45 – Happiness and Other Important Things in Life!

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastOn today’s show Dr. Dave visits an incredibly important topic – HAPPINESS. He goes fairly deep into how to achieve happiness in your life. Several other very important life changing subjects are discussed as well. Please listen very carefully to the entire episode!
No matter where you are: a party, a cruise, a vacation, a work event – make healthy choices! Do not make exceptions and think you will make it up or fix it up later. There will always be “special occasions” like birthdays, work events, holidays, weekends, dinner with your friends, dinner at your friends. Do not roller coaster on and off “a diet”. This is not a DIET that is temporary. These are lifestyle choices that are permanent! Don’t “cheat” this once! You will only be cheating yourself and your health and it is just not worth it!
Remember when you are on a vacation or cruise or a family event, that the PEOPLE are more important than the event or the food. It is about connecting with the people in your life. Do not focus on the buffet line or the food table. “Life goes really fast and spend time with the people you love,” says Dr. Dave.
It is possible to stick to your lifestyle and healthy choices while traveling and when going to events. If there are absolutely not any healthy choices or choices in your lifestyle plan, then don’t eat what they have. You are not going to die without one meal! Eat beforehand if you know and just focus on connecting with the people at the event. Or eat afterwards. Again, you can survive a couple hours without food. It is so much better to just drink some water or tea, and wait to eat healthy than fill up on crap at an event to be polite or because their are no good choices.
Dr. Dave and Yoko recently went on a cruise with their family and let the travel agent and cruise know ahead of time they were vegan and they had not a moment’s worry over their food. They had access to fantastic salads and fresh fruit and many other options. This is your life and your body. Do not eat anything out of obligation or eat bad food because that is all that is at the table. No one is going to arrest you for skipping the dessert table on the buffet line!
Do you need to make some changes? You need people in your lives that are filled with happiness and love. Are you around people in your life filled with negative energy or treat you poorly? If you can make the relationship better, try that first. Talk to them directly about how they are in your life and how it impacts you. You may need to even go to counseling if it is significant person in your life like a partner or spouse.
If you have tried everything to make it work and it is not getting better, you need to make a change. It could be a time-out, a separation, even a divorce. This is your life!
Do you love what you are doing? You need to change something! If you don’t love what you are doing and your heart, mind, and gut will know even if you are denying it with your mind. This will manifest in your health and could result in disease and digestive problems. I have heard person and after person tell me about their stress and poor health from their careers. I have heard amazing fantastic transformation stories of people changing their entire careers and doing something that makes them happy. Makes them happy to go to work, makes them happy on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Do not be paralyzed by change. I know it can be scary. I know the familiar can be easier than the unknown. You need to take steps to make change happen now! Don’t set some random future date where you put it off. Take the knowledge and information you have now and have learned from this podcast, and do something now!
“Never harbor hatred!” says Dr. Dave. You are causing yourself stress and pain. Negative energy is so harmful! Learn to forgive. You have to let it go. You need to move forward and not get stuck!
“If  you spend more than you earn, your life will be filled with problems and stress!” says Dr. Dave. If you are making $65,000 a year you should not be spending $70-80,000 and putting things on credit cards or getting loans. You need to be living UNDER your means, not just at what you are making. If you keep spending what you make, life happens to tip you over to debt. If you have a house and car you cannot truly afford, then when you need a home repair or a car repair, you have to put it on a credit card.
So many people are making A LOT of money and living outside of and above their means. They are living a lie! You do not need that bigger more expensive house. You need to not have debt, have money in savings, and money in investments for your future and your retirement. Life the life you can truly afford.
“We all need happiness and love in our lives,” says Dr. Dave. Choose happiness! Make choices focused on happiness. “If you have happiness and love in your lives, good health will follow!”
“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 100,000 downloads mark last month!!! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life! It is so great that we have listeners from all over the world from the United States to the UK to Canada to Europe to Japan to Australia. I love hearing from people all over the world on Facebook, Twitter, Email, and our phone hotline too!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>The epicenter of all goodness:
Website: http://www.sliceyourage.com 
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—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190. 
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

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Eating Healthy, But Feeling Crappy? Could Be Your Acid Index!

Like a tightrope walker, the human body is always trying to stay balanced. If you’re not in equilibrium on your sleep schedule, food intake, or any other metric that tends to jostle up and down, your body won’t be working in tip-top shape.

Fish in Sour SauceOne such metric that many people don’t know about is the pH value of their bodies, which is basically how acidic one’s cells are. Ideally we want a value of about 7.4, which is slightly alkaline, or un-acidic (the scale goes from 0 to 14, but humans can only survive in a very narrow range between about 7.1 and 7.6).

Why’s all this matter? Because certain foods – namely meats, cheeses, soft drinks, alcohol and tobacco, among many others – are like lead anchors that drop our pH levels far into the dangerous acidic zone.

Rather than just keel over when our pH is out of whack, our bodies counterattack by siphoning alkaline substances out of our organs and bones, which have rainy-day alkaline deposits.

This solution works in the short term, but brings up some not-so-fun chronic problems if we consistently eat too many foods that are too acidic:

  • weight gain / obesity
  • diabetes
  • bladder and kidney problems like kidney stones
  • a shoddier immune system
  • acceleration of free radical damage, a big factor in cancer development
  • hormone imbalance
  • accelerated aging and wrinkles
  • weaker, thinner, more breakable bones
  • joint pains and muscle soreness
  • lower energy levels
  • tumors

Do I really have to go on?

We’re always hearing about how tobacco, alcohol and sugary soft drinks are terrible for us… but meats, like chicken and fish, are often touted as heath foods despite the fact metabolically, these two are some of the most acidic things we put in our bodies.

Some alkaline-forming foods that best counteract an acidic imbalance include dark green and yellow veggies, beans, seeds, nuts, essential fats (omega 3s and omega 6s), and low-sugar fruits like avocados and lemons. (What a coincidence these foods also happen to be vegetarian!)

It’s unreasonable to try to live your life by constantly trying to stay keep a harmonious ratio of acidic foods to alkaline foods, but just tucking away which food is which in the back of your mind can vastly improve the way you feel.Alkaline-rich foods honestly aren’t hard to incorporate into your diet, most of them are traditionally known as healthy anyway. Just beware: just because it’s low in fat or sodium doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you.


A diet that’s too acidic literally sucks the life right out of you!

Until next time,


P.S. Please be sure to check out my PODCAST!  I have all kinds of ways for you to live Stronger, Thinner, Healthier and Happier!


44 – Superstar Guest Marla Rose – Part 2 – Your Questions

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastOn today’s show we are again honored to have superstar Marla Rose from veganstreet.com for part two. Whether you are a vegan, are aspiring to become one, have a tiny bit of curiosity, or have absolutely no desire, this episode is a VERY important one that could actually be life changing!  You should definitely give it a listen! Marla answers many of your questions!

Dr. Dave Madow asks special guest Marla: “I noticed you are coming up on your 20th anniversary of being a vegan Marla. What are some of the differences or what have you experienced over the past 2 decades?” 

Marla answered: We struggled with getting vegan options even at the local coffeehouse like having soy milk. Now, living in a big city like Chicago definitely made it easier overall than many other places people live. It was a struggle to find places to eat out or even get what you need to cook at home. It is so much easier today and so much more accepted. We are creating change now and more people are open to it and we have more access points and resources at our disposal with the internet to make this happen faster and better than ever.

QUESTION FROM LISTENER MISTY: “What changes happen physically once becoming vegan?”

ANSWER: Marla was vegetarian at age 15 and vegan at age 26, so she did not experience huge physical changes and transformation. Many people see amazing transformations. However, Marla did have really bad psoriasis as a teen. Once she went vegan it went away and never went back. She suspects it was the dairy in her diet as many other people have experienced.

QUESTION FROM CALLER JILL: “How do I  convince 3 teenagers to adapt to a vegan diet?”

ANSWER: Marla would treat a teen like any reasonable adult. She would start with educating them why you think it is a good idea. Dr. Dave recommended maybe having kids connect with the animal side of the picture. There is a strong movie called “Earthlings”. Now neither Marla or Dr. Dave have seen it and it is very disturbing and not for the faint of heart. But maybe the teens would want to see it.  See where they are on the issue and what are their thoughts. Listen to your teens. Dr. Dave says bring your kids to Marla’s VeganMania in Chicago in the fall – details here:  http://chicagoveganmania.com/.

QUESTION FROM CYNTHIA: “I have been vegetarian for 10 years and eat dairy and eggs. Isn’t that enough?”

ANSWER: Marla says that the drive for her veganism vs. vegetarianism is ethics of eating animals and animal products. Eggs and dairy do contribute to a variety of health concerns. You are also ingesting whatever hormones and antibiotics are fed to the animals that produce the milk and eggs. Also, do chickens and cows kept in humane conditions and are treated as disposable commodities. Marla shares some strong information about how these animals are treated and what drives her to be vegan.

QUESTION FROM DR. RICK: “What is the best way to discuss what people will be gaining being vegan?”

ANSWER:  You get all the fruits, all the vegetables, all the grains in wonderful abundance. You also get it completely guilt-free of any harm to animals! Actually many people who are vegans are exposed to far many more vegetables than meat eaters. You will try fruits and vegetables you have never heard of and/or never knew even existed!

QUESTION FROM DR. LAURIE: “I was vegan for short periods of time before like for a month and I ended up very week and tired.”

ANSWER: Marla says that when you initially cut out all the meats and dairy your body needs to adapt and will be detoxing all those chemicals and hormones. Also, many new vegans and old vegans rely heavily on grains, breads, and carbs right away which can slow you down. It is recommended to give it a good 90 day try and see how she feels at the end of 90 days. Also, maybe find a vegan support group that will support you, provide information, and answer your questions as you go along. Also, make a concentrated effort to get your daily required protein in your diet. You will not be able to function efficiently without proper levels of protein.

QUESTION FROM MANY LISTENERS: “Just where do you get your protein in a vegan diet???”

ANSWER:  Listen to the laughter of Marla and Dr. Dave talking about the non-vegans needing fiber in their diets! There are entire rows and aisles at stores devoted to fiber and fiber issues! Nuts, seeds, quinoa, green peas, nuts, nut butters, beans, chickpeas, tempeh, tofu, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and so much more! Here is a great article about great sources of vegan protein: http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/protein.php.


“Plug into your heart and what you know is right for you, future generations, and the planet.” says Marla.


“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 100,000 downloads mark last month!!! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>The epicenter of all goodness:
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See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190. 
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.


Your dinner plate is trying to tell you a secret – will you listen to it or just ignore it?

One of the secret virtues of being vegan, I’ve recently discovered, is how easy it is to wash the dishes after dinner. No matter which plate, bowl or pot I’m cooking in, serving out of, or eating directly from, the clean-up is an absolute breeze. Plant-based meals rinse off instantly, even when left out for extended periods of time.

“Big deal,” you’re thinking, “I own a dishwasher and a sponge; you’re not going to get me cast off meat because it’s so easy to dispose of vegan meals.”

Well you’re right. I don’t expect this alone to change your mind that easily. But there’s more to this matter than saving a few minutes scrubbing or a few cents on dish soap.

Try making a pot roast, chicken flambé, or a New York strip without having to use some serious muscle scratching and scraping meat residue from your dishes after the meal. It gets baked on, then caked on, and can even be tough to remove from a dinner plate that wasn’t even directly heated up. Even an open-flame grill you have to mercilessly assault with a grill brush between uses in order to un-crust the grill of dried-on meat juices.

THINK: if it’s this hard to get the meat off of glass and porcelain, how much meat is clogging up our squishy, delicate insides?


It’s an eye-opening analogy. Yes, our bodies have lots of enzymes and bacteria to digest the food we eat, but how successful are they?

Meat is broken down in our bodies by a process called “putrefaction,” which is just a fancy way of saying rotting. Unfortunately, putrefaction isn’t all that efficient. A traffic jam of decaying meat is the culprit behind Crohn’s disease, colitis (an irritation and swelling of the colon) and inflammatory bowel disease.

Research shows that putrefaction also results in all sorts of toxic by-products, namely sulfides, histamines and ammonias to name a few, which are by definition poisonous to our bodies and minds. If and when these substances get into the blood, it puts strain on the liver to filter the gunk out. On the surface, you’ll feel fatigued and have a higher likelihood of getting sick. You’ll also look older faster.

That gelatinous brown film on the bottom of your dishes is also in the bottom of your intestines, slowly being churned around and quarantined. Not exactly my cup of tea!

The evidence speaks for itself – check out your plates next time after a big, hearty, meat-based meal.

I hope I didn’t just ruin animal products for you.

Well, actually I sort of do hope that! Become your healthiest self!


43 – Superstar Guest Marla Rose Vegan

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastOn today’s show we are honored to have superstar Marla Rose from veganstreet.com. Whether you are a vegan, are aspiring to become one, have a tiny bit of curiosity, or have absolutely no desire, this episode is a VERY important one that could actually be life changing!  You should definitely give it a listen!

Vegetarianism and Veganism has very definite proven health benefits. It also kind, good, and right for the environment, the planet, and the animals.

We were thrilled and excited to have 20+ year vegan Marla Rose on the show today! Marla was a vegetarian since age 15 and then in college she got involved activism and feminism and this reinforced her lifestyle choice of vegetarianism. “Every day is profound blessing to be able to experience this and work on a social justice issue, so deep and wide-ranging,” says Marla. Learn more about Marla and veganism at her website: http://www.veganstreet.com.

So many people have lost some real significant weight after being a vegan. Additionally, they have found such increased energy levels. Study after study proves people living a better healthier longer life as a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.

There are so few examples of animals truly being treated humanely that are bound for being a part of someone’s meal. We do not need to eat animals to survive or even live a good life. So many people find their life and lifestyles and their connection to the planet so much better after changing to vegan. It creates such a compassionate view on life inside and out. Listen to Marla’s thoughts on treatment of animals on farms that people will end up consuming.

“With VeganStreet 2.0, expect unique recipes, eco-and-budget-friendlyDIY home and personal care tips, interviews, reviews, and smart, original, and honest content each and every week. In addition to this, you’ll find stylish Vegan Street message gear and a supportive, welcoming community as we grow. We’re also at work on our first volume of a series of books called The Vegan Street Guides that will make it easier and more rewarding to live a vegan lifestyle, build a community, speak your mind, and leave a positive stamp on the world.” from the VeganStreet website. Check it out! So much fantastic information: http://veganstreet.com/aboutus.html.
“Chicago VeganMania is a celebration of the dynamic vegan community. We bring together the vegan restaurants and food companies, leaders and entrepreneurs, doctors and chefs, businesses and organizations, singers and dancers, and we put them in one big place to show them all off to the world. You certainly don’t have to be vegan to attend or enjoy Chicago VeganMania. You don’t even have to understand or care why people would adopt a vegan lifestyle. We just want you to have fun. Chicago VeganMania is basically a big friendly party, a festival where you can eat wonderful food, enjoy great music and lively entertainment, and have an opportunity to discover unique vegan products and learn the secrets of vegan chefs. There are even places where you can learn about the whys and hows of veganism is you’re so inclined.” from VeganMania website. This year is their 6th annual festival. Check out more info on their website and if you live in Chicago or are looking for a great reason to visit Chicago here it is!
Stay tuned for next week when Marla and Dr. Dave answer questions from the hotline, facebook, and twitter about vegetarianism and veganism. It will be a great show with fantastic info. Even if you are a meat eater, everyone could use more veggies and more options in their diets. Maybe even start with the Meatless Monday movement. One day a week “no meat” for you and your family. Learn more about this world-wide international movement called Meatless Monday and get some great new recipes for all meals of the day to try too!
“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 100,000 downloads mark last month!!! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

—>The epicenter of all goodness:
Website: http://www.sliceyourage.com 
Check out the podcasts, special bonuses, recipes, blog posts, and more!

—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
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—> Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:

—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190. 
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.

FLAX SEED – How I “super-seeded” my diet!

The diet of the average American just plain sucks. As a nation, we eat wayyy too much sodium, sugar, and processed foods, and our food in general just isn’t as varied or as nutritious as it used to be.

I could go on and on about our skyrocketing obesity rates, nutrient-barren food and ghastly food industry, but I’m sure you get the gist. This blog post is about looking forward, not backward.

I consider myself a pretty healthy eater – I’m gluten-free and just a few short months ago I became vegan. Recently, I stumbled upon the incredible nutritional power of flax seeds. About the size of a grain of rice, these brownish-yellow seeds can be bought in bulk at almost any natural grocery store or health food store.

What’s so great about these little guys? Well, if nature made a health supplement, it would be flax seeds. Flax seed shells have an abundance of lignans, chemical compounds that basically super charge the human body. The lignans in flax seeds…

  • …boost the immune system, making your body more resilient against disease and infection.
  • …pack a whopping 2.8 grams of fiber per tablespoon, which helps in digestion and lowering cholesterol.
  • …have powerful antioxidants that help keep your cells functioning properly and help you look and feel young. (We suffer age-related problems because our cells get worse at replicating as time goes on – antioxidants counteract this decay.)

In addition to this, cutting edge researchers are publishing scientific papers that suggest that flax seed might actually have cancer-fighting properties. Pretty exciting stuff.


The body most easily absorbs all the nutrients flax seeds have to offer if you pulverize them first. This honestly isn’t all that difficult to do – I personally use a NutriBullet blender, though I have heard a coffee grinder works well, too.

The fine seed powder can be mixed into almost anything. Add it to your marinades, put it in smoothies, even bake it into cookies. The seeds have a very subtle, almost non-existent flavor and the texture is pleasant and complimentary to everything I’ve tried them in.

Flax seed oil, though similar sounding, has a completely different health benefit. The oil doesn’t have the antioxidants and lignans that the seeds themselves offer, but it does contain huge amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the function of brain cells, keep the blood healthy and clotting properly, and prevent heart attacks and strokes. Most Americans aren’t getting nearly enough omega-3s.

I recommend buying a bottle of cold-pressed flax seed oil and gulping down one or two tablespoons per day. Consider it part of your daily health routine.

Superfoods like flax can’t help you if you don’t eat them. That’s why I was so drawn to flax initially – it’s easy to sneak flax seeds into almost any recipe, and the oil can be taken quickly out of a spoon, cough syrup-style.

If you have any questions or comments about flax seed or flax oil, I’m all ears! Let me know what you’re thinking in the comments below.


Another Important Tip – Your Fifth Quickie With Dr Dave – Look at Your Plate

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastYour fifth quickie with Dave! Today Dr. Dave explains what you can learn from what is left over on your plate!

Extremely Important Tip – Your Fourth Quickie With Dr Dave – Workout in the Mornings!

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastYour fourth quickie with Dave! This is a short one where Dr. Dave passes on an important tip about working out. Please do not miss this one!

“Never in my life have I finished a run or a workout and was sorry that I did it. In fact, I was extremely happy that I got in and got it done!” says Dr. Dave. Morning is proven  the absolute best time for a workout. Get your workout done before life gets in the way. Don’t wait for your day to have space or time for a workout. You MAKE time for your workouts. Plan this in your calendar for the week and then plan the rest of your life around those workouts. You are important! Make yourself a priority.

Make it a goal to do the recommended Dr. Dave “Magic 4 Miles”. If you run 4 miles a day your entire life will change. Start where you are and even alternate jogging and walking. Keep at it until you are jogging the whole time. Then go for a goal to get it done in 13-15 minutes average per mile. Wherever you are start there. Strive for progress, not perfect. You will never regret the workout you DID do. You will always regret the workout you did NOT do!. Get out there and do it! I believe in you and know you can do this.



CRUCIAL Life Advice – Your Third Quickie With Dr Dave – Are You Living Your Best Life?

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastYour third quickie with Dave! This is a quick one where Dr. Dave teaches you some CRUCIAL life advice. Please do not miss this one!

“Live the life you love and don’t be afraid to do things! Do not wait! Go for it! Life moves to fast and we do not know what tomorrow brings!’ says Dr. David Madow. If Dr. Dave had put off things in his life, he would not be happy living the life he is living now. You might be in a dead end relationship or job, but are not doing anything about it. The day to change this is Right Now! Too many of you are putting things off and are afraid of what is on the other side of if  and when that change takes place.

Make it better or make a change. What can you do TODAY to make it better or make a change in your life? Are you living your best life possible and enjoying every single day? Why can’t you take the risk? You can do it! It may not work out and you learn from that and try again in a different way. Don’t stick with things because they are comfortable. Change can be scary and uncomfortable, but this is how you grow and evolve and lead to a life of happiness and authenticity aligned with you are and meant to be.

You get one life to live and make it the best one you possibly can. Do things! Try things! Fail at things! Better to have tried than not tried at all. Stop living in fear of the unknown or in the different or uncomfortable.


42 – Questions From Listeners – Lose the Love Handles / Stretching and Driving / More

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastJuly 17, 2014 – Episode 42 – We take listener’s questions in this episode! Glenn asks how he can stretch out during his long driving/commuting times. Joe asks how he can get rid of his “love handles!” Mike, a long time runner, wants to know if he should see a chiropractor! Much more!
QUESTION:  What can long distance drivers do when legs get sore and stiff?
Glen, a hiker from Maryland, legs get really sore and stiff from sitting in the car for hours at a time for his job. What can he do about his sore legs without changing his job?
Many people have no choice in their work and have to do a lot of driving for their jobs. First he needs to get out and stretch every hour or two. He needs to get out of the car.
First, get out and walk around and get your circulation moving around. It would be great to even do some good old-fashioned jumping jacks.
Next, it is great to do some stretching. Hamstring stretches are a great stretch:  http://www.fitsugar.com/5-Easy-Hamstring-Stretches-1983373.
Another tip is take a rolling pin are roll out your muscles. Yes, a rolling pin from your kitchen. You can easily take this in the car and is easier to use than a foam roller on the roll. Here is the idea: http://www.rearickstrength.com/2010/12/how-to-use-rolling-pin-for-soft-tissue.html.
These are also GREAT things to do if you are sitting at your desks and computers for hours!
Be mindful when you drive. Do not zone out. Be present in the moment of where you are and where you are going when you drive.  16-20% of all motor vehicle accidents are caused by distracted driving.  60% of people admit to driving while fatigued and an astounding 15% of people have admitted to even falling asleep while driving. Be mindful while driving and when tired, please PULL OVER! Also, due to the body’s circadian rhythms they are less alert between 2:00-4:00am and 2:00pm-4:00pm. Be especially aware during these times and again pull over if you need to – your life and the lives of others are just not worth it.
QUESTION: What can you do about love handles?
Joe, a runner who runs 15-20 miles a week, called in wanting to know what he can do about his love handles.
The answer is one word = FOOD! If you are truly just eating lean meats, fruits, and vegetables then you will not have love handles. If you are having pie, cake, donuts, beer, and snacks and goodies that goes right to the love handle area – especially for men. “Great job on your running Joe! This comes right smack down to eating my friend!” says Dr. Dave. “Eat your biggest meal in the morning, then less at lunch, and least amount at dinner,” says Yoko.  You really need to get rid of all the artificial foods and sweets. Try to have as much fresh whole foods as possible. You will lose weight and lose those love handles. You can take your measurements and do the “naked test”. Stand in front of a full length mirror naked and look at yourself head to toe and see where it is you want to lose some pounds.
Dr. Dave and Yoko want to thank Dr. Dave’s brother, Richard Madow, for his Breville juicer. They eat a wonderful healthy breakfast and wanted to take it up a notch. Here are the Breville juicers to check out: http://www.breville.ca/beverages/juicers.html. They also didn’t want a store bought juice without any preservatives. Just today Dave and Yoko had a juice with romaine lettuce, apple, cucumbers, pear, celery, and radishes.
There is a guy named Joe who was over 100 pounds overweight who inspired them to get a juicer. His movie and story is very interesting and we encourage you to check him out: http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/.
QUESTION: Should I use a chiropractor?
Listener and fan Mike called in and just read an article how chiropractors can help runners. Mike would like to know what are some of Dr. Dave and Yoko’s thoughts about chiropractors for people into fitness and exercise.
Getting checked out by a professional massage therapist or chiropractor or doctor can be a great idea. Ask them questions. Ask if they deal with people into physical fitness. Ask them how their treatment plans work. “Chiropractors work on bones and Massage Therapists work on muscles,” says Yoko. These two can be a great combination for your health.
“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 100,000 downloads mark last month!!! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life!” says Dr. Dave.
Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!
—>The epicenter of all goodness:
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See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.
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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.

Leaf – Not Beef – the Truth About My Vegan Journey

Yep, you read that right. I have some fresh news to debut: I’m vegan, and have been so for a little while now. That means I don’t consume anything that is made from or came out of an animal. I don’t eat animals and I don’t wear or use any of their products. And I wouldn’t go to a circus, rodeo, or participate in any other activity that uses animals for “our” entertainment. Sound restrictive? Self-righteous? A little over-the-top, maybe?

Well, let me ask you this: what’s your favorite food in the whole wide world? Pizza? Mac and cheese? A big juicy burger? What if I told you that there are options that feel, look and taste better, that are easy to prepare and make you just as full, that also happen to be 100% free of animals products?

Would you take a bite?

Of course you would, because good food tastes good, and meatless doesn’t mean tasteless!

Lots of Americans – perhaps you included – believe that going vegan is an inconvenience at best and downright impossible at worst, given the presupposed nature of food provided at parties, restaurants and social gatherings. And then there’s the hanging question of “where do you get your protein?”

Going vegan is vastly easier and less inconveniencing than you think, and the health benefits are enormous and surprising. I’ve been a religious, non-cheating vegan for almost two months at the time of my writing this. Before that, I had only been a regular vegetarian (no meat, but dairy and fish were allowable) for many months. As a fledgling vegan, these breakthroughs are already occurring:

  • People whom I have haven’t seen in a few months consistently comment on how my appearance has improved. Note I said months, not years. These compliments are unconnected and happen at random times when I just happen to catch up with a friend. Oftentimes, the people that notice aren’t quite able to put a finger on how I’ve freshened up. Apparently, I just look healthier, more vigorous… just better. (I’m not trying to brag, I swear!)
  • My energy levels are explosive and my own stamina surprises me. I don’t feel like I have to “dig deep” to motivate myself to work out or work late. Effort and alertness come naturally.
  • I’m losing weight without even trying. I’ve always been a pretty healthy eater, avoiding soft drinks and processed foods, but my dietary upgrade has made me physically leaner.

Now, reread these three points and pretend you heard them during an advertisement for a prescription drug or workout regimen. Would you think about getting onboard with it? Some food for thought…

Though I’m a vegan for ethical as well as for health reasons, it doesn’t feel like a disrupting boycott. It’s not a daily battle to stay vegan, and I’m not struggling to suppress the temptation of milk, cheese, or even the exalted bacon. (Gasp!)


I personally think that meat’s taste isn’t necessarily bad or disgusting. The way our food industry treats animals, however, is both of these. My “last straw” moment before I made the transition to veganism was knowledge. Look up the documentary “Forks over Knives” on YouTube or Google Gary Yourofsky – a passionate, well-spoken activist on the subject. Go to VeganStreet.com. The institutionalized torture of animals that we not only turn a blind eye to, but endorse with every trip to the grocery store, is eye-opening. But I don’t want to go on a tirade against Foster Farms nor do I want to try to make a point grounded in outrage or conflict. I simply ask that you understand all of the evidence and be an active player and connoisseur of information when it comes to your own life choices.

Want to learn some of my favorite go-to vegan dishes, and how to make going vegan a simple, natural transition? Look out for “leaf not beef: part 2” coming soon! And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop a comment in the comment section.

All the best,


P.S. Please make sure to listen to the “Slice Your Age” podcast. CLICK HERE to listen. Subscribe on iTunes by clicking on the right sidebar!

41- Weight Loss Can Be Difficult – With Special Guest David Jackson

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastJuly 10, 2014 – Episode 41 – Two Dave’s!!! David Jackson of “The Logical Weight Loss Podcast” is our special guest on the show today. Together, both Daves talk about the difficulties of weight loss. David Jackson reveals some of his true life experiences and roadblocks on his weight loss journey!  This is a good one for anyone that is having or has ever had weight issues.
We are so happy to Yoko back! “The food is fantastic in Japan!” says Yoko. “It is very rare to see an overweight person in Japan, except Sumo wrestlers,” says Dr. Dave. Japanese eat many fresh vegetables and very small portions. Westerners would be shocked at these portions.  Even the beverages were small even the water! Yoko had a lovely visit with her family and friends and nourished by that time together and her wonderful native food.
David Jackson was in a marriage where he was unhappy the last 3 years; and just ate his pain away in burgers, fries, and milkshakes. After marriage #1 ended; David decided to take charge and lose weight. “The best revenge is living well!” says Dave Jackson.  So, he lost 20 pounds and felt great! It is great when you take off the weight and it shows so much that people start noticing!
Here is his itunes podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/logical-weight-loss/id268178375?mt=2. Here is his website: http://logicalloss.com/
Now, 7 years later David has a few pounds to lose. He is now trying many different things to take weight off again as a 40+ man. He has a calorie tracker on his phone, he steps on the scale daily, he uses a pedometer to track his steps.  It is hard because both he and his wife are overweight and they have a 17 year old eating machine! The journey is so much better when you and your partner are on the same page. Remember Dr. Michael Goldstein from an earlier show? It was so fantastic when his wife finally joined him on his health and fitness journey! Get those partners on board! There are no downsides! It is all positive and filled with great things and results.
Replace the soda pop with fresh spring water and some chamomile tea. Dr. Dave challenged David Jackson to get rid of the Mountain Dew FOREVER! Soda pop is not just empty calories, they are NEGATIVE calories. It takes nutrition from your body to process this sugary crap. It also affects your entire body chemistry and does horrible things to your body. If you want bubbles, you can drink some nice refreshing naturally effervesce carbonated water. There are many that are even lightly naturally flavored with lemon, or lime, or orange. No Mountain Dew David Jackson between NOW and end of August. Dr. Dave put this challenge to Mr. Jackson and will be checking back in with him. You can do it David Jackson!!!
Start your day naked and step on the scale! This is your tool and measurement to guide your day of eating and activity. If you are up a bit, you will be very conscious of what you eat and will want to walk or run for an extra 15-30-60 minutes. Work to rebalance things each day. If you weigh yourself weekly or monthly, you could be many pounds off of your target and have a struggle to readjust instead of just a few modifications in a day.
Are you really hungry? Are you tired? Are you stressed? Are you frustrated? FOOD is NOT the answer. EXERCISE is the answer. Throw on your running shoes and head out the door. Do not deal with stress and emotions with eating!
Do not celebrate holidays by filling your day with junk. This is a horrible way to celebrate. Celebrate the holidays by enjoying the people at the parties! Don’t make eating the central focus. Also, when pushy Aunt Bessie tries to force her cheesecake on you, politely say “no thank you”. Do not get guilted into eating anything. Do not let 2nd helpings forced on you. Walk away and stay away from the food table! Grab a glass of water or a tea and walk away from the table and socialize. You are not there for the food; you are there for the people!
Dr. Dave does not believe in counting calories. He believes in making every bit count. Only eating food of high nutritional value. Eating 6 small meals a day. Only eating what your body needs and wants. Not rewarding yourself with food. Not cheating just this once because it is a holiday or someone’s birthday.
“It is not only eating well and exercising to have your best life, you need a happy life!” says Dr. Dave. “If you are in a job you hate or in a bad relationship, you need to change it and get out!” Do everything you can to fix it to make it right. If it cannot fix it; then you need to get out! You need to make your happiness a priority.
“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 100,000 downloads mark last month!!! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life!” says Dr. Dave.
Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!
—>The epicenter of all goodness:
Website: http://www.sliceyourage.com
—> Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
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Slice Your Age :http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.
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—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.
—> Send Dr. Dave an Email:
—> Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190. 
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.
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Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.


100K Bonus Episode – Happiness / The Most Important Decision / Much More

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastThis is Dr. Dave’s second bonus episode! Today we are celebrating passing the 100,000 download mark. That is correct… this show, “Slice Your Age,” which started at zero a few short months ago, has now surpassed ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND listens!!! Dr. Dave wants to thank all of his friends, fans and listeners. And to give back to all of you, he has recorded a very extra special bonus episode. Please tune in to see what hew has to say! And thanks so much for being a major part of the success here at Slice Your Age. Remember, you are never alone any more!

40 – Sugar Addiction / Tips to Staying Healthy Wherever You Are

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastJuly 3, 2014 – Episode 40 – Dr. Dave starts the show off by answering a listener’s question about an addiction – SUGAR! He explains how to kick this very dangerous habit! Next Dave brings in Sandy, his yoga instructor as his guest and they discuss how to stay healthy no matter where you may be! Dave talks about his recent trip to Manhattan and what he did there to keep up with the healthy lifestyle! This is a great not to be missed show!

Listener Amy called in: “Hi Dr. Dave! What’s your advice for overcoming an addiction to sugar? I think I am addicted and just cannot stop!”

“Amy you are not alone! People are addicted to sugar all over the world love sweet things!”
First, eliminate all the dessert foods like cakes, cookies, pies, ice creams.  This is the junk food that needs to go from your life.
Next, you need to limit your fruit intake. Fruit is good and natural, but don’t overcompensate for cutting out desserts.
Third, if you need something sweet and the fruit just isn’t doing it. Have some dark chocolate 70-85%; maybe 1-3 squares a day.
Get started with those 3 tips and see how that changes your life. Best Wishes Amy! Let me know how it works for you.

Dr. Dave took a road trip to New York. He  wanted a getaway and wanted to check out some good vegan restaurants. If you live in New York, you have so many great vegan options.

In Midtown there were so many fresh markets with hot food, salad/vegetable, and fruit bars. You can just stop in and get some wonderful fresh food for those meals you don’t want to do the full service sit down restaurant. Here is a link to some listed on Yelp:  http://www.yelp.ca/search?find_desc=Korean+Market&find_loc=New+York%2C+NY

Dr. Dave went at 4:00pm between lunch and dinner. He relaxed and took his time eating and enjoying and reading on his Kindle.  Dave enjoyed an amazing appetizer sort of like a pancake and some silk tofu soup and other fantastic Korean vegan fare. Check them out:  http://www.hangawirestaurant.com/

It is a rare day that Dr. Dave has pizza, but he couldn’t resist how amazing this pizza looked and smelled as he was walking down Amsterdam Street near 75th. They had vegan and non-vegan options. It was good and tasty, crisp vegetables, and nice crust. Check them out:  http://www.freddieandpeppers.com/

Dr. Dave loves getting a pedicure, manicure, and massages. It is good to have someone take care of you and pamper you. It is good for relaxing and stress. It is good for your health! It is good to get these regularly; at least monthly. There are many options for this either in your hometown or on the road when you travel.

Dr. Dave stayed at this simple compact modern hotel. There are two Pod Hotels in New York. New York is so exciting and wonderful you shouldn’t spend a lot of time in your hotel. So, save some money and just stay at a simple hotel where you are just going to rest your head to sleep. Check it out:  https://www.thepodhotel.com/
Are you vegan or vegetarian or thinking about it? Listen to Ben’s podcast. “Big Fat Vegan Radio is a new podcast by Laura Yaz and Honey LaBronx (a.k.a. Ben Strothmann)Our goal is to spread veganthusiasm, answer questions for new vegans and the veg-curious, while being ridiculous, and creating excuses to eat as much vegan food as possible.” Dr. Dave listens and loves it! Take a listen: http://bigfatveganradio.com/
No matter where you are. Take time to slow, down, explore, enjoy your surroundings. Take your shoes and socks off and walk in the grass. Maybe even do yoga moves in Central Park New York or do pull ups on construction scaffolding and following your nose to a great vegan pizza joint like Dr. Dave.
Phone: 443.244.0673
Email: InnerSpiritYoga@yahoo.com
“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 100,000 downloads mark last month!!! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life!” says Dr. Dave.

Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!

Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Personal  http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow.
Slice Your Age :http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.

Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:

—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.

Send Dr. Dave an Email:

—>Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

Share the show with a friend: 
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.

Slice Your Age Quickie – Techniques to Help You Sleep Through the Night

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastTechniques to help you sleep through the night!  Dr. Dave has decided to throw in a “quickie” episode every so often in addition to his regular full length podcast episodes (which will still come out every Thursday)! The quickies will all be less than five minutes, and will not be edited. These are great for people on the run or anyone wanting to begin their day with a great tip or inspiration! In this quickie, Dave gives you some techniques to help you sleep through the night.  Enjoy it!

SuperFans and Listeners Betty and Misty asked Dr. Dave: “How do I get a good night’s sleep and sleep soundly through the night?”

Dr. Dave answers: “Good sleeping at night starts with what you do during the day. It is an entire lifestyle.” Dr. Dave starts off the day with thinking and meditation, he goes for a walk or run, and eats a very good healthy breakfast. Live a good spirited peaceful non-aggressive life. Do not eat a heavy dinner. Avoid or eliminate all caffeine and alcohol. After dinner time, do peaceful activities like reading, have a cup of tea, do some stretching. End your day earlier at 9:30-10:00pm. Very important hormones and rejuvenation happens to your body between the hours of 10:00pm to 2:00am. It is critical you are sleeping then to live your best life.

You can get so much more accomplished by living your days peacefully, ending them peacefully, and going to bed earlier. Your best success will be creating a morning routine and a night time ritual. Take some time right now and write out 3-5 things you could do every morning to start the day out right and 3-5 things you could do to end your day right. This will be life changing and these are two things you can implement right now… today… when you get home from work. Start a new night routine and a new morning routine tomorrow morning!

All my best,


Your Very First Quickie With Dr Dave – Unplugged Friday

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastDr. Dave has decided to throw in a “quickie” episode every so often in addition to his regular full length podcast episodes (which will still come out every Thursday)! The quickies will all be less than five minutes and are great for people on the run or anyone wanting to begin their day with a great tip or inspiration! This is the first quickie and Dave introduces his newest idea called “Unplugged Friday!” Enjoy it!

39 – What it Takes to Become Healthy and Stay That Way at Any Age

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastJune 26, 2014 – Episode 39 – Dr. Dave starts the show by answering a listener’s question about how long it should take to walk the “Magic 4” miles. Afterwards, Dave brings a remarkable guest into the studio! Dr. Michael Goldstein may be 63 years old by the calendar, but just wait until you hear what he does and how he can help you!
Jamie listens on her way to work and wants to know: “What about those 4 miles you talk about? How fast do I need to go? Do I walk or run?” 
Answer: Dr. Dave has done years of research and experimenting over the years. “Something happens to your body and psyche that happens when you hit the 4 miles distance. You can walk or run and speed is not THE most important thing.” Dr. Dave walks this in about one hour which is a 15 minute mile pace. Faster is okay, but you should really try to make this your goal to hit this. If you are just getting started, focus on an 18 minute mile, and work your way down over the weeks to 15 minutes. Give yourself 2-3 weeks to increase your pace by a minute per mile. Some super beginners, may even want to keep the watch at home for a while they are just trying to walk 4 miles without stopping. Note: 4 miles is 6.4 kilometers since we have listeners all over the world.
Dr. Michael Goldstein, is 63 years old, and a dynamo. He looks great and feels great. Dr. Dave had to have him on the show. He is a living example of what Dr. Dave talks about every week. He is running, working out, skiing black diamonds, biking, climbing, backpacking. He is a grandfather, doesn’t have an ounce of fat on him, super fit, and can run circles around 40 year olds! Dr. Mike was a great guest! Give the show a listen and hear the great conversation and wisdom of both Dr. Mike and Dr. Dave!
“You want to feel good and healthy. You want to feel good in the morning when you wake up,“ says Dr. Michael Goldstein. When he was 28, he lost an important tennis match to someone older than him, because he just ran out of gas and wasn’t as healthy as he thought. So he decided to run 10 days in a row to see if he could make it work in very busy life. He found a way to make this happen and it changed his life.
“Running made me feel better, gave me more energy, kept my weight down, more stamina, and helps with all other sports, and controls stress,” says Dr. Mike. Running is one of the most efficient exercises you can do and you can do it anywhere at any time.
Dr. Dave asks Dr. Mike: “You have a busy busy life. You are one of the busiest people I know. How do you stay disciplined? One of the biggest things I hear from listeners is that they just don’t have time. Give us your secret!”
Dr. Mike answered: “First find an activity that you like well enough to keep doing it. It could be running, walking, biking. You want to enjoy the activity itself and the benefits you will receive from it.”
Next, it helps if your partner/spouse makes fitness and health a priority. It changes everything when you have a partner that believes in this. Now, you may not be able to work out together, but if your health and fitness are a priority it changes your whole life and relationship.
Dr. Mike now works out with a personal trainer once a week too. He loves the motivation and someone to keep pushing him and showing him new things. Also, Dr. Mike and his wife are going to a running form clinic at a local running store together. They videotape you and help you with your technique head to toe to be more efficient and comfortable.
Anytime you are comfortable is the best time to work out. However, there are many studies showing that the most successful people work out first thing in the morning before the day fills up with things, people, events, and busy-ness. You are making it a priority and starting your day right! Also, often in the morning – especially during summers, it is a much nicer temperature.
Sit in a cross legged position. Now get up not using your hands at all to get up. Can you do it? If you cannot or are struggling, you need to strengthen your core.
Running does not do much for your upper body. Pull ups, push ups, balance balls, and resistance bands are a great way to work out your body with just your own body weight. Dr. Dave also does crunches, planks, and squats daily. You also can do this anywhere not matter where you travel.
Dr. Michael Goldstein challenges you to practice balancing daily. Each day when you brush your teeth, try balancing on one leg. It is harder than you may think. Keep practicing and keep getting better. Awesome tip of the day!
Dr. Mike does stretching and wishes he was more flexible. Dr. Dave and his wife Yoko do yoga daily. Anyone can start at any level in any way. All the poses have modifications for all levels. Make stretching and yoga can prevent and eliminate pain. Stretches very important to Dr. Mike are quad, hamstring, and calf stretches. Some people stretch before and after exercise. Dr. Dave thinks it is fantastic to start your day no matter if you are working out or not that day.  A great therapy to build into your life is regular massage therapy. Massage therapy can be curative and preventative. It really can make your life better.
If you are not happy with your job, your relationships, and your life – this will manifest in your body and health. “When the relationships in your life are more important than your possessions in your life – you will be happy,” says Dr. Goldstein. “Too many people lose sight of what is important. Your possessions will not make you happy, your relationships will make you happy,” says Dr. Mike.
Dr. Goldstein says, “Someone will always be better, strong, richer, healthier than you. Just worry about bettering yourself! Wake up each day and make yourself and your life better!”
“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 95,000 downloads mark last month! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life!” says Dr. Dave.
Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!
Connect with Dr. Dave on Facebook:
Personal  http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow.
Slice Your Age :http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage.
Tweet with Dr. Dave on Twitter:
—>Watch Dr. Dave in action on his NEW YouTube Channel:
See and hear Dr. Dave in action making smoothies and talking to you from his car with his tip of the week.
Send Dr. Dave an Email:
—>Call Dr. Dave on the NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190.
Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.
Share the show with a friend: 
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them to http://www.sliceyourage.com.

38 – Food, Eating and Nutrition – A Dietician on a Mission

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastJune 19, 2014 – Episode 38 – Stacie the Dietician is with us for an incredible show. We discuss everything about food and Stacie reveals a lot of  cool helpful tips. Listener’s questions are answered! We decide to get Stacie back on a future episode as this could have kept going forever!
Take a listen to the show. Download it and throw it on your iphone or ipod and listen to on the go in your car or while you are going for a run or walk inside or outside. Live Stronger, Thinner, Healthier, and Happier!

Dr. Dave just finished a brand-new free report for you. Just head on over to our website: http://www.sliceyourage.com. You can get started today with baby steps. One at a time, step-by-step. You don’t know where to get started and where to go next?  Dr. Dave has the start and steps for you. It is all ready for you and free. Just go to the homepage on the website now!
Dr. Dave has a brand-new voicemail hotline for listeners to ask questions, leave comments, leave a message for speaking requests. Also, please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show. Thanks for all of your wonderful comments, feedback, tweets, and facebook posts. We listen and look at each and every one. We may not get to it the same day or 24 hours, but we do as soon as we can. Thank you for all your kindness and support!
Stacie is today’s guest and is a real whole food eating dietician. “The foundation of our health starts with our food choices and what we put in our bodies,” says Stacie. “Another huge factor to our country’s declining health is our physical activity levels are declining greatly for children and adults,” Stacie added.
We need to look at these so-called convenience foods. What are their ingredients? Can you pronounce them? Is it filled with artificial ingredients and loaded with sugar and salt and fats?
Both Dr. Dave and Stacie think that portion sizes are absolutely out of control now out of your house and in your houses! Dr. Dave long ago threw out his big plates! He and Yoko eat off their medium sized plates to control their portions and not take seconds.
You can connect with Stacie on Twitter @SKH_Dietician https://twitter.com/SKH_dietitian or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/staciesdietitianmission. Stacie’s brand new website is: http://dietitianmission.com/. Check her out and give her a hello!
Caller and Fan Stacey Ann asks “When and how do you use a dietitian?”
Stacie answers that in today’s age it is easy to connect with a dietitian in person, on the phone, or via Skype. When you are ready for a change and committed to that change; that is the time to see a dietitian to help you.
SuperFan Dawn Patrick asks, “What is a healthy way to deal with sweets cravings?”
Stacie answers, “First, sugar is an addiction – A true addiction!” Then, move to serving your sugar cravings with fresh fruit and dried fruits. Stay away from artificial sweeteners too! They are a horrible replacement; even worse than regular sugar.
Know where your food is coming from. Check out your local food markets and road side stands. Find the local farms and farmers in your area. If you are a meat eater, vegetarian, or a vegan;  know where you food comes from and make sure it is a close to home as possible and that if there are animals involved it is a humane situation.
Clean it all out! Wash off all the shelves. Throw out old food, strange food, bad foods, junk foods, and spoiled foods. You should do this once a month. Only keep those of high nutritional value and that contribute to your health.
Smoothies are better than juicing. Juicing takes out the fiber and pulp. Stacie recommends: frozen banana, spinach or kale, almond or coconut milk, almond butter or nut butter, and some kind of berries.
Dr. Dave gets so many emails, phone calls, tweets, and facebook questions about the various products he uses. So he started a new section on his website called “cool products”.  https://www.davidmadow.com/store/. This will help connect you with all the great products he has tried, tested, and found to be true and useful.
Dr. Dave just went to Target this week and got a NutriBullet. It can make veggie smoothies, fruit smoothies, fruit + veggie smoothies. It is a great compact easy to use kitchen counter device. Dr. Dave has been enjoying this product to add more healthiness in his diet. Here is some more information about the Nutri-Bullet https://www.nutribullet.com/
One product Dr. Dave loves is Dental Herb Company’s totally natural toothpaste with no animal testing. It has essential oils and is completely alcohol free. Take a look at it on our new “Cool Products” page and also they will give all of our listeners 10% off when they put in the coupon code “SLICE”.
“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 80,000 download mark last month! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life!” says Dr. Dave.
Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!
Connect with me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow. You also can email Dr. Dave right at sliceyourage@gmail.com too!
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them tohttp://www.sliceyourage.com.
*Dr. Dave also has a Facebook page for the show:http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage. Check it out!
*NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190. Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.

37 – This is More Important Than Exercise and Diet!

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastJune 12, 2014 – Episode 37 – Zeke (an incredible personal trainer) and Rebecca (a figure competition expert) are guests on today’s show. Together, we all talk about something that is incredibly important to your overall health. You cannot afford to miss this one!   We also take listener’s questions, such as which is more important… cardio or strength training?  By the way, if you would like your question answered on the show or if you have a comment or want to be featured in the intro, call the new Slice Your Age Hotline at 410-429-7190. You can be a star!
Take a listen to the show. Download it and throw it on your iphone or ipod and listen to on the go in your car or while you are going for a run or walk inside or outside. Live Stronger, Healthier, and Happier!
Dr. Dave just finished a brand-new free report for you. Just head on over to our website: http://www.sliceyourage.com. You can get started today with baby steps. One at a time, step-by-step. You don’t know where to get started and where to go next?  Dr. Dave has the start and steps for you. It is all ready for you and free. Just go to the homepage on the website now!
Dr. Dave has a brand-new voicemail hotline for listeners to ask questions, leave comments, leave a message for speaking requests. Also, please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show. Thanks for all of your wonderful comments, feedback, tweets, and facebook posts. We listen and look at each and every one. We may not get to it the same day or 24 hours, but we do as soon as we can. Thank you for all your kindness and support!
Zeke is a personal trainer and Rebecca is a fitness competitor in figure competitions. They both are in incredible shape. Dr. Dave had them on the show to give their perspective on health and fitness. They are not only at the top of their game; they train people to guide them to get there too!
Zeke’s typical clients are business owners. They spend the day telling people what to do. Then they come to Zeke and want to be told what to do to reach the best success most effectively. One of their weakest areas of their body are their backs. Zeke has to often fix them up first before starting to build them up.
“Every symptom of pain is related to a stressor,” says Zeke. When people feel stress sitting at their desks and computers during work; their neck and shoulders tense up as a result. Zeke says, “We need to focus on how to relax and breathe to start.”
“Wake up in the morning, Look in the mirror, and Love the person you see!” is the best start of your day and conquering stress!
Dr. Dave wants you to have a morning routine. Don’t rush getting up, scarf something, and run out the door. Do not start your day with stress! Get up early, do some breathing stretching exercises. Have a healthy slow breakfast outside on your patio or deck while taking in nature.
“Positive thinking does work!” says Zeke. Say positive things to yourself when you wake up and throughout the day. “I am wonderful, confident, and powerful in every way!” Write this down this phrase from Zeke and say it to yourself 4-6-10-12 times a day. “If you can change your thoughts, you can change how you go about your day,” says Zeke.
“You can always move forward from your past. You can remember it, but keep it in the past. Keep moving forward,” says Zeke. You also need to surround yourself with people who believe in change and the good in you and moving forward with your life and their life. “Change itself will infuse energy and vitality in your life!” says Zeke. Do not get involved or be around anyone who is negative and a downer. They will pull you down with them. You cannot be around people who have a negative thought pattern and outlook on life. It is so important to surround yourself with healthy, fit, positive people. “None of us were put here to live alone,” says Zeke.
How many of us work in a field or have a life devoted personally or professionally to helping others? And then you don’t take care of yourself as good as you could. Do you put yourself last? Do you need reminders from your partner to eat and sleep and drink more water? It is wonderful to be partnered with someone that cares about you and encourages you to be your best you!
Rebecca loves Muscle Tech Phase 8 protein shakes. She is a professional competitor and has tried many shakes. She said the components are fantastic and the taste is great! Taste is so important for people to stick to keep drinking protein shakes. She says this one http://www.muscletech.ca/products/phase8/.
QUESTIONS FOR TRAINERS: Weight Training vs. Cardio
Listener Melissa asks if weight training or cardio is better for fitness and weight loss.
Zeke says, “Weight training is more important. You can make weight training either anaerobic or aerobic. If you do a ton of cardio you will actually deplete your body’s energy stores. You can convert muscle mass to energy if you overdo it on cardio.”
#1 Diet, #2 Weightlifting, #3 Cardio is the order of importance for good health and weight loss,” says Rebecca.
Also, look up the phrase and methodology called “concurrent training”. It talks about a blend of weightlifting and cardio and how to do it most effectively.
QUESTION FOR TRAINERS: When to work out?
Listener Dawn asks, “When is the best time to work out? Morning or evening? Days off?”
Rebecca and Zeke both agree that morning workouts are the best. You have your full energy and it is a great way to start your day! End of day or later day workouts can get bumped with something called life. So much can drain you in the day or interfere with your time by the time you reach the evening. The best most successful people work out in the morning. You can consider a 2nd workout later in the day as an extra or back up or if you are in training.
First thing is to try to fix it. Try to make it as good as you can. It is time to re-think it and move forward in a healthy positive way. It is important who you share your life with and spend your time. Do not live another day unhappy or in struggle or in fear. This is YOUR life and start living it how you want. Start today by making a list of what you want your life to look like. Once you make that list; read it! Read it good! Are you living the life you should be?
“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 80,000 download mark last month! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life!” says Dr. Dave.
Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!
Connect with me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow. You also can email Dr. Dave right at sliceyourage@gmail.com too!
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them tohttp://www.sliceyourage.com.
*Dr. Dave also has a Facebook page for the show:http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage. Check it out!
*NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190. Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.


36 – Secret to Happiness / If You Are in Pain / Much More

Slice-Your-Age-PodcastJune 5, 2014 – Episode 36 – Dave and Yoko reveal a big decision they recently made in their lives. They also answer listener’s questions including how happiness is achieved and how to manage chronic pain!  If you would like a question answered on the show or if you have a comment or want to be featured in the intro, call the new Slice Your Age Hotline at 410-429-7190. You can be a star!
Take a listen to the show. Download it and throw it on your iphone or ipod and listen to on the go in your car or while you are going for a run or walk inside or outside. Live Stronger, Healthier, and Happier!
Dr. Dave has a brand-new voicemail hotline for listeners to ask questions, leave comments, leave a message for speaking requests. Also, please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show. Thanks for all of your wonderful comments, feedback, tweets, and facebook posts. We listen and look at each and every one. We may not get to it the same day or 24 hours, but we do as soon as we can. Thank you for all your kindness and support!
After a lot of research and studying, Dr. Dave and his wife Yoko have decided to become Vegan! This podcast will not turn into a vegan podcast, but we will be sharing all the things we use, taste, and try that allow us to live a better life. We do not use or consume anything that uses animal products or is tested on animals.
When they used to eat meat, they always went to a local known farmer that treats animals humanely and is all organic with no chemicals. If you chose to eat meat, you can do it wisely and more caring.
This decision was a long time coming and gradual. Then the less meat they ate the better they felt, the better their skin looked, the healthier they were. Some people do veggie days – like Meatless Monday. The more healthy you eat; the better you feel without a doubt!
Feel free to listen to some of our previous podcasts discussing vegetarianism and veganism like this one: Should we go Vegan? Episode 28 https://www.davidmadow.com/28/.
Also, a good movie that, is not over the top, to watch about Vegan is “Forks Over Knives” recommended by their yoga instructor Sandy. http://www.forksoverknives.com/
Question: “What is your secret to happiness?”
Answer:  “#1 I am living my life now the way I want to.” says Dr. Dave.
He went to school as a dentist and became a practicing dentist with a big house, cars, kids in private school – the whole perceived package. It just wasn’t exactly the life of happiness and all that he wanted. He had a busy successful practice and all the material things one would seem to want.
Well, he started thinking about life and what he wanted out of it. He wrote out all his goals in a notebook and looked at them every single day. He designed a life very different than what it was 20 years ago. Money and material things do not buy happiness. Listen and learn about how Dr. Dave makes goals and reaches goals: https://www.davidmadow.com/13/
“Figure out how to make your life better.” says Dr. Dave. Find your happiness. Can you make your job or life better? If not, can you change it?
Should you keep it? Can you change it? Is it something that can be worked on and changed? If you can make it better and make it work – great! If nothing seems to work, if you have tried talking, you have tried counseling, and it is just isn’t working – then you need to make the hard decision and get out.
Question: “I am confused by all these diet options like: gluten-free, wheat-free, portion control, a commercial program. It is confusing to me what is right and what is wrong and where to start. Another question is about chronic pain and how to cope and deal with that?”
Answer: “It is really confusing out there Jenn! You are right!” says Dr. Dave. There are many options and choices. There is not one way or one answer. Someone could be vegan and eat chips and chocolate and that would not be healthy.
You need to start with getting all of the artificial processed junk out of your diet! Here is a great episode we did on the A-Z of eating and where to start with healthy eating:  https://www.davidmadow.com/18/
Part 2 Answer: “Massage, Yoga, Breathing, Good Sleep are all helpful for chronic pain.” says Yoko. Yoko is Dr. Dave’s wife and a registered professional massage therapist. There are many ways to cope with and reduce pain. You should make sure you get a check up for inside and outside pain. You need to make a plan with your caregivers to make your life better and less painful.
So many have liked and subscribed to the show on itunes. In fact, for Health and Fitness our show is not listed on the front page as “What’s Hot”! Thank  you! If you enjoyed today’s show, it would be fantastic if you would give your feedback on iTunes. It really helps Dr. Dave to know if you enjoy the show and tell others what you think on the iTunes board. What do you like about the show? Has it helped you with any aspect of your life, health, or fitness?https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/slice-your-age-in-half-dr./id722529152?mt=2
“Thank you so much for listening! The show is literally downloaded by thousands and thousands each week now. In fact, we have passed the 80,000 download mark last month! Wow! I so appreciate you listening and sharing this show with your family and friends. I love to help people live a healthier life!” says Dr. Dave.
Did you enjoy today’s show? Do you have any questions for me? Do you have any comments or feedback? You are not alone! We want to help you live better, stronger, happier, thinner lives!
Connect with me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/davidmadow. You also can email Dr. Dave right at sliceyourage@gmail.com too!
Do you have a friend that needs to hear this show and live a better life and slice their age in half? Share this show with them and send them tohttp://www.sliceyourage.com.
*Dr. Dave also has a Facebook page for the show:http://www.facebook.com/sliceyourage. Check it out!
*NEW Phone Voicemail Hotline: 410-429-7190. Leave us a question or comment. Please speak clearly because we may even use your question on one of our episodes of the show.