Entries by David Madow

Spring Training With Dave!

Spring has sprung across most of the country! It’s early, but even for Mid March we are in the mid 70’s in Maryland, and the weather is GREAT to be outside. For those of you that have been dormant all winter I am asking you to proceed with caution into your “spring training.”  The most […]

You? Running a Marathon?

Congratulations on deciding to run a marathon.  If you prepare properly both physically and mentally, it could possibly be one of the coolest things you will ever do in your life! The marathon is 26.2 miles. That is longer than you can imagine. Get in your car and drive 26 miles. I bet you’ll be […]

Is it OK to “Indulge” During the Holidays?

Q: Dave, is it OK to “indulge” or just “live it up” a little during the holidays? A: This is actually a question that I get asked quite often. And my answer goes something like this: I am not sure what you mean by “living it up” or indulging. Does it mean eating four pieces […]

Dr. Dave’s Winter Holiday Survival Guide!

Holy moly, I cannot believe it’s THAT time of the year again! Yes, the “holidays” are upon us!   And no, it does not matter which, if any of the winter holidays you celebrate. The fact is the next couple of weeks can be incredibly stressful, irritating, and will very likely increase your waistline if […]

Are You Training for Life?

“Dave it seems like you are always training for something, is that correct?” This is a question that I get asked almost every day! My answer is YES, I am training for LIFE. You see, in my day to day life I never know what is going to happen. For that reason I try to always […]

Eight Essential Items That You Need as a Runner

Right now I am on a plane heading to Chicago. In two days I will be running the Chicago Marathon. All 26.2 miles of it! Crazy distance? I don’t know. This is not my first marathon and hopefully will not be my last. Whatever your favorite distance is, I’d like to share some essential items […]

Update on The Dave Diet!

As many of you know, I made a drastic change to my diet about four months ago. I was having some issues – none of them were medically serious – they were just enough to let me know I needed to change something! Here are the issues that needed some correction:  Psoriasis – I had […]

Some of Dave’s Favorite Foods!

I am on the verge of coming out with some breaking news about the power of food. Please just give me a week or two to get my latest thoughts to you. What I have discovered is so unbelievable, I never would have really believed it myself two months ago. But I now have the […]

The Grand Canyon Can Be a Dangerous Place – Part 2

It’s been one year, but one of my most popular blog posts ever has been the original “The Grand Canyon Can Be a Dangerous Place.” How do I know this has been so popular? Well, bedsides the stats that I read, I actually continue to get questions emailed to me almost daily asking such things […]

Silence for the Next Five Days!

This has been really tough on me. I have had laryngitis for the past couple of months and yes, it has been very difficult. As you may know, I speak for a living. And when I am not speaking, chances are I am in a meeting or on a teleconference or something like that. I […]

Going to California

Friends… for the last couple of years I have told you about one of my favorite annual events. It is the Bay to Breakers 12K race in San Francisco, and this weekend is the 100th running! I am heading west to do this race. Let’s call it more of a fun party than a race […]

When is Your Birthday?

Birthdays – you either love them or hate them.  I personally love them! NO, not because I get lots of cool presents, but rather because each birthday is a confirmation that I am living a great healthy life! Friends… I turned 56 last week. I am always hearing from people – “David that cannot be […]