, glacier national park into Canada, the Canadian Rockies ban lake Louise, , where else? Right now, I’m, I’m sitting on a, on a balcony in, , Emerald lake. I still in the Canadian Rockies is just, if you ever get a chance to come out here and visit this area, , of the United States and Canada is, is so awesome. But anyway, , I digress. I’ve been going through a lot of bad sell areas. I just can’t get online. Like I usually am when I’m home or when I’m somewhere. So I appreciate your patience and it’s not that I don’t love you anymore. It’s just that I have not been able to get online, to answer many comments at all.

Dr. Dave: (01:36)
Now let’s get back to the question that I asked at the very beginning. When is it appropriate? If, and when you should stop microdosing or using magic mushrooms as a medicine to help you with anxiety, depression, PTSD, , insomnia addiction, the list goes on and on and on. So I’ve been microdosing magic mushrooms for about, I, I guess probably about 14 months now, as I’m making this video, I started in April of 2021. , and they have literally changed my life. I, I tried everything else and nothing really helped my anxiety and my depression and my PTSD. , but when I, once I started using magic mushrooms or using them as medicine, , my world totally changed. And I could not imagine a time cause I really, not only were they helping me, but I enjoyed the feeling that I got while I, while I’m microdosing and I still do to this day. But I also heard along the way, people that say or told me that, you know, there comes a point where you don’t really need them anymore. You’re kind of, they kind of take care of you’re kind of fixed. You’re kind of cured if it’s okay to use that word cured. I don’t know if we’re ever cured, but you know what I mean? , so I can, but I can never imagine at a time they were working so well for me and I

Dr. Dave: (02:58)
Was feeling so good. I could never, ever imagine a time where I would just say, okay, I’m not using these anymore. I don’t need them anymore. But here we are about 14 months later after beginning. And I can understand, totally understand that now. , I feel right now totally at peace every single day. And it’s the first time I’ve been able to say this probably in my entire life or at least since I was a kid first time ever. And I’ve, I’m, I’ve tried everything. I’ve tried, you know, , talk therapy and all of the pharmaceuticals that they say you need to, to feel better about yourself and combat anxiety. I tried it all. And the only thing that really really changed my life has been the microdosing magic mushrooms, psilocybin. That is honestly, I guess it has reset my brain in some way that I have never felt like this before.

Dr. Dave: (03:53)
So now do I continue using magic mushrooms? Do I stop? Do I say I’m gonna stop, but I’m going to occasionally take a maintenance dose. Well, I’m not really sure of that answer right now, but I can really totally now understand why some people have told me in the past that you get to a point where you don’t need them anymore and you might want to just take an occasional maintenance dose. And I think that’s where I am right now. I think I feel so good. And sometimes I go for many days in a row without having to use magic mushrooms at all. I’m pretty confident that if I stopped using them now, my brain would be reset in a place that I would still continue to feel really, really good every single day. And yeah, maybe, maybe a maintenance dose I have in started incorporating transcendental meditation into my daily routine as well.

Dr. Dave: (04:44)
And it did a poll on my channel, , a few, couple days ago. And it seems like a lot of you don’t even know what transcendental meditation is. I think it’s also extremely powerful and it’s something that I am going to touch on in a, in a future video, I’ll be able to, , devote an entire video to transcendental meditation because I am learning that it is extremely powerful, especially when used as an adjunct to microdosing magic mushrooms. But again, getting back to the original question, when do we know it’s time to stop? Do we ever stop? Do we have to stop again? I don’t really have an exact answer to that, but now 14 months later, I can honestly understand why people say you do not need to use magic mushrooms at like a pharmaceutical, because when you’re on a pharmaceutical, when you’re on some, for example, , Lexapro or some type of SSRI or antidepressant, or anti-anxiety, you pretty much have to use that for the rest of your life, or it stops working. I do not believe PSI is the same way. I think once you get a reset, once your brain starts acting in different ways in better ways, you do not have to continue using them. Or again, it might be the type of thing that you take an occasional

Dr. Dave: (05:57)
Maintenance dose just to keep it going. But I’m in that phase right now where I am starting to experiment with longer times off. And again, I’m gonna let you know, I don’t have the exact answer right now, but there will come a time where not only I will have the answer, but I will probably not need to be using microdosing the way I’ve been for the past 14 months. I hope that answers the question again. I’m honest enough to admit I don’t have the exact answer at least for me, but I am getting there, but I do finally understand why some people say, no, this is not the kind of thing you need to keep doing for the rest of your life. Once you’re reset, you’re reset. And you’re pretty much good to go. And, and that’s the way I’m looking at it right now. So I hope this helps. , thanks again for being with me. I really appreciate it. If you have not subscribed yet, please subscribe. I will talk to you soon. I have Dr. Dave and remember, as I say on almost all of my shows, sometimes I forget, but this is not to be used as medical advice. It’s friend talking to friend, I’ll talk to you soon.

Microdose U podcast

229 – Are You Worried That Microdosing Will Make You Anxious?

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Welcome back to Microdose U.

Many people feel extreme anxiety from the thought of microdosing magic mushrooms. In this show, Dr. Dave sheds some light on how to prevent anxiety from microdosing psilocybin.

Here is the complete transcript to today’s show:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there, if you’re hesitating, beginning your microdose journey, because you’ve heard it’s going to bring out all this anxiety and you, and you’re really afraid. It’s gonna make you super anxious. I’m here to help you on this video. Here we go. I’m Dr. Dave, this is not to be taken as medical advice, but I’ve been microdosing and also thrown in some larger doses over a period of, well over a year, 13, 14, 15 months, something like that now. And I’ve heard from so many people lately that they’ve got issues with anxiety, depression, and they really want to try microdosing, but they’ve heard from other people that it has the potential to make you extremely anxious. And for that reason, these people don’t wanna start because they’re afraid that it’s gonna make them so anxious. They can’t do it while I’m here to alleviate your fears. , in the 13, 14, 15, whatever one year plus, , that I’ve been microdosing.

Dr. Dave: (00:53)
I wanted shared with you how many times I’ve had anxiety from silocybin anxiety from microdosing, and I’ve done doses anywhere from a hundred milligrams up to larger than microdose up to maybe two grams. And the nber of times I’ve had anxiety from using psilocybin or magic mushrooms is zero that’s, right? It’s never, ever happened to me now. I realize everybody is different, but I really believe, and I don’t think anybody knows this for sure. So don’t believe everything you hear. I really believe that the reason people become super anxious after microdosing is because it’s all in their mind and they, they, it’s kind of starting an anxiety attack, but it’s not really the, the magic mushrooms. It’s not really the psilocybin is doing. It’s your mind. That’s doing it. I’ll give you a couple examples. , before I started microdosing, I had extreme anxiety. I remember one time I was driving my car.

Dr. Dave: (01:48)
I was at an intersection. It was a red light. I was stopped there. And for some reason, I don’t know what the reason is. I became super anxious. It was an anxiety attack. I didn’t know what to do. It was really, really bad, but was it my car that made me anxious? Was it the actual intersection? Was it other drivers? No, it was my mind. Something was going on in my mind that made me anxious. There was another situation where I was at one of the most peaceful places on the planet. , I was at whole foods. I mean, whole foods is peaceful. And I was, I remember walking over to the checkout line. I had a basket full of groceries. I was going to checkout. And for some reason I became super anxious. Now it was not the whole foods that made me anxious.

Dr. Dave: (02:32)
It was not the cashier. It was not the other people in line. It was me. It was my problem. That’s what caused the anxiety. Nothing at the whole foods caused me to be anxious. So the same thing, we’re using magic mushrooms. It’s when you’re microdosing, think about it. If you start and if you’re super afraid of this, I’m gonna recommend you start with 50 milligrams. It’s a super, super, super low dose. Keep this in mind. There are people that use magic mushrooms. It take 100 times 50 milligrams and, and they survive and they’re, and, and so that, so in other words, a five gram dose would be 100 times larger than what you’re taking as 50 milligrams. It’s not, it’s not gonna make you anxious. It’s inside of you thinking it’s gonna make you anxious, which makes you anxious. If that makes sense. It’s not the mushrooms.

Dr. Dave: (03:23)
A microdose is not going to bring out a 50 grand microdose is not gonna bring out all that anxiety. It’s just not going to now, again, I’m gonna backtrack. I’m gonna say everybody’s different, but from my experience and from what I know, and from what I, the, all the people I’ve talked to over the year that I’ve been doing it, , it just it’s it’s, it’s not, it should not happen with a microdose. So start off small, start off with 50 milligrams. Remember what? I said that when I was driving in my car, or I was at the whole foods, it was not the car. It was not the whole foods that made me anxious. That made me super anxious. It was me. And the same thing is gonna happen. If you go into microdosing and you think it’s gonna make you anxious, and you really believe it, it will.

Dr. Dave: (04:08)
But if you listen to me and know that it’s not, the mushrooms are gonna do it, it’s inside your head. That’s gonna make you anxious. I think that’s gonna help quite a bit. I’m gonna recommend a couple ways to do it again. Keep in mind if you’re starting with 50 milligrams, it is super, super low that I don’t even think that has the capability of making you anxious. And the goal is probably not to stay with 50 milligrams, but it’s a test to show you, to prove to yourself that these magic mushrooms are not going to induce anxiety at a micro dose. They’re just not going to, I’ll have a lot of, some people will disagree with me, but I’m telling you again, over one year over one year of microdosing and taking some larger doses, it has never caused any anxiety in me. And I am one that had a ton of anxiety before I started microdosing, , to make things even better.

Dr. Dave: (05:04)
I’m, I’m going to recommend a couple different scenarios, a couple different possibilities to start while you’re microdosing. Nber one, take the 50 milligrams as a start at home and be in a really relaxing setting. They say set and setting your mindset, which I’m talking to about now. And you’re setting, which where you’re gonna be are the two most important things. And again, keep in mind if, if you feel yourself ever started to get anxious, keep in mind. Dr. Dave said, it’s in your mind. It’s not the mushrooms doing it. And go back to what I’ve said about. They’re not going to make you anxious. So the first way to do it, I recommend is taking the 50 milligrams relaxing around your house, sitting on the sofa, watching some TV and put on something funny. I’ll tell you what I did the very first time I biker do. Cause I didn’t know what to expect either. I, I think I turned on the three Stooges

Dr. Dave: (05:56)
On YouTube. I just did a search for three Stooges and I was there on the sofa, just laughing and laughing is great medicine to alleviate anxiety anyway. So watch something funny. Listen to something funny. If you have a favorite podcast, that’s really funny. Just listen or watch something really funny. And I’m pretty much guaranteeing you. You’re gonna be totally fine. You will be fine. The second possibility is to ingest the 50 milligrams and then a short time later, they take anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes to, to go into to your systems so that if you were gonna feel anxious, that would be the time. But again, you’re not gonna feel anxious. You won’t. So the second scenario is go out and take a walk in nature. I wouldn’t walk around like a crowded city, , because you know, you don’t wanna be around a million people when you’re doing this, but go out on a nature hike, go out in, in, in a park, just relax.

Dr. Dave: (06:50)
And you’re gonna be totally fine. Again, if you get anxious from 50 milligrams, it’s it’s in your mind. So I want you to keep thinking this over and over and over again. That’s why I’m repeating myself over. Cause when you do these, when you do ’em for the first time, I want you to think of this video. Feel free to watch this video over and over and over again, because I’m telling you that 50 milligrams of magic mushrooms are not going to make you anxious unless you think they think they will. Same as when I was driving. Same as when I was at the whole foods, it was something inside of me that did it think of these magic mushrooms as something that’s going to help you. It’s going to alleviate anxiety. That’s why you’re doing this is gonna take care of your anxiety and your depression.

Dr. Dave: (07:36)
It’s not going to make you more anxious. It’s not going to make you more depressed if you really believe that. And by the way, it’s true. If you really believe that, and you watch this video a few times and learn from my experience, you’re gonna be totally fine. I promise you. And again, keep in mind, it’s such a tiny, tiny, tiny dose, even compared to what some people do recreationally it’s minuscule. So once you find that the 50 milligrams is not going to make you anxious and it won’t. Then again, watch one of my previous videos that talks about, , a beginner’s guide to microdosing and it walks you right through how to know exactly what dose is right for you. , I’ll see if I can give you a link right below in the description, because again, these two videos combined are going to help you.

Dr. Dave: (08:25)
They’re gonna prove to you that you’re gonna be totally fine. A micro dose. Again, it’s just that it’s a microdose. It would be TA it would be like taking, you know, somebody has like a, a, a can of beer in front of it’d be taking like a few drops of beer and saying, oh, this is really affecting me. No, it’s not going to affect you. It’s just really not. You’re gonna be totally fine. Take it from me. I’m Dr. Dave, I’m here to help you. I’m here to give you support we’re in this together. You’re fine. Talk to you soon.

Microdose U podcast

228 – How You See the Past and Present on Mushrooms

Welcome back to Microdose U! Today Dr. Dave shares the meaning of time, both past and present, as learned from mushrooms.

Microdosing Resource Page:

Transcript of today’s show:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey there. I’m Dr. Dave, I got a great question from a viewer. Her name is Kathy Leno and Kathy Leno is asking me, she said, Dr. Dave, I’m wondering, has microdosing had an effect on how you see your past? Do you remember more things from the past? Do you think microdosing distorts your memories? Can you see things as they are, or is it kind of like sugarcoating things? I take that to me. I take that to mean, or is it sugarcoating things in the present? That’s what I’m thinking. She’s meaning there, but I’ll address both anyway. She says, I hope you get what I mean. Thank you, Kathy Leno. , I absolutely understand what you mean, Kathy. Leino when you, when you ask this question in a comment on a previous video or somewhere where you asked it, , I immediately told you that it’s a great question.

Dr. Dave: (00:44)
And I’m gonna go ahead and do a little video to answer the question cause I could, cause I not only answer you, but I think so many people would wanna know about this. So I think microdosing, I don’t think, I know as for a fact, microdosing has made my past appear a lot clearer things that maybe I were hidden from me, things that were kind of like locked in the back of my brain somewhere, have all of a sudden kind of come out and are very vivid. Very, very clear. And I’ve actually, it’s, it’s funny that you asked this Kathleen, you know, because, , some of the videos I’ve done over the past month or so have, have been really clear on some of the things that have come outta my past. For example, the two main things I would say were, , my first marriage and, , becoming a dentist and going to dental school, it, for some reason, these things, these things are like popping out of my past and popping out of like hidden storage areas in my brain.

Dr. Dave: (01:39)
And they’re telling me that, yeah, I was on some really, really strange paths in my past. It’s not saying that I shouldn’t have done these. It’s not telling me anything, but it’s, it’s reminding me that it’s kind of bringing them to the forefront of, and, and probably sharing with me why, , and helping me understand why I have had to go through so much traa in my life to get to where I am right now. And the microdosing has absolutely helped me, but, , Kathy Leino. Yeah, I think the, , memories and the things from the past are, are very, very clear. Like if you’re like a really cool off topic example of something that just happened a couple days ago, , I was talking to my wife who happens to be from Japan and I do not speak fluent Japanese, but, but over the years of being with her, I’ve learned enough Japanese and I know enough phrases and things, but also because of my brain, I, I, if I don’t use it every day, I forget a lot of it, but some words and some phrases just came outta my brain without even thinking the other day.

Dr. Dave: (02:38)
And I started talking to her at Japanese. Now I’m not fluent. I I’m not even close to fluent, but my point is, these are some things that she said to me many, many, many years ago, I tucked them away somewhere, have not used them in a long time. But for some reason, for some reason, all of a sudden, a couple days ago, I started speaking these

Dr. Dave: (02:58)
Words, Japanese, it came outta nowhere. I absolutely attribute the magic mushrooms and the microdosing to this. It kind of opens up pathways that maybe have been locked closed for a while and just brings things to the forefront. If that helps now, as far as sugarcoating memories or sugarcoating, even the present, , I think things like, , SSRIs and antidepressants and things like that, people call them happy pills for a reason because what they do, I think they have a tendency to nb your feelings and sugar coat reality and just make things, oh, everything is great. Magic mushrooms, psilocybin microdosing does not do that. It actually makes things, I think, as far as I’m concerned, it’s that makes things more real for you. And you totally understand on, in a deeper way what’s going on and it helps you kind of process things in that way.

Dr. Dave: (03:55)
Again, I hope that makes sense. It’s maybe a little bit esoteric a little bit out there, but I think what it does it again, it opens up pathways in your brain that have not been opened before, whether it’s past or present and you can think much clearer. There is. There’s no question in my mind now I can think more clearly now than I could one year ago. I mean, there’s, there’s, that’s not up for debate. There’s, there’s zero question in my mind. So Lina, I hope this answers your question, , brings up the past, whether it’s good or bad, it helps you process the past. , it’s helped me a tremendous amount with those two major things, a failed marriage and becoming a dentist, two crazy things that maybe I shouldn’t have gone through, but a lot of you wrote in and said, well, don’t ever regret going through things in your life in the past.

Dr. Dave: (04:43)
That might have been bad because those are things that, , got you to where you are now. So you’ve gotta be thankful. And my friend trip Maxwell from, , Trp wood carry water, practical spirituality said to me the other day we were talking on the phone actually. And he told me that, you know, you can’t be upset about these things because everything happens for a reason. And if X hadn’t have happened, maybe Y would’ve happened and why could have been really bad or much worse. You never know. So things, everything happens on a timeline for a reason, be thankful, understand them process and move on and totally enjoy your life. So, Kathy, you know, again, thank you so much for that question. I hope I answered it. I definitely understand. , if you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I will try my best to get to almost everything.

Dr. Dave: (05:31)
And again, , if I, as I said before, many of you are really helping me out with this. I see it. I see it every day. If you, the more videos that are liked, the more comments that are liked and the more comments you make on your own, , and the more shares and things like that, it really does help the channel. So I appreciate you remember repeat after me. This is not medical advice. It’s friend talking to friend. I love when so many people repeat that back to me in the comments. I, I actually laugh out loud when I, when I read that, I love you guys. I will talk to you soon. I’m Dr. Dave, this is microdosing. You.

Microdose U podcast

EXTRA – Microdosing While You Have Covid – Here’s What You Need to Know

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Here is the transcript of today’s show:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey, welcome back to Microdose U. Dr. Dave, how are you today? I wanna share with you, , what it was like when I had, COVID just very recently and microdosing during COVID, after COVID, let’s get right into it now. Thanks for being with me. , so I did have COVID for about two weeks and I felt lousy. I, I never felt like deathly ill. , you know, when COVID first started, if it was, you know, possibly even a death sentence or a hospital sentence, when you got COVID, everybody was super scared nowadays when you get it, it’s kind of like, , it’s like flu type symptoms, maybe even just, , a really bad cold or congestion. So what I had was, , it felt like a bad, like a bad cold, like cough, , a lot of congestion, very tired, , loss of appetite, , just stuff like that.

Dr. Dave: (00:57)
Just, I just had to do nothing basically for, for a couple weeks, but, , and, and, and I felt it would be not a good idea to try to micro dose during that time that I felt really bad, but maybe after about five or six days, five days, something like that, I started feeling better. So I figured I had, you know, I’d been 5, 6, 7 days without a microdose. I figured this might be a good time to slip a little microdose in which I did. And I remember the microdose feeling a little bit stronger than normal, and I didn’t think much of it, and it wasn’t really that big of a deal, but I definitely noticed that the microdose felt stronger. And I think I microdosed maybe a day or two after that, but then I had, and with the same, same thing that happened, it was, , it felt, it felt stronger, but then I had what we call like a rebound and it’s kinda like, I felt the COVID was going away, but then it came back and it was like the total total was about two weeks.

Dr. Dave: (02:03)
So I kind of came from, , thought I was getting better back to the same symptoms, you know, just congestion, , you know, just not feeling well at all. Cough came back just the same old thing, fatigue. , and I did not microdose during that. Like when I felt lousy, I did not microdose at all, just zero. So then when I came out of it, finally, it was about two weeks later, probably more like even 15 days later from, from the fir from the very beginning. , I took a little bite off of a chocolate that I have here, and it’s a, it’s the chocolate is infused with, , albino P envi. So ape, which is a very strong strain, but it was, it’s a two gram chocolate, but I just took like a little, little, little tiny nibble off of it. And I will tell you that little nibble sent me sailing.

Dr. Dave: (03:01)
It was very, very strong, very strong. And I had to, I remember I had to kind of just sit it out and wait it out. It wasn’t, it wasn’t like a uncomfortable feeling, except if I did close my eyes, it, it felt like just things were really, really, really weird. So I just, I just knew that, you know, if I just waited out, it’ll be fine. And it was, it was totally fine. But what I’m trying to say is that, , if you do have COVID, , be very careful with your microdosing because from my experience, and only from my experience anecdotal not medical advice, remember that , , , it seems like the mushrooms magnify what’s going on in your body, like not feeling well, feeling weird and, and they just take that and, and run with it, magnify it. So, , if I had to look back now and redo it, I personally probably would not have microdosed during COVID.

Dr. Dave: (04:06)
, the only thing is, so here’s what I noticed though. So since, , my microdosing was, was very light during COVID and I skipped a lot. I did notice that towards the end and even when I finished with COVID and, , even up till a few days ago, I started feeling that little bit of, a little bit of a funk, like, like, like something was coming back a little bit. And, , I’ve subsequently hopefully gotten over that from the micro doses. And even like, I did like a little, even little bit of a larger dose, , this morning even, , definitely starting to feel the way I should, but just be careful because, you know, if you have COVID in it last, you know, a week, two weeks, and you’re not dosing at all, , nber one, be careful when you do it could be STR it could feel stronger and, and just realize that you, , everything you’ve worked for through the microdosing might start to creep back a little bit.

Dr. Dave: (05:06)
And so you have to, , you know, maybe when you’re finished totally, totally finished COVID you might have to take a couple, , slightly larger, slightly larger doses just to kind of get you back where, where you were. And again, none of this is scientific. This is, I’m just kind of experimenting as I go, because first of all, I’ve never had COVID, , I’ve only been microdosing for a year and a half, so this is all new and it it’s experimental and I’m just trying to work through it. And there’s really no right. Or no wrong, but I just sharing this with you, just so you’ll know that if, and when you do get it, , just be careful and know what to expect and know what to look for during and after. I think that’s all I have to say. It’s microdose you by the way. , if you made it this far, I really thank you. , every episode is available on my YouTube channel right here, which is called microdose

Dr. Dave: (05:56)
U and also I published the audio version, the audio version only in an audio podcast, also called microdose U available on apple podcasts. And, you know, all those platforms, Spotify, wherever. So wherever you like listening or watching, that’s totally fine with me. , I do have a resource page if you’re brand new to microdosing. , and I it’s always, I just always put it in the show notes that link to it. So it just, it answers a lot of, , like the, the frequently asked questions, the facts that people wanna know, , before, and even during, when they first start off microdosing. So it’s, it’s a, it’s a really good little primer for that. , so find all that stuff there. I thank you so much for being with me till next time, Dr. Dave it’s micro. Do you see you later?

Microdose U podcast

227 – I Quit Lexapro

New to microdosing? Check out our resource page at

Hello and welcome back to Microdose U.
Dr. Dave has 100% quit Lexapro and he is ready to share his story! He credits microdosing psilocybin mushrooms to his success.

Here is the complete transcript:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey guys, it’s Dr. Dave and I am super excited to share with you today. I am officially off of Lexapro, 100% done, and I wanna share a little bit about my Lexapro journey and the feeling of Lexapro versus microdosing magic mushrooms or using magic mushrooms in general. And, , I want to, I probably do another video in the near future. Just being a little more specific and a little more descriptive, exactly like how I felt on Lexapro, how I felt on nothing and how I feel now on magic mushrooms. There’s is definitely a very, very large difference in the three. And I’ll share that with you probably in another video. I wanna make this a little bit on the shorter side today. It’s kind of a celebrate celebratory. That’s the word celebratory, , video about being off Alexa road. So I’ll just tell you a little bit about my Lexapro journey now, for those of you that are not sure.

Dr. Dave: (00:57)
Lexapro is an S S R I selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, pharmaceutical drug. It is designed to, , combat or take care of, or mitigate depression and anxiety. And it does work well. I don’t want to say that it doesn’t work. I don’t wanna say that it’s a bad drug. It’s, it’s actually a good drug. When I first started Lexapro probably about, I don’t, I’m just guessing that probably about a year and a half, , to two years ago, something like that. , I started because of anxiety and depression and I started on 10 milligrams and the 10 milligrams worked. Okay. But not as well as I thought it should have. And there were still some days that I had to supplement some, , benzodiazepine, some, some, , Vali with it because I felt too anxious and, and, or too depressed or something so that I needed something to help with the anxi mainly the anxiety.

Dr. Dave: (01:54)
I think, , I went up to 15 milligrams for a while. That was better, but not as good as I thought it should be. So ultimately I went up to 20 milligrams per day of Lexapro and stayed there for quite some time. It was working well. I was off of my, I didn’t have to take, , benzodiazepines at all. It was just the Lexapro. I, I felt pretty darn good every day, but I felt I could do better. I felt there that wasn’t really a long term solution for me, because quite honestly, I did not wanna be on Lexapro the rest of my life. And that would be that’s the only option cuz once you get off of it, you return to the way you were. It’s just, it’s, it’s something that works while you’re on it only, it’s not like a cure. It doesn’t, it doesn’t cure your depression or anxiety. So that’s when I learned about microdosing and I kind of got into the world of microdosing magic mushrooms and I started when I started microdosing magic mushrooms, I was on the Lexapro at the same time. It would be kind of, , irresponsible, I think to just say, I’m gonna get off my Lexapro. Totally. And then try something else. I wanted to try them both at the same time. And as long as you’re doing that

Dr. Dave: (02:58)
Again, as long as you’re doing that responsibly, I don’t think there’s a problem there at all with serotonin syndrome or anything like that. Again, this is not medical advice. This is my own personal experience, but it worked very well for me. As soon as I got on the microdosing of magic mushrooms, my body started feeling totally different to the point where I was able to get off blood pressure medication. I was able to totally throw out all of the, all of the benzos that I had because there was no use for them anymore. I never had to use them again, but I was still taking Lexapro at the same time that I was microdosing, but it got to the point where I said to myself, I don’t really feel, I need both of these and I don’t want to be on Lexapro forever. So I’m going to start weaning off of Alexapro.

Dr. Dave: (03:46)
And I did it over a long period of time. I think it was probably the beginning of this year. I started going down from 20 to 15 and I did that, , for several weeks, definitely several weeks, maybe even a good month or so before I went down to 10 mil to 10 milligrams of Lexapro. , I, and I stayed on 10 for a while. I just wanted to be safe and I didn’t wanna do anything too quick, too fast, too stupid. So then ultimately I went to five milligrams of Lexapro and then two, two and a half, which is a tiny, tiny fraction. It’s a half of the, of the five, cause I don’t even make two and a half and then I would do two and a half every other day. And then it came to the point where I said, I’m just gonna not gonna do my two and a half every other day.

Dr. Dave: (04:27)
I’m totally totally off. So that’s where I am right now. I feel absolutely fantastic. I feel, I would say better than I have felt probably in decades and it’s not an exaggeration in decades. And the only medicine me, the only medicine I take these days is magic mushrooms. That’s all I need. I probably, I mean, I’m gonna still be experimenting and see if I get to the point where I don’t even have to microdose anymore. Maybe just an occasional macro or something like that. I’m not really sure yet where this is gonna lead me, but I wanted to share the main point of today’s video is that, is that Lexapro is done. All pharmaceuticals are done. And again, I wanna reiterate pharmaceuticals are not necessarily bad, but they are generally not a cure. They’re a lot of them like high blood pressure meds and anti anxieties.

Dr. Dave: (05:18)
And anti-depressants, there’s some, the things you have to continue throughout the whole, your whole life. I don’t want that. I wanted a more of a natural cure and I will tell you this. I’m like I said, I’m gonna go back and do a whole video on this, cuz I think it’s, it’s worth, it’s worth doing more time for this. But if I could just compare the way I feel now only using magic mushrooms as to the way I felt when I was only using Lexapro. , there’s no comparison. There’s zero comparison. I’m standing here recording this video with an anxiety level of not only, not

Dr. Dave: (05:56)
Only an anxiety level of zero and a depression level of zero, but a level of feeling just that. , I’ve got everything back in my life that I think I should have had years ago, but didn’t know, didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know where to turn. It’s really nothing short of amazing. , I’m sold, I’m totally sold on this. It’s not a placebo. It’s not a fluke. It’s not a, a weird esoteric thing. This absolutely works. At least it does for me. I know everybody’s different. I know I’ve heard a lot of you say you’re afraid to use matching mushrooms cuz you, it makes you you’re just get anxious, even thinking about it. I, I, I hear you. I hear all that. I’m talking about my personal experience. This has been a godsend for me because again, I’m so happy that I was able to toss the Lexapro in the trash can toss the high blood pressure meds in the trash can toss the, , Vali in the trash can got, I mean my garbage collector is probably high and stoned and you who knows what to do but, but , that’s, that’s all I wanna tell you today.

Dr. Dave: (07:03)
, I get a lot of comments and a lot of emails and a lot of, , questions from a lot of you and, and my main, , theme of this video today is you can do, if I can do this, I’m just a regular guy. Yeah. I’m a, I’m a doc, I’m a retired dentist, but still a regular, a regular guy, a regular han being. If I can do this, I think anybody can do it. It, it is really, truly fantastic. Okay. I’ll stop. Now. I’ll come back on and do like a real comparison pretty soon on really how I felt on Lexapro and on nothing and on, , magic mushrooms, microdosing. I’m Dr. Dave do not use this as medical advice consult with your health professional, , comment question like the video, if you can comments and questions and liking the video, liking the channel really does help me a lot. And the more people I can reach to change lives all over the world. That’s I will do it. Talk to you soon. Bless you have a great day.

Microdose U podcast

226 – I Thought I Was Going to Die Here

Welcome back to Microdose U. Today Dr. Dave shares a story that he has never shared with anyone before. And as scary as it was at the time, he is happy to report that things are much better now!

Microdosing Resource Page:

Here is the complete transcript to today’s show:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey, how are you? I’m Dr. Dave, in case you don’t know me, I’ve been doing a whole bunch of videos on, uh, how microdosing psilocybin or magic mushrooms have saved my life basically. And about two years ago, almost to the day I was sitting in this exact location here, I’m at east canyon, state park in Utah. And, um, right now I feel great, but two years ago, I really thought that was pretty much the end. I thought it was gonna be dying. I was going, I had a really horrible anxiety attack on the way here. See, it’s about, it’s about an hour and 15 minutes away from salt lake city. So not really a long drive, but for some reason, as my wife and I are driving along the road, driving our little van, um, I got like an anxiety attack. And by the time we got to the campground, I was loading myself up with Valium and, and whatever else I could find.

Dr. Dave: (00:46)
Cause it, I was like a disaster. I, I really thought this could be it. I, I don’t know why I had an anxiety attack. I was going through a tough time where I had a lot of anxiety, definitely some depression, um, insomnia, high blood pressure. I was, I felt like I was injured all the time. Just my body didn’t feel right. I was just tired. And my psoriasis was getting worse. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease. You probably know that was getting worse and worse. And I was just, I was trying to do every single thing I could, along with my doctors to get me out of this weird funk, which I didn’t even know what it was. It was the weirdest thing that ever happened in my life. I’ve always been super healthy in my life. And for some reason, two years ago, I just started like going really, really downhill.

Dr. Dave: (01:31)
It was just, it was really, really horrible. I was doing some talk therapy, um, that talk therapy, I think I’ll, I’ll, I’ll talk about that in a second, but that’s, I, I think it’s for somebody going through something that I was going through and possibly if you’re going through something, um, it’s, it’s really, really slow. I’m not saying talk therapy doesn’t work, but it could take, it could take decades to really work. Right. And well, and I still, I’m still not like a tremendous fan of talk therapy, totally turning somebody’s life around. I think it has to be in conjunction with other things. I decided that my life was pretty much on the line and I had to get myself out of this funk or whatever was going on with my health, because if I didn’t do anything, if I didn’t become like my own doctor, if I didn’t become like totally, totally proactive and maybe not even listen to all the doctors, because they don’t really know everything.

Dr. Dave: (02:22)
Um, they know a lot, but they don’t know everything that’s going on. Especially like with my body. I’m the one that lives in it and can feel it every single day. So I had to, I had to kind of take action and be proactive, and I really went on a, um, mission to save my life. So what did I do? What did I do to start to feel better? Well, the very first thing is I quit my job. I felt that I had been running my business for over 30 years. I kind of had enough. And, and, and I really think my business or what I was doing on a, on a regular basis, which was doing a lot of traveling

Dr. Dave: (02:59)
To speak to different groups on stage and, and, uh, coaching and consulting and just all kind of things like that. It, it was finally start just to get to me. So I, I, I said to myself, I said, I’ve gotta, I’ve gotta take a sabbatical. I’ve gotta just stop working at least for a while to see what happens with my health, because I’ll tell you something, my health and my life are more important than making a lot of money. So I had taken a backseat and don’t do anything anymore. And that’s really, really helped my health and my life. I was also diagnosed with sleep apnea. And at first the doctors were prescribing me a regular C P a P and being the doctor and the kind of like this science type guy that I am, I started doing a tremendous amount of reading on it.

Dr. Dave: (03:41)
And I found that my therapy with the C a P that I was prescribed really was not doing the trick. And I was still tired a lot. It, it was doing okay, but not really what it should have. So I really advanced myself to different types of C P a P machines. Those are D machines that give you positive air pressure during the night. So if you stop breathing, they’ll continue. They’ll make sure you keep breathing, cuz you don’t, you don’t wanna stop breathing in the middle of the night. And by the way, a lot of people have sleep apnea that are undiagnosed. So it’s something that, you know, you may think it’s possibility for you get that checked out. It’s super, super important. So finally over, I’d say over a year, it took, I finally tweaked the right type of, um, settings on a different type of machine that, and, and that’s been working really, really, really well for me.

Dr. Dave: (04:26)
I feel a tremendous difference just in that I had been a vegan for seven years. That’s right. I was eating no animal products whatsoever for seven years. And I really think, uh, again, I can’t be positive of any of this, but I’ll share with you at the end of the video, what the results were for me making all these changes. I stopped my vegan diet. Yeah. After seven years I started eating animal products again and over time. Yeah. I started really feeling a lot better. I don’t care what the vegans say. And a lot of them are actually sometimes kind of cruel if you want to, if you go back to not being a vegan, but it doesn’t really matter to me what the vegans say or what the vegans think. Because I can tell you with 100% certainty with my body, the vegan diet over a period of many years was not working.

Dr. Dave: (05:13)
That is a guarantee 100%. Would it work for you? I don’t know, but for me it wasn’t working. So vegan police, if you’re out to get me, if you wanna, uh, hate me for that. So be it, I was also with my talk therapy starting around the time. Um, two years ago that I thought I was going to lose my life here. I also started taking, um, Lexapro and, um, which is an antidepressant. And I was taking that along with, uh, Valium, diazepam. Sometimes I had days that were so bad. I needed like a little boost, but the, the Lexapro really wasn’t helping with. So I sometimes I had to take additional, uh, benzodiazepine, which was, which was Val. It’s not really a great thing to be on long term. I mean, short term for like a little bit, if you need it, but long term, that’s not a long term solution at all to anxiety and or depression.

Dr. Dave: (06:05)
It’s just not, it’s not good for your body and, and good luck weaning off of, because it is very, very addictive. Luckily I never got to the point where I, I got addicted to it at all, but, uh, it’s still a medicine that you don’t wanna be on for a long period of time at all. Then I made a discovery. I had been doing a lot of reading about magic mushrooms, which contains SIL as you know, and microdosing. And I did enough research and reading on my own to say, I wanna start this. There was basically nothing else left in my life to help me. So I said, I want, I just, I just, I just want to do this. And by the way, something, I think I did forget. I also, um, when I, when I quit the vegan diet also went gluten free.

Dr. Dave: (06:49)
I took gluten outta my diet and I’ll share that with you in a second. What happened there? But I started microdosing magic mushrooms and almost right away, almost right away. I started feeling a difference, um, a, a difference that meant better. And after about, and as I continued microdosing, um, the difference was more profound and more profound to the point where about a month or two after I started microdosing magic mushrooms, I was actually, I, I monitor my blood pressure at home cause I was actually able to get off all of my blood pressure medication. And to this day, my blood pressure is totally normal for me. And it’s, um, it, it’s, it’s incredible that I do not have to be on blood pressure medication anymore. And that I absolutely owe that to the magic mushrooms for sure. They kind of changed my, the wiring of my brain and something is different now.

Dr. Dave: (07:37)
And, and I don’t need, I, I just don’t feel anxious at all anymore. I don’t feel any depression. Uh, again, my blood pressure’s down. Guess what? When I went off my vegan diet and when I went gluten free, my psoriasis, which I had had for at least 25 to 30 years totally went away. Totally, totally went away. It’s gone. So again, I don’t know exactly the human body is very complex and all these things come into place. So whether it was the magic mushrooms more so calming me down or whether it was, uh, getting rid of the vegan diet or the gluten or, or whatever it might have been. I don’t see everything comes in. I don’t know. But that’s why I’m sharing with you. Every single thing that I did, because if I said to you, I only did magic mushrooms. Oh. And nothing else that would not be accurate.

Dr. Dave: (08:26)
And uh, so I wanna make sure you realize that I’m doing a lot of different things. Also. I stepped up my meditation if you’ve been a long term, long time follower, you know, that I not only meditate, but go to a sound bath. Um, every week I do yoga at least several times per week, get out there, move my body exercise. And let me just make sure there’s nothing else I’m forgetting. Cuz I did make a list because this is so important. Okay. No, I don’t think I forgot anything, but the list I just do do wanna share with you. I just wanna reiterate what

Dr. Dave: (08:55)
Happened to me. Um, since I’ve started changing my life. Um, no more blood pressure medication I SLE. Oh yeah. Here’s a big one. I sleep through the night almost every single night sleep through the night. That means not even getting up in the middle of the night to pee. I mean, I had not done that in probably 10 to 20 years. Uh, it’s a wonderful feeling. Being able to sleep entirely through the night. What else did I do? Um, so zero anxiety. My injuries have pretty much healed. I mean, I can’t say that I’m never gonna get injured again, but the way my body was feeling and I felt like I always had some type of injury. Um, that feeling is pretty much gone right now. Um, my Lexapro is almost well. I’m almost weaned off of it. I’m taking like a fraction fraction fraction of a tablet every day, but that’s gonna be by maybe by the time you even see this video within a couple days, it’s gonna be, that’s gonna be totally done.

Dr. Dave: (09:45)
And of course, no benzos, no Valium, no nothing. I haven’t actually done that almost since I started microdosing probably within several weeks of starting to micro dose was the last time I ever felt the need to take any type of benzo. So, um, I would say that I worked on it. I worked hard and it was not overnight. I never want to sit here and say that this is an overnight fix, cuz it’s not, you have to be patient. You have to do the right things. But if you do all the right things and they all come together, hopefully you’ll be sitting like I am short time, relatively short time. Um, after you’re going through a horrible, messy funk and you’ll be able to sit here and say, Dr. Dave, guess what? I feel fantastic today. And several years ago I thought I was going to lose it.

Dr. Dave: (10:33)
So I, I hope you can say that I it’s a wonderful feeling. Um, I’m still human being. I still have emotions if I, if I something really bad happens to somebody near me or if I, I hear some really bad news, I still have emotions. It’s not like I’m no, I feel, I feel like a human being should feel. I have emotions when I need to, but pretty much during the course of every day and night, I don’t have that revved up anxiety, anxious feeling that I used to have and depressed feeling. It was really awful, which obviously weighed on different parts of my body, which I just shared with you. It was an awful time. I really thought I there’s a chance. I might not make it through that time, but I, again, I put so much work into this because my life is worth it.

Dr. Dave: (11:15)
And now I’m here to help not only myself, but to help others and share my story with, with you. So, um, let me know if you have any questions, put ’em in the comments, section questions, comments. I try to look at everything. I try to answer everything. If you have a good enough topic, if you good, have a good enough question. Sometimes I actually make a whole video on somebody’s question because it’s so good. Um, can’t guarantee it, but I, I try my best. I’m here for you. Um, remember this is not medical device’s friend talking to friend. If you haven’t subscribed yet, make sure you click that button. Cause I got a lot more to share with you. This is not over by any stretch of the imagination. It’s it’s a life story that I’m sharing for the purpose of helping others. I’ll talk to you later.

Microdose U podcast

225 – Magic Mushrooms and Insomnia

Hey welcome back to Microdose U. Today Dr. Dave talks about how psilocybin has helped his insomnia.

Microdosing Resource Page:

Here is the complete transcript to today’s show:

Dr. Dave: (00:00)
Hey, who wants to sleep with me? Well, hold, hold that. You might think that’s click bait, but it’s really not because this video I’m gonna do today, I’m gonna share with you how to get your best night’s sleep ever. So many people have shared with me, either in the comments section or emailing me that they’re having a tough time sleeping insomnia, whether it means they can’t get to sleep or you wake up in the middle of the night, you can’t get back to sleep. I’ll tell you something. Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health. And if you’re not sleeping well, it is going to chip away your health, perhaps more than anything else out there. So, um, in this video today, I’ll share with you how I dealt with my insomnia, how I finally, um, I think cured it because I’m sleeping through the night, every night now sleeping through the night.

Dr. Dave: (00:48)
That means not even getting up to go to the bathroom, which is very unusual for somebody my age. I used to get up two to three times every night to use the bathroom. Now I sleep like a baby through the night. So here’s what I have done. First of all, I got tested for obstructive sleep apnea. And as it turned out, I have obstructive sleep apnea, which means, um, I use a C P a P every night to sleep. And it’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done other than magic mushrooms. Of course, um, the best thing I’ve ever done in my life to get a good night’s sleep and to sleep healthy and to, to make sure that I’m, I’m getting the right amount of oxygen every night, um, obstructive sleep apnea or any type of sleep apnea is potentially very, very serious. And a lot of cases, many CA most cases go undiagnosed.

Dr. Dave: (01:42)
Now I’m not telling you that you have obstructive sleep apnea. I have no way of knowing, but I will tell you this, if you don’t sleep well, if you’re tired during the day, if you fall asleep easily during the day, sometimes if you have high blood pressure, if you’ve experienced, um, anxiety, depression, if you snore, these could be signs that you have obstructive sleep at me. Now, again, I, there’s no way I can diagnose this over a video, but, um, if there’s a chance, um, especially if you are on the heavier side and you’ve got like a thicker neck, but that’s, again, people that are very thin have obstructive sleep ABNE as well. Um, I would recommend at, at the very least bringing it up to your doctor, make sure your doctor is well versed on this type of stuff. And perhaps having a sleep test, it absolutely could save your life. So that’s the first thing again, I wanted to throw that out there because it’s, it’s, it is very possible. Many of you watching have sleep apnea that just don’t know about it. And that’s, that’s a very dangerous thing. So let’s go on with, how do you sleep better through the night? How do you, how do you sleep go sleep right away and how do you sleep like a baby through the night? Well, first of all, I’m assuming that you’re doing all the things that everybody knows about

Dr. Dave: (02:58)
The proper sleep hygiene, things. In other words, don’t drink anything with, uh, caffeine AFF caffeinated beverages, um, past, I would say 1:00 PM, something like that, maybe even noon, 1:00 PM stay away from the caffeine. If you’re having a tough time sleeping, don’t take in caffeine in any way I would recommend if possible, not taking a nap during the day, or if you take a nap, time it to no more than 30 minutes. Because if you’re napping during the day, it’s going to be more difficult for you to sleep at night. I would also recommend that you move your body, maybe move your body more than you’re moving it. Now, the more exercise you get, and that could just mean a really nice several mile walk every day or almost every day, the more you’re moving your body, the more you’re exercising your body, the more your body is going to want to naturally sleep in the evening.

Dr. Dave: (03:52)
When it’s getting close to bedtime, I would start a wind down, uh, process generally after dinner, my wife and I just kind of hang around the house. We relax, we watch some TV or could listen to some music, but, uh, meditation is good. A little bit of light yoga is very good, but do something that’s gonna kind of wind your body down and get it in the right state for sleep your body. You know, if you’re, if you’re doing things, if you’re, um, watching news, that’s bad news. If you’re, if you’re, um, participating in something that’s maybe stressful, stressing your body out, um, it’s not going to be good for your sleep. So I I’m gonna highly recommend wind it down, calm down, listen to some relaxing music, listen to some psychedelic music, uh, whatever kind of music you wanna listen to, um, make it more on the relaxing side though, while you’re trying to go to sleep.

Dr. Dave: (04:51)
And even if you wake up in the middle of the night to not, I stress this, this is super, super important. Do not go onto your iPhone, iPad, Android phone, whatever device, computer don’t go onto your screen because ringing, because there are a few things that happen. First of all, it will give you a certain amount of light into your, into your pupils. And, and it’s going to, um, your body’s gonna think it’s time to wake up because you’re because when you start to go to sleep, um, you should be in a dark room. You should be in a cold, a cool dark room. Um, if you’re looking at a device that is absolutely the opposite of what your body thinks at once, when you’re trying to go to sleep. If you, again, if you wake up in the middle of the night, do not check to see who texted. You do not check Instagram, do not check the news. It is almost a 100% formula for disaster that you will not be able to get back to sleep, or you won’t be to sleep. You won’t be able to sleep well, lastly, but very, very important. At least for me

Dr. Dave: (05:58)
Is I do use a little bit of help before I go to sleep. Now I’ve tried melatonin that really didn’t do anything for me. And also I’m just relying on my body’s natural production of melatonin. But what I do, um, generally, generally, most nights is either take a little bit when I say a little bit, I say about, uh, what is it comes to about, um, 37 to 40 milligrams of something called hydroxyzine. That is an antihistamine. That also is a anti-anxiety agent as well. Um, since I started using that over time, again, don’t expect a quick fix. Nothing you do. I’ll tell you nothing you do is gonna help you sleep better in 24 hours or forward. It’s, it’s gonna take time for your body to get adjusted to your new lifestyle. So don’t give up on anything guys. It’s, it’s taken me. It’s taken me literally a couple years now with what I’m doing, the habits I’m into.

Dr. Dave: (06:52)
Now, it would be much shorter, but, um, realizing what was wrong and getting into better habits absolutely took me a couple years and your, and your body goes along with it. So again, your body, if your body’s used to something bad, then it’s not gonna say just right away. Okay, you’re doing things right. I’m gonna sleep perfectly. No, it, it takes time. Please be patient. I cannot stress that enough. So I either take, uh, about it’s about a tablet at a half of, uh, 25 milligram hydroxy. So do the math, whatever that’s on 25 to let’s, let’s just say 25 to 40 milligrams of hydroxyzine. I will either do that. Or, and I do that about probably two hours before I’m getting ready to go to sleep, or I will eat a, um, uh, th a cannabis edible and the cannabis edible could be anywhere from 10 to 20 milligrams of THC.

Dr. Dave: (07:45)
Um, either of those, I have not been able to show that one works better than the other. I will never do both at the same time, but one or the other of those helps me again, sleep comfortably through the night without weight, generally, without waking up. Sometimes I wake up one time, but my, the rule now is I generally don’t wake up at all, sleep through the night. Um, seven and a half hours is like the ideal amount of sleep. An adult wants to sleep. The, if you, you think you might think that nine, nine and a half hours is better, it’s not, um, if sleeping longer than seven, longer than seven and a half to eight hours is actually worse for your body. It’s as bad as sleeping four or five hours. So don’t think that, oh, I’m, I’m going to sleep so long.

Dr. Dave: (08:32)
I’m gonna be help. No, it’s not like that. Seven and a half to eight is really the sweet spot. You don’t wanna do any more than eight. If you practice what I’ve just shared with you in this video, again, uh, let me back up because the microdosing microdosing of magic mushrooms has been a tremendous help because, because what it does, it decreases your anxiety. It decreases your depression. It gets your brain to stop being all over the place and worrying and thinking, and, and it, it can help your, it can help you turn your brain off at night, which is really, really important. So I don’t wanna minimize the, um, magic mushrooms, the psilocybin microdosing that has helped me an incredible amount for getting sleep the way it should be. So, along with everything I spoke about, including the magic mushrooms, um, the things that could help you in the evening, such as THC cannabis or, um, hydroxyzine, if you do everything I told you, this is not medical advice though, but if you do everything I told you, there’s a very, very good chance.

Dr. Dave: (09:39)
Your sleep problems will be a thing of the past. And once you’re sleeping through the night, really, really comfortably and really deeply, and really well, you will feel like a new person every single day. I do promise you that, give it a try, work with it again, it’s not an overnight fix. You gotta be patient and work with it. If you think you could possibly even slightly possibly have a problem with sleep apnea, go see your doctor and get tested. The test is easy. You could generally, a lot of times do it at home. Now it’s simple, but I would really recommend that, especially if you’re, uh, you know, if you’ve got some of those signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, it’s could be very, very dangerous. Anyway, hope this helps you. Um, Dr. Dave, keep those questions and comments coming is that keeps my brain going and thinking about what can I talk about? What can I help people with next? It really does help me quite a bit. Um, I can’t promise I get to every single topic, but this is a really good one. Timely is just so many people we’re having this issue. So I hope this helps you till next time.